perhaps, a better world for all? 8.29
the wily & wizened J. Carroll posits: uhhhh... maybe we meant perspicacious? quien sabe? What do Liberals Really Want?
Happy B-day, Bird!
one of the greats: Charlie "Bird" Parker. that heads up courtesy the Daily Bleed for today
& by the way, C.J.'s got it going on today,
go and visit that ol' debbil's BookNotes for the low-down...
holy shite! the cad-ministration strikes another blow... 8.27
for stupidity and short-sightedness (their obvious stock in trade...), Bush Eases Air Pollution Rules.
Much Later That Same Evening,
more on that EPA Rule Change,
from the Online Newshour. how does someone like Jeff Holmstead sleep at night?
best thing to do w/a full tank of gas in El Paso?
well, getting out of town's not a bad idea... sorry, Momz & Popz, Dan & Janet, Dave, Genett, the boys, et al...
and while we're at it, Thank You, Ms. Dowd. can we buy you lunch at Shopsin's sometime?
feel the fear comin' on... 8.26
oh dear...
likely just the beginning of a deluge of this sort of thing...
courtesy the Village Voice, J. Hoberman, Lights, Camera, Exploitation.
Oh, and by the way, re those gas prices in the news lately:
we wonder what's happened to this FTC investigation;
not sure whose version of How Gas Prices Work is less dishonest;
we all know we must reduce our dependency, and the most sensible
thing to do is Drive Less, Economize, Use Public Transportation, etc,
but some folks just cannot manage any of those options (& we are not cutting SUV drivers/owners any slack here at all), so what do we do when faced with ugly reality? (besides weep unashamedly...)
hooray for John Wolf... Peace activists find home near Bush ranch;
alright, most of us are already quite aware of the chummy relationship that exists
(no, we know it isn't news, been going on longer than we imagine...) between prime movers in the cad-ministration and their equivalents in the energy biz, meanwhile, we've got this egotistical musclehead here in Kalifa running for governor who happens to be fond of his gas guzzling SUV (and we'd wager a sizable sum that Ahhhnoldt has plenty of dough invested in oil companies), a fine & nicely put together site that is linked in that NYT article's worth a visit,, so, ahhhhh, what exactly is l'Marquis getting at, you may be asking? Well, wethinks (again) the esteemed J. Carroll might be saying it much more succintly than we ever could: Mountain High, Mountain Closed.
shoelaces still present a problem on occasion... 8.25
yesssss, we know, he's just not a gadget kind of guy...
and now, for something completely different,
courtesy the bright minds (and How!) at Edge,
go here to take the Moral Sense Test.
l'Marquis should not be surprised...
nor disappointed, being well aware how little importance media outlets in the U.S. place upon the plight of indigenous peoples everywhere, let alone those within these borders. From BBC World News: The great American land row, oh, and yesssss, this is subject we made mention of way back on dumbmonkey of 9.14.00 if anybody wants to go and take a look... oh dear, dead links abound, time for some reconstruction...
bon jour...
worth a lengthy & studied perusal, from the New Yorker,
Adam Gopnik's The Anti-Anti-Americans
a very warm sunday in the S.F. Bay Area... 8.24
appears the Pacific High has parked itself precisely over the Golden Gate leaving folks like ourself longing for the rapid return of the marine layer and business as usual, bay area summer-wise...
there's a fresh look at wood s lot, nicely done, Mark...
ourowndamnself always enjoys receiving post cards from folks enjoying adventures on the road, so "Thanks!" to the Marvelous Melissa who is enjoying her holiday in Norway yet kind enough to share the adventure by sending us a couple of cards, by the way, stop by and wish Ms. Goux un Feliz Cumpleaños...
sharing this bit of photoshop brilliance, from the b3ta gang, uhhhh, Mr. President...
