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for this PBS Special more from American Masters along w/ more info here ('tho you gotta get past the Survivor stuff) courtesy local fishwrap. some AM impressions we'd like to mention interesting article on search engine technology in New Yorker of May 29, much mention of Google, albeit a little brief but worth looking for... the ride across the bridge this AM was not a particularly memorable one, but for the glimpse of 7 pelicans flying in delta formation, perhaps a scant foot from the surface of the bay, a beautiful sight which prompted our wondering what determines who flys point, how are the other postions of the formation assigned, is it some genetic determinant? pos, quien sabe... on our stroll from Peet's to 5th & Mission, we picked up one of the freebie industry mags (TechWeek) and discovered short article featuring some media players, one of which was new to us, maybe to you too. Go to www.beatnik.com and discover a variety of ways to make your webpage more aggravating than ever... perusing some of our favoriti blogs, we went to Patti's place, & experienced a flood of memories, some good, some bad, ultimately recalling why we only spent half-days in our last two years of high school (special program for those "intending" retail careers) receiving credit for time on the j-o-b outside of school, always a loner, never a member of a pack or clique, my "buds" fellow outcasts like myself, mindful of the stupidities & misapprehensions of our hormonally affected peers. Ya did the right thing, lassie, as far as we're concerned, & we have our own painful memories of choosing non-violence in the face of taunts & jeers, but am now prouder of those moments than the ones where we chose otherwise. We tip our ol'red fez in great respect to la belle Patti... oh yah, there was a baskeball game yesterday... Happy National Macaroon Day amongst others to celebrate here's an interesting little brain teaser fire it up, dude... Grass, the NYT review; Woody weighs in w/ his opinion Greying Wordsmiths or, bunch of cranky old guys with word processors... ~ from the Voice/VLS, 8 new literary voices Sir Charles, from Salon mid-morn activity on a relatively peaceful Tues AM, powers that be provided the gang here w/ beaucoup bagels & cream cheese, & everybuddy seemed to enjoy their holiday, hoping your Tuesday is a good one too... more on Carbs & CVD. next is courtesy L.A. Times In Memoriam, Roland Charles, Photographer dumbmonkey considerin' early retirement because it gettin' tough to be back at the j-o-b after a nice 4 day holiday, & on top of that we back on the early beat for a little while. That's okay 'tho, because it means we be outa there by 3:30 & back in da house by quarter of five. the posts may be a little infrequent, & more likely late in the day, so if you are NEW to dumbmonkey, just check out some of the assortment we offer ya, start w/le mot juste, check out what the cruelmonkey has for you, read a poem, visit a few of the highly esteemed blogsters featured on the right side of the page, maybe even visit some of the previous dumbmonkeys, 'cause you never know, might find something there that'll put a smile on your face, & that would make us happy too... tippin' the ol'red rez in the direction of NetDyslexia, for pointing out this music related link & related 'blog hope you're enjoying your holiday what a great day to have gone to Pt. Arena. Wonderful pictures & extra points for the links ![]() an artist in her own right, and this what she made for me yesterday ![]() the death of a Brave Bull hokay, we not gonna get into any discussion re rodeo animals, we just want to point out this item from the Chron's Top of the Sixth, and then lead you to this one alongside this from the PBR site, all of which proves you can find ANYTHING on this net thing, you know? (but man, you find some mighty curious stuff when you search for bodacious and it ain't got anything to do w/a rodeo bull) there's been a minor bit of commentary re athletes in past dumbmonkey posts, & we got to say here that we consider rodeo professionals to be fine athletes as well, bull & bronc riders in particular (including women), w/MUCH opportunity to get busted up bad all for the glory of an 8 second ride. While we have this chance we'd also like to make some mention of women in rodeo, and that maybe someday we'll feature part of our screenplay on two barrel racing gals on the circuit. dumbmonkey likes cowgirls 'cause they usually drive pickups & look good in jeans... Lakers win twice at the Rose Garden coming back from early Blazer leads in both games. who cares? ah, bugger off, WE DO! 'cept we sure wish da fellas wouldn't fall behind like that anymore, 'cause we grey enough as it is... special holiday present from dumbmonkey Classic Spinners tune collection of concert pics maybe one o'your faves here, courtesy the local fishwraps... Boston's Bob Ryan (sportsfans know) on the Garden Party just one of a few others you can sample here yah, it's a repost, it's a holiday ya dumbmonkey! thanks to my pal Betsey (of the S.F. Call) for her email which included this link, & you can go get grossed out here and you can blame her if you can't sleep tonite... mystery of the Yellowstone wolf pack and celebrating summer's arrival we're planning some yummy stuff w/berries for a little get-together we're having, and providing these links to supply a little inspiration for your own Berry Fest a variety of berry recipes more summer berry recipes anybody interested in some strawberries? great blueberry pie recipe, here's more about the Green Valley Farm here are a few related