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8.31.00 hear hear...
C.W. Nevius puts sports in perspective in honor of Godzilla 2000 Review All Monsters courtesy AYCYAS? Godzilla Vs. Tamagotchi Godzilla Trivia Quiz Godzilla ate my Boyz---uhhhh, Balls yah, a repost, but SO WHAT- Godzilla SUV Godzilla on the Fridge ~ ~ ~ too many looky-loos on the playa? Black Rock report, from the S.F. Chronicle ~ ~ ~
after a night full of dreams... some vividly real, others brief & transitory...
flying dreams; the old doctor himself on dreams; poem on interpreting dreams; Holy Boy! way more than we needed to know at the moment
8.30.00 don't take much to make a dumbmonkey happy... Tonight, on The West Wing, Six Meetings before Lunch where our gal C.J. lip-synchs The Jackal, a singular moment in T.V. history & deserving of a deep bow along w/tip o'the ol'red fez... previous dumbmonkey post relating to this episode & C.J. at 4.8.00
okay, we be wastin' your time today... looked to see if there was any singular event to celebrate on this day & other than good reason to eat my fill of julienned fries & toasted marshmallows, we see that today's supposed to be the day Cocaine was discovered in 1867, but according to this, we learn Herr Niemann purified same in 1860. Consensus seems to agree on the earlier date, & some of us can relate a personal history & experience w/coke, altho, according to this, it appears that N. Carolina lawyers had a major "problem" w/cocaine, but we know that the issue was far more widespread than simply the N.C. Bar, & it's possible we have the C.I.A. (along w/G. Bush Sr. amongst others) to thank for that. Now, karmically speaking, this kind of thing can come back & bite one on the ass, which really should not be too large an embarrassment, unless one was really a piggish coke-head, then, damn, man, CHILL, will ya?!, & wipe that shit offa your nose... we include this additional info on cocaine, & other, ahem, recreational pharmaceuticals, & end this post (for the moment at least) w/this reference to a classic blues tune. it's all because of our brain, you know...
8.29.00 ahhh, the innocence (& ignorance) of youth... the dumbmonkey has heard of this list via various news sources, & has sought it out to share w/our ever faithful twenty-seven readers: Beloit College Class of 2004 Mindset List oooooh, makin' me feel ALL of my silverback years... Roundball Round-Up: Laker-land Shenanigans from J. Denberg, ESPN, to Phil Jackson Laker-land fishwrap POV ~ ~ ~ this one of those days when the blank text entry box stares the dumbmonkey square in the face & WINS! damn, got to resort to mining links provided by longime pals & faithful readers: The Slot w/a tip o'the ol'red fez to Betsey C., of the S.F. Call;
these fishy guys too creepy for me & related story from S.F. Chronicle: SEGA should offer credit where credit is due:
 from Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life
8.28.00 we'll wager you forgot, too... from The Nation, The Lori Berenson Papers ~ ~ ~ hmmm, possibly burned out man? merde! it's Monday... & the dumbmonkey somewhat foggy around the edges, up late yesterday evening, returning home just after the midnite hour from lovely dinner at friend D.H.'s home (salmon, wild mushroom risotto, walnut/pear/goat cheese/mixed green salad - TOO yummy) & then spent some time assisting pal D. in making some sense of minor problems bedeviling her computer since reinstall of OS & s/w. Mind you, we NOT an accomplished techie by any means but some of it has rubbed off from hangin' w/Bro K so much. Pal D & her sweetie M. recently returned from year-long journey thru Africa, India, Nepal & S.E. Asia, with tons of photos, great stories, & some lovely souvenirs, so is big pleasure to hang w/long time friend D & hear the tales of adventures in exotic locales. Thanks for the lovely dinner, amiga mia! but brain is rather fuzzy this Am, w/out a restful nite's sleep, barely able to put a sentence together, but as that not a raretie here, nobody is likely to notice... SO, w/that in mind, we just gonna point you in the direction of someone who does it daily, w/great style & panache, today's J. Carroll, & maybe things pickup a little later for the dumbmonkey...