not meant to bring anybody down... 8.23
this brought to mind when perusing the pages of the saturday fishwrap, Warren Zevon; Keep him in your heart..., by Joel Selvin; brief aside here, what da hell with that coy bit about "unprintable title"? we see crap in the paper
all the time about murder, humans committing horrible cruelties upon other humans. children killed and kidnapped, truly bad news every fucking day, and you ask me to believe that the Chron is gonna get
all sensitive about a song title like "My Shit's All Fucked Up"? puuuuhhhhhhllllleeeeeeezzzzzzzzeeeeee, spare me...
okay, and because yourstruly's always loved Warren Z, Excitable Boy
oh joy, oh rapture... 8.22
the talented M. Morford weighs in on subject that got
under l'Marquis' skin earlier this month (see the 8.8 post).
Bravo, Mr. Morford, Bravo!
yourstruly must come clean & admit... 8.20
to this guilty pleasure, having recently become a fan of Ground Force & G.F. America on BBC America, in particular a fan of
the lovely (who needs supportive underwear?) Charlie Dimmock;
ahhhhhh, lassie, we're in your thrall every episode we see... help us S.J.G., Help us P L E A S E . . .
good and good for you...
a visit to Ralph can brighten your day,
here's something about Howard Nemerov's poetry,
then this will make you grin, we sure of that,
from the New Yorker's Cartoon Bank
yesss, there are vastly more important things...
to get all riled up about, but in the interest of providing a public
service (friends don't let friends drink at... ahhh, you know...), FIGHTING THE KING KONG OF KAFFEINE
still unmotivated like a mo-fo...
yourstruly in the grip of some kind of funque, some kind of malaise...
you mo bettah off if you visit Uncle Bob or
the recently relocated madman behind the scenes at Cardhouse. hmmmm, mebbe that be what we need, a semi-permanent change of scene...
clever, clever... 8.17
espied this Am, whilst persuing bloggos favoritos, this item, from terribly happy
(one of the many at damn hell ass kings);
which inspired this riposte from miscellaneous, etc.
and by the way, for those of you paying attention,
we had a very pleasant trip to the Almost to Healdsburg Guitar Fest;
lack of practice as dedicated combo photog/journalist resulted
in our camera battery dying about three hours into our adventure,
oh, but what a three(plus) hours it was. Perhap more details later,
if we can muster up sufficient motivation...
ohhhhh, well, we be both inspired AND crazy... 8.15
Don't You Know!? Are Californians crazy or inspired?;
Plus: we are Tall, Tanned, Handsome/Beautiful, surf every opportunity we get (well, in between our scheduled colonic irrigation appointments) love to eat little tiny foods in terribly expensive but chi-chi restaurants, have Nice White Teeth and Beautifully Manicured Toesies, are right up front re our sexual preferences and like to think of ourselves as The Nicest People on Earth, and how could you not believe that, jeeeeezzzzz, Disneyland & Hollywood are both here, right?
tres cosas...
numbero uno: from the pages of the local fishwrap, ...Pentagon drops plans for scheduled rollback; there are few things more impressive that hundreds of mailbags full of letters and postcards from citizens like yourself and ourowndamnself...
numero dos: the gracious hostess of Open Brackets posits an inquiry: Where do we turn for comfort?; a dilemma l'Marquis is intimately familiar with and not ashamed to say that oftentimes, with tears in his eyes, he wishes there was someone/something to turn to...
y finalmente, numero tres: this weekend, the last 2 days of the the Guitar Festival, in Santa Rosa. and l'Marquis likely be there all day long tomorrow,
he'll be the one wearing the shirt portraying Santa on vacation...