links, particularly for warm summer days a sorbet, a granita & an ice recipes for Ices & Sorbets Holy boy!, a bunch of sorbets & sometimes we wanna just do the same thing... Hey! our nerves are bad enough without having to worry 'bout shit like this this is not how our weekend is supposed to start off... Notable events you can celebrate today ![]() water, cool, clear, water... Cadillac Desert had probably been in print five years before we got around to reading it, & we were reminded of how profoundly we were affected by it when we came across this link. The thought of Reisner's book inspired the recollection of a (somewhat inadequate) public television multi-part series, which admittedly was challenged by the scope & depth of the book. Link here to see Marc Reisner's talk at '99 CU "State of the World Conference" (he appears approx 17 mins into the video) w/more by Reisner here; by others we'll include this essay from '98 on federal water managmement; this short item from Dec. '99; this from this week's L.A. Times; initially, this appears an unusual source for an article of this depth, but perhaps there's more than meets the eye in Vegaz, it is a desert community after all, we tell ourselves, and are reminded to stop & consider how casually we think of water, how vital it is to all of us, whether we live in a desert or not... Friday Follies dumbmonkey likes Hilary's cartoons... knowing most of you will be unable to help yourselves from joining the throngs of J. Woo or T. Cruise fans in line, here's Indignant's viewpoint & because dumbmonkey recently developed crush on a certain lovely Time-Life Operator, we wanna share this. & highly recommend visiting Vicki, one of the folk circling the square damn, is everybuddy on holiday already, it is SLOW DEATH on the phones around here... Travel to Madagascar vicariously, courtesy PBS & NOVA courtesy the N.Y.T., something new from Sherman Alexie's latest book an L.A. perspective on a S.F. landmark changes on the old waterfront Back on the Road again... so we left the town of Redding and arrived at a campground in Mt. Lassen Nat'l Park, & easy to spend a day checking out the area, maybe even hike the trail to the mountaintop. The area is still quite geothermally active, so check out Bumpass Hell, the Sulphur Works & some of the other hydrothermal features. Leaving Lassen we'll take Hwy 89 and head south to Quincy, although plenty to visit around Lake Almanor, and continue on towards Graeagle, where we enter the Lakes Basin Recreation area, in Plumas County. We particularly like this area because of the relatively easy hiking available here as well as the number of lakes within short distances of one another. Campgrounds can fill up quick on a weekend, so with a little planning & foresight, get in on a weekday and OUT on a weekend when the crowds arrive. More info on this area & attractions here. ALRIGHT, we got you this far, and exactly how long you've dawdled along the way will have something to do with your plans for getting back, but after (at least) a week's worth of camping, w/the occasional motel shower & bedrest, we suggest heading back thru Calistoga, and spending a mininum of an afternoon & night there, truly chill in the comfort of a naturally heated pool, & if you're so inclined, get a mudbath or massage, then put it all back in the car and head home. Beautiful drive to Tahoe from the Lakes Basin area if you have more time to kill, maybe do a little gambling. At this point we won't be suggesting any further routes or destinations, as you could go back the way you came & check out all the places you didn't visit. some miscellaneous stops along tonight's tiptoe thru the ether: Mandrill Mommy Madness + + + why that gadget may be hard to get + + + Say it ain't so!!! Disappearing Female Libido Dalton's piece from Washington Post + + + this link has nothing to do with ganja or large Rastafarians + + + and we post these in the spirit of sharing: someone kind enough to mail me this interesting link along w/this one from Rhonda K., who posits this inquiry, "What happens when an x-phone girl and a librarian get together?" we not sure but we wanna be around when it happens... ROAD TRIP! some weekend/holiday travel suggestions & probably better suited to utilize when planning a road trip, especially if you have some time, say, eight to ten days of leisure: we'd first suggest heading north, 101 will do, altho if you really have the time & inclination to pay attention on that wind-ey Highway 1, you may be rewarded with some examples of remarkable coastal beauty, but you won't be terribly shortchanged by the quicker route. Get out of the metro area as quickly as possible which is probably behind you once you've passed Santa Rosa, & if car camping appeals to you, there will be several links including campground information, but you'll also find plenty of motels & B&Bs around to take refuge in when you get a little weary of being behind the wheel. Maybe the first day get as far north as the Humboldt county line, into the Redwood Empire, as good a starting point as any. Be sure, if you have never taken the opportunity to do so, to spend a little time communing amongst the Giants; we can recommend camping at Jedediah Smith state park, ahem, our erstwhile comrade has no doubt suffered the loss of several thousand braincells since he made the trip himself, and has forgotten it was actually Richardson Grove S.P.. This is not to say that J. Smith may not be a better place for your trip, just that the dumbmonkey has become forgetful in his silverback years... 