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9.30.00 two items to close out September... firstly, any regular peruser of the dumbmonkey knows of our appreciation for the work of Gore Vidal, and this FYI for any of you w/similiar inclination, courtesy C-Span (2), In Depth: Gore Vidal, 3 hours w/our favorite curmudgeon, Noon-3PM EST. ~ ~ ~ & now, something completely different
lots of chatter going on in various bloggies & other places in the ether, re new release by Radiohead; we'll point ya to this review from NME, then be sure to catch this piece from Sunday NYT magazine. Ourowndamnselves awfully partial to some of their earlier stuff, para exemplo, esta cancion, Estrella Negra. Whilst perusing bloggies earlier came across this link to Shoutcast of new album & the dumbmonkey tippin' his ol'red fez to orbitalworks for the heads up, & will reserve judgement for the time being, but got to say not altogether excited on initial listening, but then again, we likes The Blue Nile, so what do we know...

for your weekend enjoyment: La Linda Lucinda
9.29.00 awwwww, c'mon, even the dumbmonkey knows bettah... we talkin' Noo Yaawwk heah... ~ ~ ~ & now, it gets upfront & personal... chainsaw has an opinion we buildin' back our hoops related bookmarks, ennybuddy out 'dere, please share, we do the same. Here's an early entrant in the new file, according to Hoyle,
hmmmm, maybe we sign up...
& help strike a blow against SUVs friday follies anyone?
headlines in search of an editor
alright fellas, you can be "muy rico suave" too Let's play "Name that Candy Bar"!
the dumbmonkey will seldom point ya to Yahoo but will
make exception for Lenny Bruce's Thank You Masked Man
we kid you not: The CIA Homepage for Kids
in our humble opinion
the Warriors do the right thing
9.28.00 Obsessed, yes, absolutely... with the magnificent talent & beauty of Emmy Lou Harris, a review of last nights show at the Fillmore here, & here's damn, DUMBmonkey gotzta pay more attention... ~ ~ ~ also out of todays S.F. Chronicle
this link on The Napster Effect obsessed? OBSESSED?? Nah, not us...
rec'd nice letter from fellow weblogger Mr. D. Fitch, of the esteemed Apathy in re the 9.26 post relating events of Black Sunday. Mr. Fitch mentions his experience running Linux box & joys of cat & mouse play upon discovering entry of
uninvited visitors, makes us more aware we need to decrease the large ignorance we possess re Linux. Last night, as result of another correspondence re the Grey Areas hacker interview, we decided to seek out some additional info & tried simple search you can follow here, from which we've mined the following links. Females of the hacker persuasion interviewed here and here; Two other interviews, one from Yale Herald here & you'll find another here from Spectator Online; circa '98, we offer up this Sociology of Hackers, culled from this INET '98 page; here's a guide to Mostly Harmless Hacking", and we'll draw this particular section of this Am post to a close by referring you to the always timely Risks Digest in case you're not already nervous enough.
Brother K was chatting w/us briefly last nite and pointed this Shields Up site out, a site we'd earlier bookmarked, and worth perusing if you have a broadband connection or are considering same. For anyone out there with a serious interest in computer/data security we offer you Security Focus, where much technical info can be located. Ken had brought up the suggstion that when & if a network be installed in dumbmonkey HQ we might consider a piece of hardware he utilizes in his set-up in Santa Rosa, here is link to the router & as an aside, he mentions one of the blessings of this item is you don't have to do any software set-up (complexity of that varies w/firewall proggie you'll utilize). Had enough?, yah, bet ya have, but we'd appreciate hearing from anyone reading this who might have something worthwhile to offer up.