P.S.- there's an awfully good glimpse of a day in the life of a N.Y. city dweller during yesterdays adventures
in life without electricity available at World New York.
hurrah for Tony Pierce... 8.14
tippin' da ol' red fez and bowing deeply to Tony P.;
"what for?" you ask; well, check it out yourowndamnself: the day president bush got impeached
this must be what the bush cabal means...
when they mouth that tripe regarding supporting our troops; okay, let me get this straight, the cad-ministration wants to further reduce Veterans Benefits,
introduce cuts to the V.A. Hospital system which include closing of hospitals,
and then this bullshit re pay? Like they are already adequately compensated?
we think not (!!!) and hope others out there are paying attention, especially those who continue to berate & denigrate anyone with a contrary view towards the cad-ministration & become red-faced and apoplectic when shouting "you're not supporting our troops!"...
this news will only interest a few of thee...
as it's in re a film maker who doesn't feature car chases/wrecks, big explosions, scary monsters or multi-million dollar special effects, he simply makes films about the world around him, about people you might recognize. Oh, we should say made films, as Krzysztof Kieslowski has vacated this vale of tears, but he did leave behind some wonderful work,
The Double Life of Veronique, the Tri-color Trilogy: Blue, White, Red, and (the reason we here and typing this up) The Decalogue, recently released on DVD. Ourowndarnself made mention some time ago (oh my, that long ago? dumbmonkey of 8.8.00), largely in reference to The Decalogue being available on vid-cassette. For any of you out there who find yourselves often disappointed by the fare being churned out by hollywood, perhaps it's time to introduce yourself to something with more substance, maybe before biting off any chunk of The Decalogue consider one of Kieslowski's features, then pick and choose from there.
appeals to l'Marquis' perverse sense of humour...
from the 8.11 issue of The New Yorker, a funny one...
Ohhhh, YAH! l'Marquis is SO there... 8.12 body sushi... hmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm... d e l i c i o u s . . .
it pains l'Marquis immensely...
to once again mention dispicable item being manufactured by
Hong Kong toy company depicting moronic head of state as heroic Naval Aviator (Feh!) (see posts of 8.8 & 8.9), but the news is getting out to the major outlets, like this Washington Post story... yeeeessssh, makes us want to do the technicolor yawn...
and l'Marquis offers up his apology for this, but here's more on candidate Ahhnoldt, from Slate.
this serves as sort of a reminder...
for ourowndarnself, but perhaps remind others as well, since the major players in mass media & news dissemination are more concerned with the likes of J-Lo & that dumb hunk of male flesh she consorts with, or the California recall shenanigans, they do us all a huge disservice when they choose not to feature news of great import, like The Story mentioned in item about to be linked. Folks, if your local paper is not doing their job, or you feel your favorite news station/outlet is letting you down, WRITE THEM A LETTER and let them know, get your friends to write letters, get your In-Laws to write letters, your mistress, your back-door man, your plumber, your mechanic, the paper boy, Drive 'em NUTZ w/letters. oh oh... we gettin' carried away again, here's the link, from Democratic Underground, The Story (and as for yourstruly, we saw it on some canny & attentive fellow weblogger's page, so there...)
OH! here's proof that l'Marquis also will point you to Fishwrap columnists other than H. Sorensen or J. Carroll; a few choice words from Emil Guillermo.
happened across some very good music recently...
thanks to Vish Varnay at KALX, one item in particular that we'll mention here, perhaps something about
the others in some future mention of musical indulgence. First we'll introduce you to fellow we'd not
been aware of heretofore, Dabashish Bhattacharya, a wonderful musician who builds & plays an extraordinary instrument, one that ourowndamnself was ignorant of as well, the Chatarangui or Hindustani slide guitar (and the site mentions two other instruments that he takes responsibility for creating, the Ghandarvi (a sixteen string guitar) and Anandi (a slide ukelele-- Hey Stumpy, take note!). We were listening to KALX one afternoon and heard this wonderful track, and when V. Varnay got around to back-announcing same, made note of it, and went out hunting for it on Saturday, had the good fortune to find it at Down Home Music in El Cerrito. The name of the album is Mahima and on that album
Dabashish is backed up by sister Sutapa on vocals and brother Subhashis on tablas. Another notable presence on this recording is Bob Brozman, who we have heard of before, just haven't listened to very much of, although that is likely to change here in the near future. Got a bunch of other stuff over the weekend, we might make mention of some of them at a later date, but for now simply say that for John Hiatt fans, there's a nice compilation of his songs performed by fairly stellar group of folks, each one contributing a Hiatt song, the name of that compilation is It'll Come to You..., oh, and got to say we'd heard about this one someplace else, can't give Varnay credit for this one, but dammit, Vish, we still haven't been able to get our hands on Charming Hostess...
