yourstruly is occasionally making an appearance at El Stupendo Stumperino's
My Name is Dante Oblimov and I Love You, alongside longtime fellow travelers
Esteban, MelliMel, Dante, LaC and a host of other malcontents & neer-do-wells...

please, waste no more time here...
hie thyself to the skirblog where mine ol' amigo Lee S. abides...
that erratic ambulatory patterns post is da kine, bruddah!
we are not worthy...

happy b-day to the world's foremost authority...
perhaps he should consider becoming a Wal-Mart greeter?

okay, here's a case of little paper vs big paper,
and maybe big paper responsible for shoddy journalism...
the big paper says:
Calls renewed to fix Berkeley's citizen boards;
the wee, little paper responds:
Editorial: Over-the-Top Chronicle Has Finally Topped Out;
after everything that's gone down at the Chronicle in the last 6 or 7 years,
yourstruly is siding with the wee, little paper on this one...

oh dear...
please, please, please, do not assume there is little else to do in Berkeley besides
these paltry few distractions listed by the NYT in their 36 Hours in Berkeley, CA piece...
shite, they ought to have mentioned Cheeseboard Pizza at the very least,
and this is naught but uninformed & ignorant bullshite:
Public transportation in the Berkeley area is limited, so rent a car.

why we really had nothing to fear from Iraq...
the comments are worthy of thy perusal...

inspired by sumbuddy's tee shirt here today,
you put de lime in de coconut...

oh man, I want the Maharishi U. sweatshirt...
and a private aside to Mr. Lynch,
yo, dude, that TM shite ain't doing much for your filmmaking...

yowie gazowies! thanks to heads up from KM's GITM;
Cal researchers working on project that has yourstruly recalling
the 1983 film w/ Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood, Brainstorm...

gimme a pigfoot and a bottle of beer...
sing it, Bessie...

this says something about us as a nation,
precisely what, we not be certain, but it can't be good...

lovely to see m'pal Stumpy D writing often again,
perhaps inspire myowngoshdarnedself to come out of hiding...

we are stardust, we are golden...
the highly esteemed (well, 'round d'monkey environs anyway)
Jon Carroll

today a robot, tomorrow the world!

a fond farewell to riley dog,
un bloggo favorito round these parts for many years,
you'll be sorely missed, esteban, wishing ye buona fortuna!