9.27.00 tole ya we wuz messed up! it NOT 9.28 those of you here earlier may have wondered what up w/the 9.27 post, well, the ol' dumbassmonkey gettin' just a leeeetle ahead of hisowndamnself & begs your indulgence, we stand corrected (gracias Papa-san)... oh, Willie, you old dog you... y'all gonna have to work for this one first we go & visit Leah Garchick over there on the left margin, & check out her column for today, the last item in particular... only 20?
aaagggghhh! dumbmonkey experiencing post-traumatic stressful feelinks, Why, you may ask. Well, we avoided mention of the loss of our bookmarks during the horror of Sunday computer disaster, trying to be chipper & manage some sense of savoir faire (a tough thing on occasion for this silverbacked personage), but each time we move the mousie over the faves icon and click, and nothing shows up, we wince inwardly, and oooooh, we don't like it. We lost bookmarks once long ago and swore we be careful (we lost history of our correspondence w/fabulous other bloggers and close palsy-walsys too) & ever since always made sure to save file of bookmarks each time we rebuilt or upgraded the Mongoose, but on Sunday we didn't have the opportunity and it kinda hurtz a little bit. Ahhhhhh, yah, we know, they ONLY bookmarks, it not like money in the bank or anything, but nevertheless, sometink missing, and we feel the loss. If ya runs into us in the street, stumblin' about in a daze, be gentle and kind and buy us a drink, tell us all will be okay, all be fine, & that one day dumbmonkey will forget all about horror of Sunday 9/24. so now, we likely to ask faithful readers to put up w/our assembling first-class collection of linkage which we will work into our daily attempts to inform & entertain, and we will start with link to Grey Areas, which we came across many moons ago, and we chose it because of the first link you see on this page, which dates back a few years, but we recall reading it w/great interest, & it also relates to the paranoia we have been experiencing of late. (& a paranoid monkey is not a happy one...) We have to admit to some degree of unease in re to the notice you will find at the bottom of the article, & not certain why, but we point you in that direction anyway, to hell w/any consequences.
9.26.00 two things, briefly... hearkening back to earlier dumbmonkey posts, most recently yesterday's
mention of Ms. Karr's "Cherry", this item from the NYT; our second item in re to dumbmonkey posts of the week of 9.10, this thoughtful piece by David Steele in today's Chronicle. & yah, the dumbmonkey crushing on sumbuddy in a big way, but y'all nevah guess who.... Oh Yah! Time to KICK IT AGAIN!
 New Episode Launching 12 NOON PST TODAY! ~ ~ ~
we wuz hacked! least it seems a reasonable conclusion to draw after the events of recent days. At first we thought we had caused some system difficulties by our attempt at installing a game (Fast Attack- sub warfare) which we could never get onboard, altho first time we tried it (on Bro K's nice Sony laptop, less than a year old) it auto-started and ran just fine, went thru the initial tutorial without a hitch, but we just couldn't get it to install on our Mongoose (yah, we named our computer, this is acutally Mongoose V), even in DOS (which was an option the game provided) & could understand if it was simply beyond the ken of the dumbmonkey, but when it cannot be installed by Bro K, something is amiss. ANYWAY, then the real funny stuff began. When Ken was trying to install game, he came across this odd bunch of stuff in the program files, a list of strange .exe files, along w/some odd things showing up in the task manager, & when unable to identify them by relating them to any of the bunch of programs installed, we deleted them, without any resulting problem, but still no luck with the game install, so to hell wid it, we said, it only cost 5 measly bucks at the computer fair. that was Saturday afternoon. Sunday, bright and early by dumbmonkey time, am enjoying ICQ chat w/dear pal of mine, when the proggie locks up, unable to clear simply by being patient, task manager shows a BUNCHA winoldapp in list, & after some minutes still frozen, so we do the Big Nasty, Mongoose goes thru its tricks, we re-launch ICQ, then Natasha (names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent) & dumbmonkey picks up where we left off, & then I get this little warning dialog box that says something about system resources are dangerously low, do you want to end the program & the gosh darn thing happens again, this time cannot even launch the task manager so we do the Big Nasty once more, & upon restoral and ICQ re-connect, I launch task manager & shut down some proggies that do their job quietly in backround, just in case, and continue chatting w/very patient pal of mine. At attempt to view "My Computer" properties & check performance level to gauge system resources we repeatedly received warning dialog saying unable to open, cannot locate something/
hmmmmmmmmm, mysterious we say, but ICQ not locking up and Natasha & ourself are able to continue our chat, we thinking, well, we restart system properly when we done, and that should clear any hiccup out of the Mongoose. HAH!