Ohhh, darn, it has come to our attention that our link re previous mention of the esteemed George Akerlof seems to have gone south, so to speak, and ourowndamnself troubled re the web presence of the Berkeley Daily Planet, a local paper that has had some setbacks due to experiencing financial woes. Don't know whether or not they turn off their server when they go home for the weekend or not, but that link was corrected and working on Friday, so we not sure at all what is going on with that, but what we were attempting to bring to thy notice was Akerlof's openly plainspoken disenchantment with the cad-ministration, which (oh, PLEASE pass along correction if we're in error) we cannot recall seeing
mention of in all the usual places, even thought most of us had heard of this statement by Akerlof & several other Nobel Prize winners. Okay, got to get this wrapped up so we can get back on our Monday Am get ready to get to the j-o-b track: two bits of linky goodness discovered in some miscellaneous google-ing done over the weekend, Citizens for Legitimate Governement (and oh man, do they have their work cut out for them...); Bear Left, both sites worthy of mention to like-minded folk so pass them along, will You?
------- whew... just narrowly avoided disaster there, it appears some kind of bug is infecting our browser, leading to system lock up, shut down and re-start, and, Oh Man, why did we ever get started doing this again? Anyway, thanks to HomeSite for thinking up the auto-recovery thing that salvaged 97% of this particular post, otherwise yourstruly'd be in tears. Now before the damn thing happens again, here is link to a bit of wonderfulness from the aforementioned Mahima, Baju Dur Dur.
blogger's block... 8.10
oh dear.
so it's come to this: Doonesbury, Sunday, Aug 8th, '03;
and for good measure, newspaper cartoon-wise, S.F.'s Don Asmussen:
and, una cosa mas, prontito, as we may be back later with more,
the folks who put this list together are soliciting comments & suggestions,
& if you might be of the opinionated sort, kind of like ourowndamnself,
we'll bet you're up to the challenge... okay, here are a couple right off the top of our fuzzy head, Emily Watson, Breaking the Waves, 1996; Ellen Burstyn, Requiem for a Dream, 2000;
Ellen Barkin, Johnny Handsome, 1989 & that's just one in a career
of great performances by Ms. Barkin,
check her out in 1982's Diner;
alright, alright, enough already, sunday afternoon recreating awaits...
oh yes! we owes this fellow a drink... 8.9
many drinks, c'mon y'all, drinks on da house!
thanks billmon @ Whisky Bar, for making our day brighter
Sen. John McCain should be righteously pissed off... 8.8
ya know, we wuz doin' fine & dandy thruout our day yesterday, even after we went to pick up the monkeemobile from our mechanic after smog test & service (in the semi-great state of Kalifa, one must have smog test performed on vehicle every two years in order to maintain registration) and learned that we now must factor in replacement of CV boot on the monkeemobile, ahhhhh crap, we just cut to the bad part of the day, and first say that it isn't C.J.'s fault, but we visited BookNotes and discovered news re
availability of doll of that proto-chimp masquerading as head of state, and referring to same as Naval Aviator. Well,
fuck Me! (whoops, Us; excuse the momentary derangement and falling out of character...) because if there is anything that moronic imbecile isn't, it is a Naval Aviator. okay Okay OKAY, so what we are doing is sending notice to Sen. McCain, and you can do it too, go here and send note registering your outrage and hope that his outrage is as great (it ought to be greater, the motherfrikker was the real deal as far as Naval Aviation is concerned) and then over the weekend l'Marquis is going to dig up as many squadron e-mail addresses as possible with intent of sharing them with you all to continue to spread the word re
that latest imbecility foisted upon us in re to that despicable proto-chimp in la casa blanca. If any of you find out who the manufacturer of this piece of garbage is, will you share that info with us,
as ourowndamnself's on the j-o-b & occasionally have to deal with providing numbah wun customah suhviss to the Fishwrap's advertisers. HEY, the other place to register your outrage is THE site for Naval Aviators, The Tailhook Association (yah, those bad boys blemished their reputations in some scandalous behavior some time ago, but this doll business seems to us to be a major blemish as well), 'cause as far as we're concerned, the fact that G.W. Proto-Chimp is Commander in Chief may be one thing, but the thing he is NOT is a NAVAL AVIATOR!