8.27.00  hello... in the course of an uneventful weekend where the most interesting thing happens to be the development of callouses on fingertips of left hand while practicing playing new guitar (ouchies!), well, perhaps we're exaggerating a bit, we did catch a fun French film yesterday that we'll tell you more about later, but for now, this salute to the bravery of the common citizen. ~ ~ ~ Quelle Coincidence? hey eldee, a piece on Patsy Cline, & for any fellow Patsy lovers out there, here's Crazy (& we wish Willie would've left this song ALONE!) ~ ~ ~ Roundball Alert! for those of you uninterested in hoops related news, just pass over this next item: Isaiah (J.R.) Rider joins the Laker-dudes regular perusers of the dumbmonkey already realize that we happen to be somewhat devoted to the team in Forum Blue & Gold, but this news is somewhat disconcerting. Por Quoi?, well, we are second to very few in our respect for Mr. Rider's talent, familiar w/him to some degree 'cause he used to strut that stuff on the Oak-town playgrounds, then moved on to minor scandals at UNLV, then entered the NBA draft, where he began what may be politely described as a "checkered" career, albeit w/ the sort of impressive stats that G.M.s salivate over. The only person appearing on this list more than Rider is fellow free-spirit Dennis Rodman, for this kind of less than exemplary behavior. There are many, many examples of bad behavior & criminal activities amongst professional athletes these days, in many different sports around the world, let alone within these borders, and it's an unfortunate truth that perhaps we ought to have never idealized accomplished athletes as heroes, although we could come up w/examples of some who could be described heroically. The "machine" that pro/collegiate sports & broadcasters have become cannot be totally without blame, ahhh, but we gettin' away from our initial intention which was to say "waaaal, this will be interesting. Can this experiment be successful?" the dumbmonkey wishes big luck upon the Laker coaching staff & team members, and surely hopes it can be.
& now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...
~ ~ ~
Girl on the Bridge
first, check this link to determine if you can see the trailer, w/out signing up at My Movies.Net, just to get a glimpse, admittedly a poor substitute for the real thing on a movie screen. It's been a while since we've watched a black & white film in a cinema & this was a joyful experience, some dazzling stuff, great heaps of scenes that hearken back to Fellini & Trauffaut, but definitely Leconte's baby. Other films directed by Leconte that you may have had opportunity to view include The Hairdresser's Husband (another woman on the bridge?), Monsieur Hire, & Ridicule, all of which are available on videocassette. La Fille sur le Pont has a lively & wonderful soundtrack, particularly in the first of two sequences backed by a great Benny Goodman tune, and we really don't want to give too much away, you can definitely find plenty of reviews at MRQE. Daniel Auteuil won a Cesar for his role, and Ms Paradis is an exceedingly charming waif/gamin. Should you be fortunate enough to live in an area where you can see Girl on the Bridge in the cinema, take the dumbmonkey's advice & do so, we pretty sure that you'll enjoy yourself.
8.25.00 tip o'the o'red fez to GirlHacker for pointing out NASA's Visible Earth, &, man, are we glad we finally got around to reading our fave blogs this Am... ~ ~ ~ with august nearly at an end, the work week nearly complete, let's celebrate with some Friday Follies! go ahead & tickle that funny bone aagggghhhh! not more jokes!? More?!?!? a little bit of Firesign a BUNCHA political humor sites & in that vein, a PC primer the scoop on dubya more dubya Gore's fundraising dictionary Gore Quotes
dumbmonkey tippin' his ol'red fez to all fellow hardworking, tax-paying wage earners out there, Enjoy your weekend!!!
8.24.00  nearly time to kick it again... Yah, dumbmonkey likes Radiskull & Devil Doll & here's a couple sites of interest we came across recently: Interviews by Scott London dumbmonkey mentioned C. Hitchens on 8.10 post but don't think we included this excerpt from No One Left To Lie To & for good measure, an exchange of letters between Mssrs Rushdie, Le Carre & Hitchens large list of columnists in the American press Tom Tomorrow's This Modern World The Edward Said Archive the on-line London Review of Books yea, verily, we are legion alright! enough already, time to kick it!...
when I flow, I know, you go, like, WHOA!
8.23.00 Prof. J. Scola weighs in on Putin & this week's dubious acheivements ~ ~ ~ dumbmonkey glances at news headlines
whew, Tennessee Al breathes a sigh of relief; c'mon, be nice to 'dem chickens!; Driving a Mitsubishi? Beware...; New Yorkers don't play that...; YOU GO GIRRRRRL!!!!; dumbmonkey been wonderin' where all the brown folks went; arc of a diver; The Magic of Go. okayokayokay, so that last one's not a headline, sue me...
8.22.00 oft overlooked, & unfairly so, the great Ray Davies (obviously from Salon) officially speaking,; & from (the human internet, Pullleeeeezzzz!) Ray Davies, Master Storyteller; a '69 interview from Rolling Stone; slightly more recent audio interview, also R.S. price of repairing damaged tire: $15.00
Value of Peace of Mind: Inestimable... but those half dozen shots of icy Stolichnaya didn't hurt either...