Evidently we'd been flying on a wing & a prayer 'cause as Mongoose attempted to restart, we'd got message regarding 3 .sys files that couldn't be found along w/one saying unable to locate windows/ So we tried again, and again and then (yah, we know you know) called brother Ken. (dis iz a great guy, his being my brother notwithstanding). We describes the events, hmmmmmmmm, he says, try dis, we do, same snafu. Try this, again same snafu. YUCK, (except now our choice of expletives be a little coarser than that). Ok, bro K patiently asks, you got the windows CD, yah, we tell him but only 98 (some discussion follows re currently installed 98SE, merits of intalling 98 vs 98SE -which would've been ideal, but don't have CD- wot the hell, box ain't gonna run ANYTHING w/out the, so we begin 98 install, which goes fine for awhile until we get to a certain point and refuses to go further because- get this- not enough memory. MUTHAF*****A! nonsense, we both say to each other, damn thing has resources avail like crazy & 128 megs RAM, so something really bad happened (by now near 1 in the Pm on Sunday). Bro K says, "Bruddah J, i am coming out to save the day (he didn't say that part even tho that's what he did) and get the Mongoose up and running cause we know that the 12 or 13 people out there that read dumbmonkey regularly be bereft as all hell if you not there to carry that torch of truth & justice for them. Praise the Heavens for Bro K!!!!
Okay, we make the rest of this shorter, or at least try to. Calvary arrives, and takes look at Mongoose, still unable to get past the 98 install lock-up, command decisions are made to format the partition (we keeps the OS on its own) and do a clean install of 98SE, which progresses without incident, & Ken postulates this possibility: as chez dumbmonkey is equipped w/DSL, which runs a little fatter than the usual due to our proximity to switching location (5 blocks) and Mongoose is a nice little box, only running a k6-2 450, but tons of storage, & usually online 24/7, so might be attractive to hacker type person, and because of that odd bunch of executable files that we found the day before, and mysterious disappearance of files, Ken says likely possiblity is Mongoose got hacked, and hacker-dude left behind the .exes, came back on Sunday to find them eliminated & said "oooh, gonna fuck you up man" & killed the and left mongoose to its agony. Well, we say, it is possible.
SO, now system is back up and running, many proggies (the essentials) re-installed, some of them newer editions, and we are now behind a firewall, using Hack-Tracer, and (Thank You to each of you hanging in here this long) what usually occurs first now w/firewall up is this initial indication of attempt which you see on upper righthand side of captured screen image and when you click the track it button, you see this image of a map & the animated process shows you the route of the trace (in the backround you see the event log, from which you can also access the More Info/Report/Track commands avail on the initial detection pop-up), and the tabs below can allow you to see the traced route node by node, network information, as well as registrant information. This example from last evening, a a little before 9:30 alongside the window that pops up w/"more information", where you will see the repeated attempts to gain access by whatever rat-bastard (No, in the kingdom of the dumbmonkey, when it comes to hacking our mongoose, you are guilty until proven innocent) is hiding behind Now we all knows that a little paranoia is not a bad thing, and if you recently got yourself a cable or dsl connection and are taking advantage of that nice fat 24/7 connection and haven't looked into a firewall of some kind yet, accept our cautionary tale and GO OUT & GET ONE DAMMIT!. True, a talented hacker is not going to be easily dissuaded, and a really smart, talented hacker probably has a lot more interest in some entity providing a greater challenge to their efforts. The dumbmonkey also aware that all of this outlined above doesn't actually mean we can go out and nail the asshole playing with our connection (Hack Tracer will allow reporting of the detected intrusions if you want to inform the ISP or provider where the attack is traced to), and again, a truly talented hacker going to be hard to find without committing major resources, but some protection is better than none at all. We will also be examining other firewalls available like
ConSeal Firewall and let you know what we think, but right now, the dumbmonkey feeling a little less, ahhhhhh, vulnerable, but damn, Sunday was a bitch! Thanks, Brother Ken, you are the best!
