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Eliot was wrong, October has it all over April
"we feelin' like whaleshit today & that's onna bottom o'the ocean..."
may be sometime before another post here folks, the outer perimeter has been breached, the castle's under seige, & with reinforcements months away things are looking grim...
10.2.00 'da hoops jones link o'the day Yah, babee! baseball in post-season, hockey 'bout to start, means one thing to the dumbmonkey, hoops not very far away (notice we not even mentioning that other game being played these days?) & in that spirit we present what likely to become new feature in the margin, once the council of elders here agrees on new layout ~ ~ ~ tired of being treated as a mushroom & raised on a steady diet of bullshit??? are ya binkie???
our naked solicitation of your empathy... aaaahh, how we dislikes monday AMs, now that we doing the straight workday-weekday thing like so many others, & not only that, this week the dumbmonkey doin' the entire Mon-Fri trick, & it's harder on us than you might imagine, so here's psychological ploy #1, we know it'll help us get past the pain & suffrin' we experience this AM, & while you're listening, just imagine this silverbacked ape, mane flowing freely, striding down Market, Peet's in hand, heading to 5th & Mission...
10.1.00  a fall to remember for Bay Area baseball fans our regulars aware the dumbmonkey's first love as far as sports are concerned is basketball: hoops, roundball, shooting the pill, ya know, & we not the type who be jumpin' on any bandwagon, but we did wish the Oakland A's best of luck w/their winning ways way back on 4.20 (ah, go ahead, visit the archives, be good for ya...) so we really pleased to see this young team wrap up the division in an exciting end of season race, presciently summed up here. Credit & kudos to the entire team & coaching staff, but we also want to point out this item from 9.26 putting the spotlight on les freres Giambi, with Jason a front runner for MVP consideration. Now Bay Area fans of the boys of summer will be experiencing something awfully close to paradise, with both New York teams coming to town this week; here's a little perspective from the Yankee clubhouse, & this news from the Mets re their opener against the Giants in Pac Bell Park. We'll leave the details & game by game re-caps to those who know baseball far better than the dumbmonkey, but we aware enough to scent the distant possibility of another Bay Area World Series, let's just hope should it come to pass, that Mother Earth will leave any quaking & shaking out of the mix... by the way, we be rootin' for the A's...