'tho midweek space easier to find than on weekends; from this area, you can plan your next move, as you have many options available (& we have to admit, only touching on a few of 'em in this post). On our last trip up this way, we continued northward after a night in J. Smith (oops!, Richardson Grove) camp towards Eureka/Arcata then headed east on 299, where you can find yourself easily diverted by the Trinity Scenic Byway where it is no trouble at all to find a couple of days worth of recreating, hiking, just hanging out by the riverside, any number of nice lodging facilities available all along the way towards Redding, as we are intending to visit Mt. Lassen next, but will likely be dawdling all along the way as you'll find yourself traveling thru the Six Rivers Nat'l Forest (more info here), into the Trinity (add'l info here). Our route changes slightly once in Redding, which is a good place to stock up on goodies, as you're back in "the city" so to speak, & as we're going to Mt. Lassen National Park, you'll head out of town on Hwy 44. We'll continue this trip tomorrow, and introduce you to the not-so-well-known Lakes Basin recreation area. Any questions, send em along to us, just click on El Chango Tonto at top of page to email us. truly some examples of DUMBmonkey behavior the strange tale of guns & government informants courtesy the Village Voice we always wondered why it was always dumbmonkey see, dumbmonkey do visit UCLA's LONI UCLA's Brain Mapping Center another hoops related tidbit yesssss, we aware of the debacle that took place in the Staples Center last night, & we feel the less said the bettah, but laker-dudes better come out prepared in Portland, or it'll be a LONG & MISERABLE summer in Lakerland roundball romance we'd like to counsel our fellow hoops fan K.M. that he needn't offer apology for his inclination, could be worse, he could be a pro-wrestling fan; in a similiar vein, it seems we got to do more work than we like to do, 'tho we try to be careful about copyrights & stuff, we like to link to images or stories that have some relevance to the post o'the moment, but then the original post changes (EEEEEEK! we hatez when that happenz) on us, like the pics listed in yesterday's post for NY Knicks fans (which has been changed now), looks like we just gonna hav'ta save the image and upload to our dumbmonkey on-line storage archives, and we hates to do so much more work than we can usually get by with... More vacation/recreating suggestions, yah, another re-post, but we have something new in the works for you that we'll unveil tomorrow & Thursday, just in time to get outa town for a nice long weekend: Re-visiting a few fave places, like this one, going along some of this route, and being sure to stop in here for something yummy, then maybe head out this way, maybe even out here, and then end up here for some R & R. after receiving many requests for picture of dumbmonkey & faithful poochster (& expiration of a certain statute of limitations) here it is Pamie almost makes dumbmonkey cry... Martzke on the tv coverage of the NBA playoffs, which dumbmonkey agrees with, mostly, but there is this one guy on TNT that has got to go... altho he was rather subdued tonite. muddlin' about on a Monday AM after a truly summery weekend in the Bay Area... Most of us will enjoy a minimum 3 day holiday over the upcoming weekend, so this week we will be doing some holiday related posts, destinations that are only a few hours away, and maybe if you can get away a little earlier, or stay away a little longer, you can take the opportunity to enjoy some of these places, but first a coupla' news-related links: for fans of a certain Icelandic pop star w/ more on the story here. here's some Cannes related stories from the International Herald Tribune. Michael Wilbon of the Washington Post weighs in w/ his views on Game 7 for Knicks fans only: Latrell; along w/the N.Y. Post's Knicks news & now, some suggestions for a road-trip we're re-posting something from late March: now that spring is here, summer's due & a suggestion for those of you wanting to get away from the hustlin' bustlin' stinky crowded city, visit some beautiful country along the Highway 395 corridor along the Eastern Sierras. Make your plans quick enough & you can make it to the Mule Days Celebration in Bishop, CA. Take in the sights of Mono Lake, the Devil's Postpile, hike the Ansel Adams's Wilderness, and if you're fortunate enough to live in California, you can cover a bunch of territory in several long weekends. dumbmonkey feels this area is the place he could spend the rest of his dayze. Weblogs Good Bravo, Signore Rossi, Bravo! suggestion for IKEA shopping strategy hokay, dumbmonkey sort of person who occasionally really enjoys shopping, faves incl excellent book & toy stores, well equipped hardware stores, & Victoria's Secret (yah, dumbmonkey has secret too!), but has stayed away from Fortress IKEA in E-ville, as it has been TOO popular since it's opening day a little better than a month ago & as many other local folks can attest, it's a bitch to get in & outa there if you haven't beat the crowds, let it suffice to say that traffic engineering was not a primary concern when locating this massive building. our first suggestion is GO EARLY, & if you live elsewhere outside of the East Bay, make a friend somewhere in the E. Bay, spend the night there, get up early on Sunday, grab coffee at Peet's in Berkeley, pick up the newspaper & some yummy pastry, and head on out to the store, getting there, Oh, maybe betw 9:30/45, being sure to park nice & close, pass the time waiting as the line establishes itself w/yr newspaper, coffee & pastry (much to the envy of all) then PRESTO, doors