9.25.00 crawling from the wreckage... that was Sunday at Chez dumbmonkey, hooooh boy, have we got a story for you, but it'll have to wait for the moment 'cause first we wantzta share sumtinkelz wit ya. Recalling our without further ado post of 9.7, we point you in direction of this Salon piece on Mary Karr's "Cherry" & she'll read some of it to you here. this'll have to do for now, all you katz & kittyz have a leeetle patience w/the dumbmonkey, surviving the death & rebirth of dumbmonkey HQ computer, but learned value of having a firewall...
9.23.00  that interesting photo from The Dream by Melvin Sokolsky in the Sunday NYT magazine where you'll find a bunch of other interesting stuff to peruse, like this article on Mr. Sokolsky. For another kind of Sunday magazine experience visit the
Washington Post magazine & (amongst other things) make a mad dash across N. Carolina vicariously sampling bar-b-que. yah, we know it's still saturday, ok? ~ ~ ~ the miracle of the camaro ~ ~ ~
we hearken back to dumbmonkey post of 9.6 & then point you to this opportunity to select your fave Beatle tune
and then if you have a way with words, enter the All You Need Is Love contest you'll find on this related page for the chance to win a copy of the book...
9.22.00 dumbmonkey gotz today off!
so Friday Follies be just a coupla silly things... for games & fun
more silly stuff at ngames for any dog lovers out there... Danger Will Robinson!
back to fun & games, for playful brains
fun w/ puzzles more fun than a barrel of dumbmonkeys: cabeem
& a fitting finish to this monkey-business:
chimptopia enjoy your weekend, maybe we catch you on Sunday in Berzerkely...
9.21.00 hmmmm, interesting...
read this re internet avoidance which led us to more here 4 hours & 15 minutes??? goshdarnitall, don't think we've got that much time... ~ ~ ~ Have you ever wondered How Berkeley you can Be? also be your opportunity to view the Art Cars from near & far... ~ ~ ~
 the dumbmonkey attending to his espresso jones and came across the Mill Valley Film Fest catalog & spent much of this Am's Bart ride into city salivating over which films we intending to catch, like this Von Trier film, this one on music in Louisiana, Return of the Navajo Boy, Grateful Dawg, the entire 5@5 series, and.... and... and... aaaaagggghhhhhhh... oooooh, too many films, so little time, Wanna come along?
late breakin' hoop news Patrick to Seattle, Rice to N.Y., H. Grant to L.A. & we know K.M. not pleased w/these events...
9.20.00 girl talk courtesy Pamie's Squishy ~ ~ ~ ooo-OOO-oooh, temper temper... & whilst dumbmonkey in a literary mood visit The Blue Moon Review ~ ~ ~ dumbmonkey fond of pommes frites &, thusly inspired, we jump into the dumbmonkey way-back machine, to bring you this tater-related link from 2.22 ~ ~ ~ muchas gracias a K.M. & el espanto en la maquina
for linking to Vidal @ Salon & making my first hour on the j-o-b a good one we dreamed the marine layer had returned only to wake & find the sun shining fiercely...
two items from the Village Voice,
first this on the relative success of Art House cinema;
this piece on the "new" wave of literary magazines ~ ~ ~ silly dumbmonkey watching Ben Stein the other eve

we needed the laugh... ~ ~ ~ credit where credit's due...
to the esteemed Dan Fitch's Apathy & we'll single out this link from his many excellent selections; the IBS gang for their always first-rate work, particularly search related post of 9.18; and we heard from our gayly gothic gal-pal Rhoda K yesterday, who sent along this link to her journal alongside statement to the effect that dumbmonkey responsible for inspiring her, which makes us wonder, how did she know we wear ladies underwear while cruising the freeways & teasin' truckers... sumbuddy elz out dere KNOWZ dat ain't da trut...