whew, are we pissed off or what?
kudos & high praise to George Akerlof who is George Akerlof? we hear many of you asking:
hmmmpphhhf, we SO glad you asked.
it's our third week of a re-scheduled day away...
from our labors on the killing floor of Fishwrap Classifieds, oncet upon a time (& for a goodly long time it was) our work
week was bisected by having Wednesdays away, and for reasons still a little unclear but explained to us as having to do with
large numbers of "lost calls" on Thursdays, and if there's anything l'Marquis has mastered as he approaches his dotage, it is providing numbah wun custumah suhvisss SO, here we are, getting accustomed to a whole new background to our Thursdays, the different crew working the counter at Peet's on Solano, the folks managing the airwaves at KALX, s'funny how big a difference these things can make particularly when one's become so comfortable & conversant with a routine... off to the side there you'll find some of the bounty harvested this morn, 4 of the Dona persuasion on the left side, three of the smaller Cosmonaut Volkov on the right, a nice dozen or so Sweet Million amidst those bordering them, all marvelously delicious, not much greater pleasure than having something so wonderful available in ones garden.
Okay, we've responsibilities to fulfill, chores to accomplish, we must be off, yet before taking our leave, just a few things to pass along, first on that list, stop by J. Carroll's column, and dammit, remind yourself to make a visit there a regular part of your routine; Irregularly updating, yes, and worth keeping an eye out for the irregularities afoot there, metascene; in re this next mea culpa, mea maxima culpa as we've meant to make mention of Tram Spark for weeks now, & we'll not waste your time w/excuses, other than our huge tendency towards procrastination (oh, and recently espied at this fine little hideaway on one of the infoautobahn's backroads, this item, also from T.S.) and, ummmm, is that all? No, we nearly forgot to mention that l'Marquis had Chief Minion Crakhed Johan attend a book signing recently. The lovely Pamie R. AKA Squishy, whose fine efforts encouraging us to support public libraries everywhere deserves MUCH support, was in Oak-town a week ago this night at large chain book seller located in J. London Square. She's been generous enough to provide us the low-down with a behind the scenes look at the life
of Young Author on the Book Signing Tour thing, some pics available; you might be able to make out the great hulking shape that is Crakhed Johan in one of them late in that post, look for the scary man in the semen encrusted rain coat...
a bright and sunny morning in the bay area...
Introducing: The California Davis Recall Blog;
"You are a Republican, you just didn't know it."
dude! you're hurting our feelinks!
beginning a week from tomorrow... 8.6
so today, the first of many reminders to guitar lovers out there: Guitar Festival 2003;
known last time around ('01) as the Healdsburg Guitar Festival futon rights available at chez d'monquis,
space for tents on the back 40...
and yesssss, we are hoping more of you take the hint... there's the door, leave quietly & without comment please... and take those goddamned SUVs with you too...
chewy nuggets of leftover linky goodness...
just a few items mined from tailings leftover from miscellaneous searches during the last few days: Blue Mag; Metropole (PDF); global network of dreams (appears a bit incomplete...) The Internet Weekly;
appearing to be a thing of the past,;
we now return to you to your own reality show...
the horror... the horror...