open at ten, stroll to your heart's content, hope you brought your friend and they can drive your car so that if you do purchase & purchase & purchase, they can retrieve the vehicle whilst you transact business & be waiting in the nice spacious loading area in front of the store so you can then GET THE HELL OUTA DODGE!!!! works best IF: you have a good idea what you are looking for, otherwise you may be overwhelmed by the amount of inexpensive (relatively) & fairly well-made merchandise of ALL kinds available under one MONSTROUS roof. but really, early is bettah, and making kind of a casual AM coffee & wake up thing worked really well for us. yah, but now I gotta put the damn thing together... purely unsolicited recommendation some of you may recall our posting news re Peet's Coffee giveaway a few weeks ago, well, we found this printed out & avail to customers strolling into the store this AM, & happily also located it at Peet's website (PDF file)to share w/you. Seriously, this is quality stuff, and you gotta avoid the s***b**k folks, support your local java shack if you got one, but if you don't AND you really enjoy a quality coffee or tea, check out Peet's. AND it makes a GREAT GIFT! this is as close as we'll get to commercialism here at dumbmonkey an entry from the small world file got this email from our Popz this AM: A couple of things you might be interested in nothing earth shaking but news of a sort anyway. The father of the winning jockey at the Preakness is a friend of mine and I see him MWF at the Lifecare center. He had told me after the Derby that his son who is a jockey told him that he (the son) thought he could win the Preakness with the horse he was riding. The jockeys name is Jerry Bailey and the father is Jim Bailey and the horse is Red Bullet, when I last saw Jim I told him I might go bet a Combo on the horse and he said he (Jim) recommended I bet him to win, needless to say I didn't go bet and OLE Red came in first and paid $14.40 on a $2.00 ticket. I think I will be asked about it tomorrow. we knows our Pops loves the slots in Vegas, & been a lucky fella many times winning office & club pools, so we surprised that he ultimately decided not to wager. Thanks for sharing Popz!!! test your film history acumen w/this obscure cinema trivia quiz, courtesy Village Voice surprisingly kinda quiet here despite this reason to celebrate, but here's something on this evening's show thanks to array for the heads-up... late breaking space stuff Galileo fly-by of Ganymede more here hang out w/Cholly Kokonino and learn about the secret language of ducks in case you don't cruise the links here these simple thoughts alongside another fine Saturday post... all too often, it seems, the good die young... R.I.P., Malik Sealy gotta hurry & post these so's we can go shopping for yummy stuff & fine beers in prep for game 1 of the Western Conference Finals, & if you don't know who's playing, well, it probably isn't important to ya, but that's okay w/the dumbmonkey... ![]() this is probably the equivalent of 27 seconds of our allotted 15 minute of fame (strange ass pita? ahhhh, we been called worse...) we don't know who she is , but we feeling those un-ignorable stirrings in our loins again... (& if she thinks d.fitch & the dumbmonkey are wierd, take heart, there's plenty more wierdness ahead ...) this oddity showed up a while ago & left our head shaking at the small & inaccurate miracle that a search engine occasionally attempts everybuddy knows the dumbmonkey has a soft spot in heart for the dames in the blogg community, but we especially want to thank the fair Elise (wha'? AGAIN???) for her Sat. post re the invisible sutras, & la belle Heather ( HER TOO???) for the daily haiku she's providing us with... 'cept for today, she probably headin' to the Beach... some saturday silliness & we gotzta first point you in this direction cuz it's TOO DAMN FUNNY, and many many thanks to esteemed DOCTOR Jason of Q. now we dont know the Doctor very well, and certainly is just beginning his career, but we gets the feeling this fine fellah could be one of those WONDERFUL doctors that may find himself working w/these fine folks one day. Go get 'em Doc, the world needs ya... hella' fine playoff basketball performed in the Garden last night, likely making this series one of the great NBA playoff basketball throwdowns. There will be MANY Knicks fans in attendance at Miami, & it's gonna be quite a show. hmmmmm, if K.M. gonna subject us to the Knicks jam, mebbbe we come back w/Newman's I LOVE LA... not for long anyway, & a little hair o'the dog that bit one does wonders, but now to the matter at hand: a very hot spot called Io, w/ Galileo pics here; for the faithful poochster, we dedicate this link to dog owners everywhere; & in closing, this hoops related link word of advice: don't listen to anything that guy John tells ya, and we'll say FUCK whenever & wherever we wantzta!!! Hi! dumbmonkey had himself a very nice start to the weekend, thanks for asking, and currently is still kinda, uhmmmm, well, recovering might be the best way to describe it, so I'm stepping in for him at the moment, my name's John, pleased to meetcha... Firstly, my counterpart & I just like to use F**K, there is no particular reason, other than maybe that our Moms & Dads & some of their friends read our doggerel, and we both would like to avoid wounding their sensibilities, because, at heart, dumbmonkey & I are kind souls. I mean, if we wanted to we could shout FUCK with the best of 'em, believe me (we were sailors & not so distanced from our past we cannot summon our once miraculous ability to curse obscenely) but