8.21.00 hold on just a minute now you big ape! from the grey lady ~ ~ ~ Hoopster News (no, NOT for hula or skirts!) K.M. gotzta be reelin' at the news of Patrick Ewing going to Seattle, especially at the fact that Travis Knight & (oh-oh) Glen Rice will be Knicks (at least for a while) while the two great wastes of space known as Chris Dudley AND Christian Laettner become Lakers (OUCHIES!!!!). ooooooh, our own mind reelin' & it not a pretty sight, no doubt more shenanigans in store before February's trading deadline. stop a moment, & savor this ~ ~ ~ sometimes we stop to think to ourowndamnself... what would Lenny think? some essential L.B. looking back at the legacy of L.B. L.B. is Not Afraid L.B. is Not Afraid #2 the man who said too much Lenny Bruce died August 3rd, 1966. DUMBMONKEY! you forgot, fool!!!

damn, a machine screw in the right front tire of the monkey-mobile is NOT the way we wanted to begin a new week, but we bettah be thankful that it caused no major malfunction during the ride homeward from Santa Rosa Saturday night, as we don't want to be humming that old death on the highway tune on our way up to hebbin'...
8.20.00 Here, Here! one man's opinion a few other's opinions we raisin' our frothy mug in a toast, & bid you all buona notte! ~ ~ ~ HOWDY!, the dumbmonkey making brief report from quality road trip to points North & in company of esteemed Brother K (yah, we're a close knit couple of great apes)... spent a little time in the very nice little town of Petaluma, CA, specifically because the dumbmonkey had heard about Tall Toad Music, & after examing their on-line inventory, decided to pay a visit. Not disappointed, very fine establishment & lots of guitars, some of them VERY fine & just a bit outside the upper limit price we wanted to pay, but we found an Epiphone (we used to play a lovely blonde-finish Epiphone jumbo body) in a sunburst finish, again a jumbo body (one jumbo body deserves another) & we decided to bring it home. While there, we learned about the Hog Farm Pignic and our attention especially caught by the list of performers scheduled for Sunday's show (David Lindley & Richard Thompson to name a couple) along w/appearance by Julia Butterfly Hill, seems to us a fine way to spend a weekend, particularly camping under a starry sky, so who knows, maybe the dumbmonkey be attending, altho' we are a leeeetle disturbed by the no dogs, but figure mebbe they gotza good reason. Our faithful poochster is exceedingly well behaved & we live up to the task of responsible dog ownership, well, who knows, ennnnyway, if you're ever in the Petaluma area, and seeking a fine music store, mostly stringed instruments, check out the Tall Toad, and we'd tell you more about the bar-b-q/deli joint we discovered (YUMMY!) there too, but cannot remember the name, so maybe we tell you later. now we gotta go practice, hope you have a fine Sunday...
8.18.00 yessssss, Friday's arrived we'll do a minor variation on friday follies, perhaps we'll call it week's end oddities...
E. Gorey remembered big brother is watching? definitely an oddity more questionable web content left behind by a visitor & try to remember, as the weekend progresseth, that somewhere out there in the world, somebody is having a much worse time of it than you, and count thy blessings, meagre as they may be...
8.17.00 hoopster alert: Ray Ratto on rule changes re NBA timeouts ~ ~ ~ Oh NO!!! more junkscience our week is rushing by & we are certainly happy to see the weekend approaching, tho' tomorrow be BUSY on the j-o-b as it always is w/advertising deadlines. The dumbmonkey ran across this MST related item on Michael J. Nelson in yesterday's fishwrap, here's, and we'll also include some other MST related items, such as this brief interview w/ Mssrs Nelson & Murphy; for those of you who always wanted to sing along during the MST musical interludes; an incomplete (details start w/'93) "logbook" of episodes and a buncha other stuff here (not MST related). The dumbmonkey realizes that we straying close to Friday Follies material w/this post, but sez "WOT DA HELL!!!" cause we may not be in friday follies mood tomorrow, maybe take a few days away from dumbmonkeybusiness & enjoy a late summer weekend w/brief roadtrip. Pos quien sabe, eh?
8.16.00 dumbmonkey been busy since dawn broke this Am, making quick trip into Oak-town to visit County Clerk's office re additional paperwork required on the estate we are Executor of, nice day, but gonna get WARM, now a brief respite before we out the door again to S.F. & the j-o-b. Was contemplating doing good works in the world, acts of charity & being a good samaritan in general, came across these interesting pages... Ethics, one day at a time which we discovered at public apologies to Mr. Baum and EllDee re tardiness of replies to their messages, we settle down here as the weekend approaches & get a howdy out to you both
8.15.00 there is much tragedy in the events taking place in the Barents Sea, & probably more will be manifest shortly. the dumbmonkey was in the U.S. Navy for a short period of time, & it was our initial desire to be a submariner, altho we didn't qualify as our eyesight was too poor & even w/correction did not pass muster. We'll not dwell on the facts of the situation or the odds of rescue, but we will post here some things we came across while seeking out related information. There is this site on scuba diving w/some information re effects of water pressure at depth; this next link on the Swedish URF; this page on the loss of USS Thresher alongside this Thresher memorial page from someone's labor of love of subs, more submariner material here; this site on the loss of the USS Scorpion; some info re U.S. Navy's DSRV; PBS site w/submariner related links, and we think we'll leave it at that, as it is too grim in light of the realization of the depth of the Russian sub, the temperature of the water, & the odds of survival when considering those two items alone. We end with this, the Navy Hymn
the dumbmonkey imagines hisowndamnself to be pretty healthy, but willing to acknowledge there is room for improvement (HA!!!), so in this spirit & because we ALWAYS likes to share, we provide link to myths about stretching from the on-line Physician & Sportsmedicine full moon, perceived in western sky while on early Am stroll w/faithful poochster (like dark-thirty early) & feelin' in need of wisdom, the dumbmonkey zens out...