l'Marquis chipped a tooth this weekend, front incisors colliding mightily
whilst chewing through a particularly unyielding chunk of baguette,
and, oh dear, oh gosh, oh gee whilikers, do we dislike visiting the dentist...
so, early Am again, & picking up a thread we began...
yesterday morning, with our mention of spending some time viewing Criterion DVD of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas & thinking back upon reasons for doing so, likely had to do with recently seeing Lost in La Mancha; the curiousity about the one
T. Gilliam film that we hadn't spent very much time viewing, recalling we didn't see F & L in L.V. when initially released, although did view it later upon its initial video release. Nice that our local video emporium has seen fit to bring in as many of the Criterion Collection DVD sets as possible, for anyone who's possessed by the curiousity to know a little more about a particular film, some of the information provided can be rewarding; many times the Supplemental Material provided on a good many DVD releases is simply leftover promo crap, a few stills and perhaps a filmography or two. This particular set of discs is loaded with material, one has the option of viewing the film alongside commentary by Gilliam or the version w/Depp, Del Toro & Nabulsi providing the backround material (altho not recorded all at the same session), even one w/Thompson providing commentary alongside an occasional banshee screech. There's extensive additional material, any of the reviews of the Criterion DVD will be more specific as to all the goodies found. In re to the mention yesterday of Ruben Salazar, well, keep in mind the ol' silverback graduated from H.S. in '71, that same summer hied himself off (in rebellious fashion) to the California Southland, full of the youthful certainty that his fame & fortune lay there in the So. Cal megalopolis. It was the summer after much of the street riots and Brown Power activism that had made East L.A. a very interesting place in 1970, the year that Salazar was killed, and it turns out (upon reading background of H.S. Thompson's sdvenetures in The Great Shark Hunt) that he was in L.A. in that summer of '71, doing research for a Rolling Stone piece, already acquainted with Oscar Zeta Acosta, AKA the Brown Buffalo, AKA Dr. Gonzo, the 300 pound Samoan attorney who accompanied Raoul Duke on his great adventure seeking the American Dream. Yourstruly had read Acosta's work many years ago,
Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo & The Revolt of the Cockroach People, sort of de rigeur in a sense, but we didn't recall that
Acosta's birthplace happened to be a little town we very familiar with, that high desert backwater we mentioned yesterday, El Paso, Tx. Turns out it also happened to be the birthplace of Ruben Salazar and although neither of these gentelemen spent very
much of their formative years in that border location, it was an interesting coincidence, something that appealed to our appreciation of that quirky thing often identified as Serendipity. More examples of such co-incidence that we'd run into more
recently? A gift from dear pal on that other coast, southern section, of Dagoberto Gilb's Woodcuts of Women; we came across local review of a play being staged in S.F. over the last month or so, Bethlehem, by playwright Octavio Solis, both vatos locos who've spent some of their formative years there in that town on the Tex/Mex border, soaking up some of that unique overheated atmosphere, as likely to possess favorite Juarez haunts as amy of the rest of us emigres from the Sun City. Yah, interesting kind of serendiptious discoveries, not that they are earth shaking or momentous realizations by any means, yet intensely interesting in a curiously personal way. Oh, yah, that DVD is worth examining for any number of reasons, again if one happens to be a fan of Gilliam, Thompson, Depp, Del Toro, plenty there to occupy your fancy, whet your appetite for more background, as far as our own appetite for excess, we dug up some H.S. Thompson items, rereading parts of the Great Shark Hunt, and next on the list a collection of correspondence entitled Fear and Loathing in America; The Gonzo Letters II, which happens to contain much correspondence between O. Acosta and Thompson, providing a greater appreciation of their comradeship and mutual esteem. Yourstruly also kind of hopes H.S.T. will sharpen his quills and make his presence & particular P.O.V. available to us again during the upcoming electoral shenanigans, perhaps his voice alongside that of Gore Vidal, keeping all of those potential democratic nominees on their toes and making mincement of the moron currently residing in La Casa Blanca, well, a monkey-dude can hope, no? and we wonder, we wahh wahhh wahhh wahhhh wonder... just who is out there who might be stepping up to pick up that baton when fellows like Vidal and Thompson are no longer with us? hmmmmmmmmm...