maybe we just don't want to anymore. There also seems to be a small current of disfavor towards folk like ourselves who enjoy the sporting life, more particularly, athletic events (for us, it is almost exclusively roundball, or better known to some, basketball). I know I speak for the dumbmonkey as well when saying we know what it takes to become a superior athlete & we can respect the time and effort involved, whether it be elite top-level competitor or high school jock; male or female; swimmer, tennis player, track & field, WHATEVER. It doesn't imply that appreciation of same makes dumbmonkey or myself a neanderthal (altho i do wonder about those pro wrestling fans, speaking personally). I came to be a hoops junkie as a boy, growing up in the west Texas town of El Paso, & the local college there once upon a time whipped ass on Kentucky in the NCAA finals & that part of my life changed tremendously that day. It's funny, but wherever I have visited in my travels, the sight of a basketball hoop always gives me a little frisson, & I've often thought to myself "hmmm, a sign of a civilized culture" upon sighting one. Well, it's been nice talking to you, the silverbacked beast is beginning to stir, but I really wouldn't count on hearing anything from him for the rest of the day, so why don't you go and visit some other bloggy places, maybe start with the links on the right, spend some time at the ghostlinks page and visit each one of those, drop them all a nice email saying the dumbmonkey & John sent you... dumbmonkey has just realized there is no playoff game tonite, & ennybuddy who knows dumbmonkey knows he never avail for games&fun during playoffs, but oh my, cannot bear to think of weekend (yes, ours starts at 5 tonite) beginning w/out some hoops. Maybe some fine & considerate person will recommend worthwhile film or video, perhaps we just read a good book... ooooh, yah, we really be jonesin' over the summer & fall, thanking goodness for the summer pro-am series imagine dumbmonkey's chagrin & embarassment when, one fine summer afternoon, a long time ago, we had convinced our Momz & Popz to join us for a matinee of a "very very funny movie". well, it wasn't exactly what the folks had expected, but the experience certainly brought us closer together, especially now that they can laugh about it. R.I.P., Paul Bartel tippin' the ol'red fez once again this time to highly regarded apathy for beaucoup linkage to comic sites. dumbmonkey essentially learned to read via the medium of comics, will always have soft spot in heart for the art form, & here's a dusted off old link of ours to peruse howzabout some linking at large this AM? first, something in the artseyfartsey category alongside this museum link, courtesy of Netsurfer Digest; speaking theoretically, let's go black hole diving; &, ahhhh, we not really sure what these folks be about, so put it in the ignorance is not bliss category; Oh yah, this little quicktime item, courtesy of f.s.o.m.m. (damn, maybe a little shorter name be in order?); sometimes (& this is one of 'em, in case you can't already tell, dumbmonkey has to wag shaggy head in dismay & think why oh why cannot we remember where we found this (or equally as likely- where we put the keys, wallet, hoooka-OOOPS, nevermind) but NEVERTHELESS, we press on, so here's Greasefire, along w/zero1art and if we stole 'em from you, let us know, we post an apology & credit where due... BLOG ON RIGHTEOUSLY! here's just one more, ahhhh, humorous item hmmm, dumbmonkey may hate hisowndamself for this what w/comedy being such a subjective thing, but we takes the chance anyway, 'cause our initial impulse is always to share, so, looking for something that might put a smile on your sour puss? what a bloody L O N G day... starting early to hand deliver estate tax returns to Feds & State, both (fortunately) w/in blocks of each other in downtown Oak-town, but the usual wait (yah, damn, even if the purpose is only to drop off docs & get receipt) in the queue, a particularly tedious one at the State office, then informed they wouldn't accept the return (darn, guess tax attorneys don't know everything) as it should be delivered to Office of the Controller & NOT the Franchise Tax Board (DOH!) so faithful poochster & dumbmonkey high-tail it back to Berkeley and post the sonofabitch (at least it gets postmarked w/the due date), then back to the Albany house, where w/minutes to spare we catch bus back to Berkeley, make MIRACULOUS connection to Bart train just as we arrive downstairs and am at the j-o-b with five minutes to spare. must be livin' right... Big time play by Mssrs Majerle & Hardaway deliver game 5 victory for the Heat (damn, when will Zo stop making DUMB fouls) Game 6, Friday in the Garden. mea culpa, mea maxima culpa whoa... looks like some nice toesies there how old do you gotta be before you're too old to fall victim to a crush a contemplative start to midweek and we'll pass this along, found while doing some research re Dennis Potter, having recently viewed The Singing Detective again. excellent last minute work by attorney & tax accountant results in HUGE reduction in federal/state estate taxes, by nearly 2/3rd's of the original amount. Another reason why to rely on those w/ knowledge & experience. w/attorney & tax accountant for estate, even had to bail on the j-o-b for the day. (got to give BIG thanks to Andrea, Karen, Colleen & rest of gang at SFNA for their understanding) so stopping in to check mail, post some miscellanea & pet the faithful poochster, who's recovering nicely, merci Now then, let's get Indignant Online; cannot recall how we came across this, but