magic follow the links, the voice said, & we did... story of Mel the key ~ ~ ~ zen zen, again
the laughing buddha
8.14.00 oooh! we thought, for a moment, we were pretty stoned... starry-eyed with excitement at the news that the Chabot Space & Science Center is about to reopen. This link from the Chronicle mentions some of the features of the refurbished facility, and this links to the Chabot web site. One of the great features of the new planetarium is the installation of the same Zeiss projector currently in use at the Hayden Planetarium of the American Museum of Natural History's Rose Center in New York. (more on the Zeiss Mark IX here & Zeiss Planetarium instruments here) The dumbmonkey intends a field trip & promises to report in full, in the meantime, here are some related Bay Area astronomy links. ~ ~ ~ dumbmonkey's on the j-o-b providing most excellent customer service & sales assistance, but a kinda (we thankful for this) quiet Monday Am, so we perusing our fave blogs & realizing we not the only ones on hiatus over the weekend, ahhhhh, summertime... we did visit The Atlantic On-line, where we discovered this July item by Senator Lieberman along w/ this very interesting Inside the Jihad revisiting events of Saturday evening & in particular, the viewing of Alec Guinness interviewed by Melvin Bragg, & recalling at the end of the show, both gentlemen entering a theatre, walking onto the stage, Sir Alec describing his feelings about being "at home" on the "boards", simultaneously grounded & walking on air, effortlessly. At interview's end, Mr. Bragg thanked Sir Alec, they shook hands & Mr. Bragg turned away and exited stage left. Sir Alec ambled about on stage for a moment or two longer, then addressed the camera somewhat indirectly, and spoke the following words The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of Apollo. You, that way; we, this. after which he exited, walking towards the rear of the stage, up onto a riser then behind a curtain. The dumbmonkey's not a scholar, knows a little Shakespeare, but had no idea really where the quote came from, but needed to know. Love's Labors Lost (V.ii.875-76; 880-920), a portion of which we've appended below:
Enough of this! Will you hear instead the dialogue that we two learnèd men have compiled in praise of the owl and the cuckoo?
This side is Hiems, Winter; this Ver, the Spring: the one maintained by the owl, the other by the cuckoo. Ver, begin!
When daisies pied and violets blue
And lady-smocks all silver-white
And cuckoo buds of yellow hue
Do paint the meadows with delight,
The cuckoo then, on every tree,
Mocks married men; for thus sings he:
Cuckoo, cuckoo. O, word of fear,
Unpleasing to a married ear!
When shepherds pipe on oaten straws,
And merry larks are ploughmen's clocks,
When turtles tread, and rooks, and daws,
And maidens bleach their summer smocks,
The cuckoo then, on every tree,
Mocks married men; for thus sings he:
Cuckoo, cuckoo. O, word of fear,
Unpleasing to a married ear!
When icicles hang by the wall,
And Dick the shepherd blows his nail,
And Tom bears logs into the hall,
And milk comes frozen home in pail,
When blood is nipp'd and ways be foul,
Then nightly sings the staring owl:
Tu-whit, tu-whoo. A merry note,
While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.
When all aloud the wind doth blow,
And coughing drowns the parson's saw,
And birds sit brooding in the snow,
And Marian's nose looks red and raw,
When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl,
Then nightly sings the staring owl:
Tu-whit, tu-whoo. A merry note,
While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.
The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of Apollo. You, that way; we, this.