way back in the days of l'Marquis' youth...
in that high desert backwater town of El Paso, Texass, there were occasions
in his life when opportunity came a-knockin', perhaps it was because someone
imagined him an intelligent & industrious lad, perhaps it was because his skin
had the right color, his culture the right flavor of the moment, but in those
halcyon days of high school (oh, truly anything but...) the young lad had been
submitted as a candidate for a recently announced scholarship opportunity, to be
used at the local university (U.T.E.P) and named in honor of the late Ruben Salazar,
a chicano journalist of minor reputation who suffered an untimely and extremely contoversial
end to his life and career. Ourowndamnself faintly remembers that period of time, recalling the
interview and the tenor of some of the questions, also our lack of surprise & disappointment when
the announcement was made, someone else had been awarded the prize, and something we said often
to pals who'd been aware of our candidacy was something like "oh yah, I guess it was because I
didn't have a burrito or taco fall out of my pocket during the interview..." and mind you, not
said out of bitterness, just acknowledgement of the reality that the purpose of this award was
to single out and encourage Chicano achievement, more so than real talent or ability.
Yourstruly imagines investigating who won that scholarship way back then with a bit of research
and locating that person in the here and now, discovering what road they wandered along into adulthood
and what place they occupy now, whether the intent of the award was accomplished or not...
what does this have to do with anything, you may be asking, rightfully so. Okay, in between the
various chores and labors we accomplished over the weekend, l'Marquis also brought home the Criterion
Collection edition of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Now, first we'll mention this is not by any means
one of our favorite films of all time, but we've an appreciation of H.S. Thompson's work, F & L in L.V. in
particular, and while directed by T. Gilliam (mentioned last month in re to our recent viewing of Lost in La Mancha)
it is also not on our list of favorite Terry Gilliam films, although now that ourowndamnself has become
much more familiar with the history of how the film of H.S.T.'s tale came to be, we cannot imagine any other
film maker who might have brought this wild & unruly beast of a story to the big screen. Oh, there's more, folks, lots more
we have to say about a lot of what seeing this over the weekend has brought to mind, but for now, just a couple of items.
It seems a woman by the name of Laila Nabulsi had a lot to do with shepherding this story into major motion picture-ness,
a great interview with her available here (speaking of interviews, an interesting one w/HST hisowndamnself, c. Aug '97, from the Atlantic, linked here), and then a couple of reviews of the Criterion DVD release here as well as here. Okay,
we'll try to get around to that more later today, as we've got to get our ass outta here and heading to the city, the j-o-b awaits; wish us luck, we're gonna need it...
yummy dinner last night... 8.2
l'Marquis cooked up his flavorful chicken cacciatore,
mmm mmmmm... great garlicky goodness, served along w/farfalle,
(So There! to our persnickety Italian critic waggling her finger
at us, "No" she says, "you must serve cacciatore with spaghetti...")
oh, and the Dona tomatoes, to die for, altho we did only slice
up one alongside the handful of Sweet Million cherrytomatoes
in our salads alongside the main course. Tomorrow?
perhaps we shall sample our first Cosmonaut Volkov!
friendster? Hah! 8.1
those who know us would say this proggie a better fit... "hmphf!" we hear the minions harrumph,
"misanthropester more like it.." they say...
heads up on that link courtesy fine minds at Boing Boing
OH, and before we forget, linkage provided us by visitor
to our aawwwshit page, appears he might be a fellow traveler,
thank you, kind sir, and welcome.
evocatively, these three words...
vine ripened tomatoes...
and then, in a sense, we recommend three more words;
visit the links to your left labelled "almost daily requirements" then, perhaps alongside your favorite cuppa, leisurely peruse same...