if the mood for stardust in your eyes strikes; here's a sample from one of the astrophotography links. Been to Tahoe? No??, maybe go there sometime soon, skim across it's surface, contemplate Tahoe's depths on a beautiful summer day getting squishy on-line may be hazardous to your health this link courtesy of NYT file under Modern Urban Folklore last week dumbmonkey made some reference to esteemed actor & all around goodfella Harvey Keitel & at that time actually thought we had lost this, but lo & behold, it just misplaced in WAYTOOBIG collection of bookmarks, go and have yourself a laugh & imagine, like we did, a coupla scientologist movie stars meeting this mook from Brooklyn... a great big "You Go, Girrl!!!" to the sauciest of tomatoes Elise for the recognition provided by CoolStop, this dumbmonkey couldn't agree more, as not only is she talented as all get out, but smart & sassy too!. Mrs. Tomek is happily married (yah fellas, we hear those hearts breaking), she's just a, ya know, a really classy broad. Who else would be so thoughtful as to send the dumbmonkey this head's up just outa pure niceness. R.E.T. was encouraging blogsters at large to consider their fave bloggs, & we unable to keep to just 10 of 'em, but regardless, even if we could only pick 5 or 3, Swallowing Tacks would be one of 'em. the esteemed Lilly GirlHacker, only to discover: Our database contains the 50,000 most commonly occurring names in the United States. Unfortunately, the name you selected isn't contained in this database. damn! we bettah start breeding soon... More fine Hubble Telescope stuff courtesy the Washington Post Knight allowed back on the floor? this must be the triple secret probation we've heard about. here's this recent piece from Salon, in case you're not already weary of this man's shenanigans alright, this may be a grim week one of dumbmonkey's primary responsibilities currently is Executor of estate of longtime friends/neighbors, now deceased & looks like Uncle Sam gonna take a BIG bite out of estate. Want advice on some planning? Get it all in a living trust, and make sure it is handled by someone w/much experience, & review it before it gets too late, just to be on the safe side and certain, otherwise, whooo boy, it won't be making you smile. major props to J. Kidd, w/his first playoff triple-double; Cliff Robinson for coming off ankle injury & shooting the lights out for 32 points (we want that same kind of injury!!!); Shawn Marion for his un-rookie like playoff performance. Suns get a tip o'the old red fez for team play overall, big Kudos also to Charlie Ward, whose big time play saved the Knicks butts of late. lots of game 4 drama in the 2nd round, & the Lake Show had a couple of notable No-shows; watch out fellas, Portland's licking their chops... to all the wonderful (& even those not so wonderful) Mommies out there, and, especially, to the dumbmonkey's MOMZ. We loves Ya, Momz, and hopes the bros at home pick up the slack to give you a very special day. In the spirit of keeping things light, we posting a coupla' humorous kinda thingies, & you'll notice a marked similiarity in two of 'em, w/a variety of other material re Mommydom & before anyone starts slinging foul invective in our direction - cuz' you know what we'll be slinging backatcha, don'tcha?? - keep in mind dumbmonkey is of ethnically diverse genetic makeup, including Polish/eastern European (s'why we mix so fabulously in this turgid, teeming Bay area meltingpot ). Ready?... Set?... waaaaal, let's go... dumbmonkey joke, version A; dumbmonkey joke, version B(Clinton variety); a Mother & her son were flying... mom-related tale is the first one here little jewel by Langston Hughes group of links re Mothers & Sons review of Sokurov's Mother and Son & we'll close this impromptu salute w/ this link for Moms everywhere to our Momz Esther, un abrazo MUY GRANDE, con muchos besos!!! takes a courageous stand, it'll be interesting to see what happens next 'tho surprising not to see anything more about this at any of these. we're including this and this for a little additional perspective & on the eve of Mother's Day, this viewpoint Happy National Apple Pie Day! Dennis Rodman & Harvey Keitel will probably not require our assist in celebrating their birthdays today, & we'll wager they won't be celebrating together either (tho it would be great to see Keitel pimped out as in Taxi Driver hanging w/Dennis in his usual fashion terrifying the locals in some waterhole). last minute reminder for those of you with Mommys to remember, and if your Mommy is an on-line Mommy, send her one of these or one of these. wheeeeewwww... another ugly E.Coast hoops game redeemed by great P. Ewing shot to take it to OT, & an exciting one at that. An ugly but compelling series. & just what's up w/the Lakerdudes, just how obvious do they want to make their vulnerabilities known, jeeezzzzus, the Blazers ain't gonna be a walk in the park, you know??? fun stuff from Chank Diesel any snail-mailers out there ? dumbmonkey likes to send postcards & maintains regular mail correspondance w/friends & family, so would like to share discovery of very nice set of stamps commemorating E. P. Hubble & telescope, so hie thyself over to your local P.O. or do it on-line here send dumbmonkey a cheezy postcard (da cheezier da bettah) to: POB 752, Berkeley, CA, 94701, & we send you equally cheezy one back is the place to be on May 15-19th. merde! dumbmonkey gotzta start paying more attention ces't la vie... waitaminnit, did you say Geek Cruise? hmmmm, now what would be fun is a weblogger cruise... to BAJA! friday follies Okay, somebody, anybody, please