8.13.00 we hope your weekend was as enjoyable as ours the dumbmonkey had the worst jones for some fish & chips, jonesin' this way for a couple of weeks, settling unhappily last week for frozen batter dipped fish filet- NOT YUMMY!- & pleased to discover, courtesy of review in local free weekly local pub/restaurant called the Kensington Circus has them available, along w/a number of other fine entrees. We made plans for dinner w/amiga of many years, the divine Ms. Hawk, & Oh JOY! oh RAPTURE!!!. If you're ever in the neighborhood, and hungry or maybe just a little thirsty, it's a fine little joint to relax & enjoy yourself in. Kinda family oriented when we were there, many kinder in the tow of their moms & pops, the bandstand area converted to play area for them as well. In conjunction w/a visit from our pal Marty, the satellite jockey, on Saturday Am, & then getting together w/Bro K, wifey Liz-Beth & my nephew & nieces for a bit of shopping on Telegraph Ave & a MUY SABROSO lunch at Juan's Place, praise the monkeygod, can't get much better than that. Later, that same evening...: we were doing a little channel surfin' before settling down to watch W. Allen's "Sweet & Lowdown" and kept coming across this group of, oh, let's say kinda older folk sitting around, finally came back to it when we paid attention long enough to hear a snippet of a tune we recalled from our young boy-monkey days, & we never knew the name of the tune, called The Three Bells & realized, WOW, these oldsters are actually doing some great 50's & 60's tunes, & eventually realized we were watching this show called "Rock & Roll Graffiti", described below (& lifted from KQED channel 9 TV listing):
Rock & Roll Graffiti
(Rock & Roll Hall of Fame & Museum Website)
Rock and roll is definitely here to stay with this performance special featuring 37 of the biggest hit-makers from the 1950s and '60s. It features artists like Frankie Ford ("Sea Cruise"), Supreme Mary Wilson ("Come See About Me"), Jay Proctor ("Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie") and Gene Hughes ("Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye"). These legends of rock's early days share their classic songs and backstage stories in this heartwarming, toe-tapping night of entertainment. Taped in Nashville on the 40th anniversary of the plane crash that claimed the lives of rock pioneers Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper and Richie Valens, the program feels like a cross between a concert and a family reunion. With no audience other than their peers in the program, the artists sing their best-loved songs with the support of an ace studio band, Sons of the Beach. In many cases, their colleagues in the audience provide impromptu backup singing. Between songs, the performers reminisce about the bus tours that took them to fans across the nation. They share difficult stories of the racism of the era, of giving up their music careers for health or family concerns, or of being "one-hit wonders" at the mercy of record companies. But most of all, this show is about the music. From Frankie Ford's boogie-woogie piano on "Sea Cruise" to the acoustic gospel harmonies of The Browns, from Dave Somerville's soaring falsetto on "Little Darlin" to Ketty Lester's heartfelt "Love Letters," it captures the spirit of a great era in music. links provided by crack-head dumbmonkey minions Performance Rundown: "Sea Cruise" - Frankie Ford "Come See About Me" - Mary Wilson of The Supremes "Just a Dream" - Jimmy Clanton "Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie" - Jay Proctor "Sugar Shack" - Jimmy Gilmer "Down in the Boondocks" - Billy Joe Royal "One, Two, Three" - Len Barry "Hearts of Stone" - Otis Williams "The Three Bells" - The Browns "The Birds and the Bees" - Jewel Akens "More Today Than Yesterday" - Pat Upton "Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye" - Gene Hughes "Johnny Get Angry" - Joanie Sommers "Honeycomb" - Jimmie Rodgers "Love Letters" - Ketty Lester "Gone" - Frankie Ford "Youngblood" - Carl Gardner "Mashed Potato Time" - Dee Dee Sharp "Stay" - Maurice Williams "Little Darlin'" - Dave Somerville "Think" - Sons of the Beach no link to last artist, tune played as credits roll, performed by the band backing up all prior peformances
Length: 1:15:24
SO--- it's pledge week around here, and likely to be re-broadcast or appear on the other local PBS affilates, so keep your attenae attuned, we recommend it even if you a youngster and not likely to recall the era, but we'd be surprised if you hadn't heard some of these tunes somewhere, someplace, sometime. & these kids were ROCKIN' THE HOUSE. One moment in particular we were pleased to catch: Ketty Lester, putting all she had into "Love Letters", many teary eyed compatriots on the show with her by the time she wrapped up her performance, & the dumbmonkey gotzta admit to some teary eyes of my own, a memorable performance by a very classy lady. THEN--- we happened across an interview w/Alec Guinness on Bravo, of which we can locate no applicable link, the interview was by Melvin Bragg who we first ran across on the South Bank Show, but last nite's interview (altho likely originally from the S.B.S.) said to be from Bravo's Profiles series. Bravo was also showing "Tunes of Glory" which we enjoyed watching a good portion of (RENT IT sez the dumbmonkey), but it was getting LATE and we still hadn't begun watching "Sweet & Lowdown".