 New Episode Launches September 26th! ~ ~ ~ & by the way, re behind the scenes at Kokonino & Ko. we figured as much... ~ ~ ~ Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon wins top prize in Toronto more on director Ang Lee & film here, more on Lee here, here, & here dumbmonkey subscribing to too many magazines & still be buying some off the rack at the bookstore, one of which is Lingua Franca, & happy to see their 1Oth Anniversary arrive. We also discovered new (to us at least) Naked Poetry available, & we have to say photo on page reminds us of Ruth Bernhard's photography of nudes, particularly the one on this page entitled Perspective II, and before we spend the rest of our day peering at pictures of naked people, we point you to Zoetrope Stories for your reading enjoyment.
9.18.00 The New Yorker gets its toesies wet Holy Boy! dumbmonkey tippin' our ol'red fez to the very colorful Poor Clio for posting the Monkey Sanctuary link ~ ~ ~ My fellow Americans! Make your mothers proud... be sure to wash your hands! especially after using your co-workers's computer... MIT steps up & takes the heat... will other universities follow the example? ~ ~ ~ dumbmonkey must remember to read Feed more often...
came across this Kathy Acker item short while ago, so while we at it, we'll share this interview, another one here, this item goes way back to '85, & we'll present you w/Birth of a Wild Heart before finishing w/ this tribute page to Ms. Acker.
9.17.00 couple of guys talkin' sports & reminding us, 'fore he's gone, that we'll miss Al McGuire
this from Mike Lupica, N.Y. Daily News & this from Rick Reilly, Sports Illustrated  an excellent day to visit the beach half-past 10 and already in the 80s...
dumbmonkey & his brother K suffered a bit of disappointment yesterday, visiting the Vallejo computer show & finding it sorely short of the usual vendors, one in particular from whom we have purchased many components for upgrading or building boxes from scratch, so we have postponed our intended weekend project until next week, when we hope that vendor appears at the Santa Rosa show, a call on Tuesday will confirm that. Minor disappointment certainly, but kind of skewed the weekend's focus as it had been something planned for sometime, pos, asi es la vida, No?
living fat, after the fatwa: Rushdie in NYC, courtesy NYT Sunday mag: the dumbmonkey finds this kind of thing interesting, looking back at a theme or story a year or more later & see what changes have taken place. Something we'd like to point out to you is the Behind the Curtain project being brought into reality by the esteemed G. Vreeland of array. It may be interesting to go back to the participants a year from now and see how things may have changed. Why isn't the dumbmonkey participating you may ask, well, the deadline hasn't passed quite yet, but we sincerely believe our day-to-day is the stuff of which the words humdrum, mundane, along with the phrase "stupifyingly boring" were intended to describe. We wish we could see our esteemed fellow blogsters Dante Oblimov & team Cabinet, Senor Kokonino & Ko. of The Hotsy Totsy Club, fellow curmudgeon & fine-brew lover S. Baum, the Texas Tornado behind Ethel the Blog, the enfant terrible K. Murphy, the true wizard behind the curtain of Ghost In The Machine, the fair Jessamyn of the cyber-island Abada Abada (everybody hoping for a timely recovery & "all's well" in light of the recent vehicular-related incidents in her young life) and, damm we could just go ON AND ON.... Thanks & credit to K.M. for his blog portal
KUDOS to Mr. Vreeland for providing the genesis of the idea, and we are looking forward with great anticipation to the revealing of the wizardry, pathos, melodrama, intelligence, breakfast cereal choice and creative shenanigans behind the curtains of the participant's alchemy laboratories, & altho it should go without saying, we shall anyway... Blog on Righteously! & we tippin' our ol'red fez to one & all involved now we gotzta go out & give the faithful poochster a shampoo...
