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friday, nov. 10

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force..."
here it is, nearly 2:30 Am, third night in a row dumbmonkey unable to catch a few winks, we use some of this misplaced energy to put together a little amusement & edification for the dedicated dozen regular visitors here on this last day of a pretty fucked up week...
Home of Muses ~ The Odd Duck now, let's leap off into the ether, & contemplate bigger things...
Views of the Solar System ~ MAP: Intro to Cosmology ~ Lunar & Planetary Institute be sure to spend some moments here, from that last link above ~ ~ ~ so, so sorry, katz & kittyz, mea maxima culpa, events these week have proved somewhat dispiriting & disappointing (& it ain't gotta thing to do w/the political circus) major case of the bluuz dropped outta the bluu & weighing down upon these broad silverbacked shoulders o'ours, so hoping y'all will bear w/us. Belated B-day greeting to eldee (envy you livin' in place where you can really see the night sky) of HaHa alongside our sincere hopes that pal Betsey C., the force behind the S.F. Call, is staying warm in house missing walls due to replacement of foundation, 'cause it's been a little chilly last few dayz (& she lives in the city!). So, now we try the sofa for a while, read & maybe ol' pal Morpheus will visit & we won't watch dawn break again, but in the meantime, we leave you w/this fine tune, dedicated to fave galpal, many, many miles away...

the day after the debacle
"Men are ruled, at this minute by the clock, by liars who refuse them news, and by fools who cannot govern." G. K. Chesterton
GODDAMMIT! some of you were NOT listening... & this particular silverback sure as hell doesn't require another lesson in civics, not at this stage of our stellar career. Damn, talk about dumbmonkeys...
first, we point out this dumb-as-crap thing, thanks to gang at My Bong Runs Linux, no doubt in as much shock & consternation as the dumbmonkey is, so we forgive the messy linkage on their 11.8 post; now, we send you here, for just a little reminder, albeit plenty late now, for sure; we'll include this link, jess fer da halibut, and then.... and... and... uhhh... awwwww, fuggedaboudit, we just gonna go & medicate ourselves today...
oh, & by the way, all of you whom have had a leetle wager w/this dumbmonkey re this political debacle, the line for the free drinks forms to the LEFT

Gary Trudeau recommends ~ ~ ~ voting is the easy part real change comes w/the collective effort to ensure change; & now a few aphorisms & quotations re democracy: a few from; DeTocqueville on Democracy; that ole' dog T.J. on Politics & Govt; Inspiring?, well, you be the judge; yesss, we trot out old war horse Gore V;
we leaves you w/this thoughtful essay

monday, monday...
 3 of the dumbmonkey's fave Mamas & Papas tunes here:
Got A Feelin'
Go Where You Wanna Go
Twelve-Thirty (Young girls are coming to the Canyon) alright, tigers & tigresses, go get 'em! ~ ~ ~
ahhhh, wouldn't it be nice! to get out of town for a while, we mean SERIOUSLY outa town like mebbe three or four months worth of outatown... Yah... datzda ticket...

now, that's back-pocket personality! he gotz money up 'da asss...
apologies to those in the midst of brekkie... ~ ~ ~
 the image above links to site w/collection of fine examples of panoramic photography & choice of viewing style. Enjoy! ~ ~ ~ & in the spirit of weekend wierdness
visit Spank's archive including collection of Simian Sites of the Month ~ ~ ~ & oh yah, we almos' forgot... postcards anyone?

a single link in image above, classic Fleetwood Mac tune kinda quiet around Chez Dumbmonkey for the next week or so... Disappointed? Really?? yah, right... visit past dumbmonkey-biz for your recommended daily requirement ~ ~ ~ for whipped cream fans everywhere
 a monkeyking can dream, can't he... ~ ~ ~ the last of the Hollywood Ten
Ring Lardner Jr. dead at 85 from cancer. more on the Hollywood 10 here & here.