NOW--- we come across this link re re-broadcast of 2 Dennis Potter tele-films. Not too familiar w/Mr. Potter? Perhaps some time ago you were able to see another made for T.V. multi-part series entitled "The Singing Detective" starring Michael Gambon. No?, well put it on your list, amigas y amigos, because it is WORTH WATCHING
(certainly no mere film noir spoof) and shouldn't be overlooked, but we really trying to get you to watch both "Karoke" and "Cold Lazarus". We've checked to discover whether or not we may be informing you of something that is a Bay Area/local broadcast & it appears as though it is, but you can check your local affiliate. all of this is, of course, a thankless effort by the dumbmonkey to provide you with worthwhile, intelligent & enjoyable alternatives to the political shenanigans in L.A., if you've not already been sickened by the spectacle in Philadelphia.
sleeepy dumbmonkey this Am needs coffee something bad, & will go get some shortly, but here are some Sunday morning papers to peruse: Chicago Tribune The London Times (Sunday Ed.) South China Morning Post ahhh hell, we need coffee in a BIG way, so just go here to find the paper you want to read:
The Paperboy damn! you mean it's already Sunday??
8.11.00 tomorrow's Saturday so that means it's time for Friday Follies!
let's spend a little time w/Tony Millionaire from the very first dumbmonkey
Onkel Gabbi Maakies from Word's Toozeday Comix partial Maakies cartoons A, B, C an interview w/ T. Millionaire now, go find the monkey & enjoy the hell out of your weekend
8.10.00 Christopher Hitchens pisses folks off sometimes, but we love reading his work. This dated 8.8.00 from The Evening Standard, alongside this July '00 piece from The Nation, were both found at this C. Hitchens site that cheeky limey... mining the dumbmonkey archives this Am Brainfood from ~ ~ ~ The Infidel Guy ~ ~ ~ Journal of Buddhist Ethics ~ ~ ~ more infidels
8.9.00 for jonesin' hoopsters There's no "I" in Coach, either, from Slate on the Laker's off season, from ESPN bad craziness in the big city dangerous thrills, via Village Voice ~ ~ ~ ummmmm, yuummmy! kebabs for summer grilling courtesy Epicurious ~ ~ ~ in celebration of humpday... a visit to moonmilk yah, they got the dumbmonkey working a full week again, damn...
8.8.00 he's got the dumbmonkey's vote! laughed so hard when we read this we dropped our banana:
After the word of Mr. Lieberman's appointment spread on Monday, Republicans said Mr. Lieberman's positions were closer to those of George W. Bush than those of Mr. Gore. Mr. Lieberman attacked that idea today in Nashville.
"With all due respect," he said. "That is like saying a veterinarian and taxidermist are in the same business because either way you get your dog back." more from the NYT article here a little more on Senator Lieberman (credit: NYT)
a little taste of Italy courtesy of Surprise Goes Zen! whittling down the backlog of material that the dumbmonkey is intending to post here, we want to mention a coupla' things this Am: firstly, whilst recovering from the bout w/something coldish/fluish that upset our usual equilibrium last week, we watched an awful lot of television, (awful the operative word) but one of the bright spots was the discovery of channel called Oxygen, which is basically a (forgive us for sometimes we do not know what we do) younger hipper kinda Lifetime, that is to say, content of said channel is directed more towards the female contingent of the species. What we saw that we enjoyed is talk show format program hosted by Candace Bergen called Exhale, and we have known all along about Julia Butterfly Hill, but had never seen her interviewed or allowed to speak at such length as she was able to on this show, & it was good to discover her to be very eloquent, funny in a sort of self-deprecating way, and, well, the dumbmonkey is a male & altho silverbacked still in his prime, VERY attractive. Unlike many other talk shows that allow a guest a minimum of 3-4 minutes of airtime, if that, we had the opportunity to see a lengthy chat, with only a few questions & observations made by the hostess, & plenty of opportunity for Ms. Hill to respond, which she did, engagingly. Should you have any opportunity to see her for yourself (she is in the midst of a book/promotion tour) do so, and see for yourself, and marvel at the feat this young woman accomplished. Yes, there are people who live their conscience, who make some difference & can inspire the rest of us. Our cable TV provider has recently changed hands and we've been accustoming ourselves to the change in programming provided, some minor & some major, now we are able to waste time watching Animal Planet, Oxygen, and a couple of other new additions, but the damned new provider (AT&T) has digital cable in the works, which means having to utilize a digital cable compatible box, and no doubt some increase in monthly fees. AND they had the nerve to move my fave IFC to this tier of service that will include Turner Classic Movies and Sundance Channel (which we are happy to know) BUT the damn things are not accessable without the cable converter. DA BASTIDS!!!!!, so we have been utilizing the local video emporium quite a bit recently to make up for the loss of access to IFC, & will probably bite the bullet, get the box & additional tier subscription, as we do enjoy access to most of the content we'll receive. More on this next item in a later post, but we are anxious to mention to aficiandos of Krzysztof Kieslowski that Facets Video has released The Decalogue, and at this point we will refrain from saying very much more about it, as any of you unfamiliar with this film maker or this work can easily find out more via our pal the worldwideweb. Though we have had a number of opportunities to view The Decalogue in local theatres (either the U.C. or the PFA) we've never been intent enough upon doing so, regretfully, but now have the chance to see them all, in the comfort of our own home, and can justify that to some degree as the ten films that make up this work were commissioned for Polish television. (makes you really, really sad in light of things like Survivor & that other piece of reality crap, doesn't it??)