tell me why we are seeing so many visitors coming to dumbmonkey after doing an Altavista search for bpent.com/fbi? What the HELL is BPENT.COM/FBI ????? and why does it point to dumbmonkey? & why are so many of these searches from Euro shores? we don't mind, we takes 'em however we can get 'em (which happens to be our philosophy in romance as well) we just puzzled like a m**thaf**ka!!! to B. Knight: it's over, just resign and keep a low profile the rest of your days on earth, 'cause you have F**ked Up inna BIG WAY!! damn shame, too... & now, the winner in the "who gives a shit" category The Webby Awards the webbys been posted before, as well as by others yet here it is again, in the spirit of Friday Follies Andrei Codrescu's Exquisite Corpse & because we admire Mssr Codrescu so, here's his take on Texass we believes dumbmonkey is stuck in one of those massive constellations of Web sites that are inaccessible by links why DOES A.C. Green wear a green bear on top of his head during bench time of Laker games? Something many are wondering, including C. Nevius, dumbmonkey thinks you might find a clue here @ entry of the 29th. More info here. Wanna buy your own A.C.? some interesting reading at Village Voice particularly the Machine Age pieces. you got to lively up yourself... 'cause according to this, it's time to celebrate Bob Marley Day, & you don't have to be in Jamaica to celebrate, just have yourself a great big splif, then skank it slow, skank it easy... reading New Yorker on bus ride home yesterday and recommend the Philip Roth profile by David Remnick. Here's a notable quotation from the piece: "Every year, seventy readers die and only two are replaced. That's a very easy way to visualize it," Roth said. By "readers," he said, he means people who read serious books seriously and consistently. The evidence "is everywhere that the literary era has come to an end," he said. "The evidence is the culture, the evidence is the society, the evidence is the screen, the progression from the movie screen to the television screen to the computer. There's only so much time, so much room, and there are only so many habits of mind that can determine how people use the free time they have. Literature takes a habit of mind that has disappeared. It requires silence, some form of isolation, and sustained concentration in the presence of an enigmatic thing. It is difficult to come to grips with a mature, intelligent, adult novel. It is difficult to know what to make of literature. That's why I say stupid things are said about it, because unless people are well trained they don't know quite what to make of it." to recognize the work of Excellent Teachers largely unrecognized, they are the real MVPs yikes!, we got to be more careful w/this blogging stuff, first we read this, by Beth Lisick, who has a band and wrote a book and then (this is where we gotta learn to be more careful) we were looking for more on the book when we found this Enuf said!! y'all be careful out there you gotta love this woman... say HI! to Patti Ann somebody please tell me what NBA fans have done to deserve that HELLAUGGLY knicks/heat game last nite. had to open windows in the house, it got so stinky... Bird Lives! & deservedly so, here's some news about new 8 CD compilation of early studio work due out this fall. ooooOOOh, this gonna make some of my pals really blue Wild Turkey Bourbon warehouse burns Clarification seems necessary here, yesterday dumbmonkey mentioned being "blue" despite Meds, and have rec'd phone calls AND email asking "what's wrong Little Buddy?". brings a tear to my eyes that so many care so much (heeheehee) but we were referring to that dangblamed "what's your true color" thingie doing the blogaround lately. blues are unavoidable, the real ones, and we learn to cope w/em as best we can, but THANK YOU to all who checked in to make sure we's OK... to esteemed Peter Merholz for pointing the way to this thingy BRAVO, Cholly K whose appreciation of Swordsman II should not be missed, so hie thyself to the Hotsy Totsy Club & dig it, baby... Congratulations in order for Mr. O'Neal, but dumbmonkey waiting to see him get NBA Finals MVP, 'cause that's the one that counts! more on today's award HERE personal aside to K.M. --- in your DREAMS! incidentally, dumbmonkey be blue, despite the heavy meds... something wrong w/this picture and dumbmonkey certain it isn't going wrong only in SoCal. we posted some musings re sportsmanship in dumbmonkey of 3.18 (yah, we lazy, so go find it, you bound to find something else you missed anyway), found this LA Times 3-parter only recently, & have decided to post it here, altho we cannot be sure how many regular perusers of the dumbmonkey's page appreciate sports in general or any in particular, we want to emphasize that the goal seems to be to produce product for a "meat-market" of athletics, it isn't to promote good sportsmanship &/or the enjoyment of a well played game, & it's not just baseball or football, there's tennis, gymnastics, hockey & ice-skating mills by the thousands out there. We'd like to pose a question to the many parents & kids involved in these facilities: Do you know what you're doing to your child? (that one to the parents, this to the kids) Is this really what you want to do with the only childhood you have? Any opinions out there? maybe it is time to become a Metafilterer & foster discussion on subjects like this. deadlink warning: some links at 3.18 post deemed UNRECOVERABLE blushing, we offer our humblest apologies this is what happens when this dumbmonkey gets so tired & wasted from four day weekend that sunday pink pages don't get read