ENNNYWAY, damnit, got to run, get to the j-o-b and cut this short, but we promise, more on this and other stuff later.
8.7.00 In Memoriam, Sir Alec

as we were unaccountably uninvolved web wise most of the weekend, we first learned of the death of Alec Guinness when we were perusing some faves late yesterday Pm, got the news while visiting K.M.'s G.I.T.M. Admittedly, we were saddened to hear of the news, but not nearly as discomfitted by it as we were, for example, when we learned of Marc Reisner's death a few weeks ago, & probably because (after thinking about it for a bit) Sir Alec led a wonderful life which included a marvelous career in the cinema, was respected & very well thought of by his peers, and he left behind a body of work that few others can match. It was some small co-incidence this afternoon while riding home & reading the 8.7 New Yorker, that we came across this in a review of "The Klumps" by Anthony Lane: The result is the polar opposite of a work such as "Kind Hearts and Coronets", in which Alec Guinness played eight or nine roles-- I always lose count, because he disappears into them like a magician's rabbit slipping back into its hat. Guinness was coldly grateful for the anonymity that was vouchsafed by a one-man crowd, whereas Murphy seems to say, Look at me, and me, and all the other me's-- the thrill of the human six-pack. quelle coincidence! the dumbmonkey was a mere youngster when "Lawrence of Arabia" was initially released, & we have a powerful memory of seeing Sir Alec in "The Bridge Over the River Kwai" on television, also while still a young monkey-boy, and when we finally saw "Lawrence" the way it was meant to be seen, on the BIG screen, well, to this day it remains one of our all-time favorite films, and for some reason, always enjoyed seeing Sir Alec in the role of Prince Feisel even more than we enjoyed the work of Tony Quinn & Mr. O'Toole, who were pretty formidable themselves. Some years ago, dumbmonkey managed a very nice little video emporium in downtown Berkeley where we were fortunate enough to really enlarge our knowledge of film & film-makers, particularly those of earlier generations. Across the street from the store was (& still is) one of the finest repertory film houses in the country, the U.C. Theatre. Between the fine collection of world & independent film on video at the store AND the marvel of this fine theatre across the street, the dumbmonkey had much opportunity to improve upon his cinematic knowledge & experience. It was during this time we became familiar with the wonderful comedies produced by the Ealing Studios, many of which featured Sir Alec, such as "The Lavender Hill Mob", "The Man in the White Suit", "The Ladykillers" to name only a few, & particularly a few that featured Sir Alec. We stumbled across this very interesting look at "The Man in the White Suit" penned by Ben Bova, certainly makes me want to watch it all over again. Here's a list of the BFI's Top 100 British Films of the 20th Century, Sir Alec's in a bunch of them. we don't fret the fact that these days most folk are going to recall Sir Alec as Obi-Wan, certainly we pleased he took the option of percentage of profits as his compensation for the work in the Star Wars films, & for our money, Mr. Lucas can make all the prequels he wants to, but there will be no equaling the original trilogy, particular Star Wars itself, as singular an acheivement as it was. So, go and do yourselves a favor, next time you happen to be in your local video emporium, stay away from all that crap in the new release section and seek out some classic work by one of the finest actors of his or any generation, we've given you enough links up there to sift through, be sort of a shame if you don't take advantage. Last link in this tribute, from the NYT, a Tribute to Alec Guinness
out of tragedy, something fine & good Ms. Armstrong's death was a horrible tragedy that we won't go into here, but we did want to pass along this info from the L.A. Times. The website noted in the article will provide some information on the Armstrong Scholars Program. ~ ~ ~ the dumbmonkey has been intending some serious posting activity, but been sidetracked thruout the weekend, got plenty planned & w/a little bit o'luck will get to it later, patience my pretties...
8.5.00 in the spirit of the Am post... a few words about corporations
jess fer da halibut ooooooh, we feelin' bettah, but still a bit touch & go here at chez dumbmonkey, we going to take this opportunity to re-introduce an old post (we KNOW so few of youse actually READS 'em) alongside some recent additional pages & sites we dug up whilst feeling miserable & unloved. First, the repost from 3.9.00: in light of the politics of the day dumbmonkey offers this as an introduction to one of the more astute observers of our times. Au revoir, Bill Bradley. A Salon interview w/ Mr. Vidal Vidal's modest proposal from Flora another interview w/Vidal from Gadfly interesting radio transcript of J. Brown & G.Vidal in conversation another Vidal piece from Mid-East Realities we close out the post w/more Vidal related items, but these more in terms of his work & career:
Gore Vidal thumbnails the gadfly as genius from the S. Africa Sunday Times, a Vidal profile the essay "Monotheism & Its Discontents" by Vidal lastly, a few select quotations from the gadfly himself
8.4.00 ughh, despite friday follies...
cubicle commando too much coffee man bush the elder's library such a nice fellah more dubya fun & more dubya fun okay OKAY ENOUGH already w/the dubya stuff
8.3.00 under the weather tho' not anywhere near death's door, we believe it to be a reaction to large gatherings of republicans, especially the sight of so many hollow men bleating loudly & yet we'll attempt to continue to blog on righteously the dumbmonkey does suffer a serious aversion to things political in nature, yet realizes the importance of paying attention & remaining informed, so it is in this spirit we offer you this informative page on the spending of your tax dollars
8.2.00 Kkkkeys Sssticking?
uhh, yah, can you say mashed bananas?
clark kent or superman? uhhh, howzabout a big monkey with a red fez on? ~ ~ ~ man and superman man or superman? man or superman? man or superman? man or superman? ALRIGHT!!!! stop! that's enough ya big ape...
8.1.00 seems like such a long time ago... recent events in the dumbmonkey's life have given us occasion to spend some ruminative, meditative moments, reflecting upon our present life & many of the events, people & decisions (or refusal to make a decision) that have been instrumental factors in our current situation. Not sure what it is, maybe the fact that it's an election year, or that we're truly about to enter the new Mil-(damn, very hesitant to use that word after the overexposure we been through), and this refrain kept popping into my head: Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones? interestingly enough, turns out it's 35 years since we first heard Highway 61 Revisited which has to be one of the finest albums ever recorded, let alone that Dylan recorded. So, we feeling especially long in the tooth, but cagier & wilier than ever (what is that phrase? age & treachery will win out over youth & beauty any time??), but it lead us to this meandering path in the valley of memory, where we recalled some of our other favorite tunes & tunesmiths from this era (damn, we played the HELL out of Layla), certainly one of those periods of time we alluded to earlier, tight with our friends, and things were HAPPENING, brother & sister, of that there was NO doubt. We haven't mentioned the Fab Four, but most of you aware of them too, we are sure. Here's a look at top radio hits of the year, alongside some of the news events of '65. the dumbmonkey was just a kid, spending that summer in L.A. w/Momz, & kid brothers & sisters, living w/Aunts & Grandma. It was the summer of the Watts riots, and "Can't get no Satisfaction" is the song that brings that summer alive again. Seems the only movie we wanted to see that year was Help, although there were some other fine movies around. And of course there was Viet-Nam, it was that undefinable hum, the backround noise underneath it all, it was that indecipherable high-pitched whine that you (imagined) heard when all else was quiet. What are we getting at? Hah, nothing in particular, just contemplating the past, or parts of it at least, while we have the luxury of doing so. Maybe it's reassurance the dumbmonkey seeks, that perhaps the world is a better place, 'cause he gotzta tell ya, not very sure about that at all, amigos, not at all...
Limbo Day some thoughtful material on writing from a NYT piece by Hans Koning we'll include these Notes on the Twentieth Century also by Mr. Koning Whooopsies! wa'aal, july wasn't a bad month, as these things go, but we not exactly sad to see it go. Mornings like this, tho', we begin having our doubts about our "connectedness" to the world at large, having intentionally disengaged ourselves from it once we left the j-o-b friday afternoon. Spent a large amount of time with Brother K & the Santa Rosan gang, nice afternoon and evening at the A's game on Saturday, with fun & games for the kids before the game started, & the A's were swinging them bats that day, a little payback for the friday loss...
Brother K had left behind his CD holder w/ ALL of his proggies and install goodies as well as a coupla' other items that are essential to his mental health & well-being, so faithful poochster & ourself hit the road early on sunday, nice drive north to S.R., picked up some doughnuts for sunday Am treat with our family of sleepy heads. It's so powerfully comforting to have these folks nearby to spend time with when we getzta feelin' blue & weary of the world, especially to play with the children, & stop acting so damn grown up all the time. so, yah, you know we know what day it really is, but as far as we're concerned, july is history, summer's not over, but it won't be here much longer, so let's make hay while the sun shineth... ~ ~ ~ oh yah, for those who avoid straying into the margins...
the late late summer Ralph awaits your perusal ~ ~ ~
additional reading material