till Monday: Robben Ford at Yoshi's, starting TOMORROW; & whilst we perused the coming attractions there, we found this link, which led us to this link, where our eyes could barely believe the sight of this link! WHOA!! bettah get there EARLY bruddahs & sistahs this bonus link for LOS LOBOS fans from the S.F. Chron's Science page by Sabin Russell, on Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn s'funny what one discovers on the company site... and just in time, needed something to stave off boredom for the moment, at least... life on the Border is hard enough without having to worry about these fools... maybe something more than better phone service is in order here. more heavenly beauty w/ addtional info courtesy Hubble Heritage project alongside well deserved tip of the ol'red fez to: Jimbob's Jimbobia, for the major tip re NYT links: David K's pixel.txt re this clever tool & more on clever tool here & here; memepool for the things creationists hate Blog On, Righteously! yea, verily, dumbmonkey is legion! screenshot of Flyswat search warning, screenshots can cause frustration if confused for real deal Le Rayon Vert courtesy today's APOD dumbmonkey givin' a tip of the ol'red fez to very decent S.F. Airport cop, who generously overlooked opportunity to write up dumbmonkey for parking and leaving car in departure area, had to assist brother K. w/his stuff, and altho the gentleman was fully within rights to have presented us with a not so lovely present, was kind and good natured as he wished us a good day (was early AM too!). Bravo, citizen, we salute you! and just 'cause it's sunday, here's this somehow we got this feeling the weekend be a recuperative one, so posting the bare minimum this AM: NYT Sunday mag, take the poll, if you haven't already, w/plenty of room for argument in the analysis of results, and then (as if anyone cares), for the dumbmonkey it's the smell of homemade tortillas. Bay-area blogsters will be sharing news re Magritte at S.F. MOMA, which opened yesterday. Fond of Mssr Magritte? we are also, so for more go here, here, and here "ain't nothing like the Real Thing, baby" 'bout gettin' squishy on-line and before we're too occupied, here is this, we also dusted off this one to share ![]() (Momz wuz right!). only have these colorful kiddie band-aids around, was troubled momentarily by this bright pink pinkness, then realized what should trouble us is how well it seems to "fit"... here's more backround on this Mexican holiday, alongside a smattering of related links here. & for those of you for whom Cinco de Mayo is not enough reason to celebrate, especially those who indulge in the pleasures of a particular leafy green substance, you can celebrate this, and we gotta pass along this sfblog along w/ this resource, both discovered while perusing sites for Cinco de Mayo info. Go out and GET SOME!!! oh yeah, from dumbmonkey HQ mailroom: Dear J, Experience a journey more mysterious than death itself. Click here: http://www.shockwave.com/accuser_movie the shockwave.com team we dippin' & swayin' to Stevie singin As, grateful for Napster & people who love to share, & we came across this site, 'cause we tired of not knowing all the words. now we likely to go and BUY a bunch of Stevie, that's how it works for us... too right... from the official record: " hell honneeey, we take 'em ennaway we kin get 'um" ![]() real life intrudes, delaying any plan of escape for the dumbmonkey, so turning within, we seek inner peace for the moment. surely faithful poochster has Buddha nature; in this Zen kind of mood, maybe we give Smile another listen, then perhaps devote some time to meditations upon these and if serenity remains unattained, patiently contemplate these. It may be necessary to utilize the resources of this wonderful place in Muir Woods, we'll also be sure to spend some time at the beach. OR, maybe just a coupla of Micky wide-mouths w/a big splif, listening to Smile, chilling inna BIG way... the lucky dumbmonkey's weekend starts today at 5 we wish fellow hoops fan K.M. a fine weekend en famille on his visit to S.C. & we thinking w/so much time free for ourselves, maybe re-visiting a few fave places, like this one, going along some of this route, and being sure to stop in here for something yummy, then maybe head out this way, maybe even out here, and then end up here for some R & R. warning, this is a sad story truly tragic happy lumpy rug day!!! Bad Taste Warning!!! whew, Lakers taken to the 5th game, Spurs outplayed by Phoenix, dumbmonkey wonders if Seattle will rise to the occasion... no, we're not kidding oh, c'mon honeeeey, jump down on this rug with me... a visitor left behind this link which led me to this one well, dumbmonkey thought he had the answer to Heather's provocative inquiry, in the sixth paragraph of this, but she hasn't said so yet... Third time's a charm took her a while but she finally flattened that sucker Vikings invade Washington, D.C. More on the invasion here & here. no, NOT the football team... without futher ado, dumbmonkey presents longtime pal o'mine, Betsey C. & her San Francisco Call we apologise for this long overdue introduction, if you love S.F., you'll want to read the Call hasta la vista, babee... this too good to pass up the Cult of Bill Gates Arriba, arriba, hechamos una Fiesta, Andale!! make you own Cinco de Mayo celebration w/ these helpful hints we gotzta read our sunday paper more carefully! as we almost missed mention of this free concert in S.F. for all the sports fans out there R.J.'s Sportpages.com hell, we knew that! Rock on Elliott! |
oingo altavista Crayfishy DMOZ MRQE Online assist la creme... |