9.15.00 goodness! a tragedy for Bay Area film-lovers the U.C. Theatre may close it's doors related stories here & here related story from E. Bay Express
hokay, watch out, & don't say we didn't warn you... esquire's dubious achievements of the week ~ ~ ~ more on the elusive Higgs boson referred to yesterdays Lederman post... ughhhh, early Am for the dumbmonkey today... so, we gonna forego dumbmonkey history lesson for the day & simply include a few links for you enjoyment, mostly reposts, but in the spirit of Friday Follies
Hilary makes the best cartoonies for you shockwave equipped folks (& you know who you are), here's bullseye art & because attitude matters, get Indignant On-line & now the dumbmonkey reaches out to you, extending the olivebranch that is
camp chaos entertainment now away we go, finish off yummy homemade latte thingy & out the door....
9.14.00 clever is as clever does... the hoity toity club y la cosa verdadera uhhh, what was the question again? if 3/2 is the answer, then what's the question? more on Dr. Stevens' work here a brief bio of Dr. Lederman here & brief & abridged transcript of a Lederman speech here
new blips on local blog-radar tatochip naked & alone probandum coffee is my best friend double espresso & a big spliff coupla' ours... ~ ~ ~ ~ & now, our Thursday edition of dumbmonkey's history lesson a brief reminder, the theme of the majority of this weeks posts has to do with the "apology" recently offered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. (see the 9.10 post for particulars)
we begin w/this essay, The Reservation as Place and follow it up w/page commemorating the Cherokee Trail of Tears. Now, from Mr Diener's personal page, this story of The Jackson Hole Indian War of 1895, along with this labor of love by Chuck Petras, & point you to this item in particular; also from a personal page, this essay on Our Indian Heritage. A little bit on the history of Native American involvement in the Great War, courtesy D. Camurat, & heisted from the WWI Document Archive. Lastly, we point you to the AIM website & the Trail of Broken Treaties position paper. We'll end this post w/a collection of quotes attributed to notable Native Americans. ~ ~ ~ well, maybe we spoke too soon... some late news on the trust fund situation this from dumbmonkey of 4.2 on the Government & the Trust fund:
U.S. Govt. Business as Usual Another Broken Trust more on this the trail of broken treaties has no end...
9.13.00 a consolidation of blog/not-blog power thanks to Squishy for the lo-down on thongs, & pointing us to damn hell ass kings down under, where even an apology was refused Olympics focuses spotlight on injustices of course, there also exists this viewpoint, although hard to accept, in light of this information.
ahhh, midweek has arrived, w/light local showers... & we'll get right to the subject with this history related link; another bit of history involving U.S. Government shenanigans; here an example of legal shenanigans re title to Indian lands; this link on 500 years of hate crimes, & then to close out today's educational post, this on eliminating Indian stereotypes. ~ ~ ~ dumbmonkey stumblin' about on the web seeking info on the NPR site when we came across this list of NPR's 100 most important works in American music. We always find this kind of list interesting, often amusing, but definitely gets us to consider what we might put on our own list. Hello Dolly?, least there's no Barbara Streisand included...
9.12.00 Logitech's new mouse gives ya a feelin' for what ya clickin' & makes us wonder what we'd be feelin' at Danni Ashe's site.... ooooooh BAD monkey, very very bad monkey... $8/Hr & all the 'gator ya can eat...
wanna wrestle gators in Florida? definitely take a pass on the snake handler gig back to the subject of the week
first, a few cautionary remarks; & then we'll include a couple of essays re personal discoveries, first this from doxart/AOL Homepage, alongside another, but w/a slightly different POV by L. Friedberg. In relation to the struggle of indigenous peoples thruout the world, we include this from Inkarri
9.11.00 a little Scandinavian history for you, courtesy Ralph, The Øresund Fixed Link
oh, stop stop! makes us dizzy, brain is spinning! time in reverse? more on the enigma here, w/additional mindbending material here & a little on the Mayan concept here "where we're coming from..." the dumbmonkey is going to take some opportunity this week to draw focus to the apology offered by the BIA, & some description of why we feel it is still a rather inadequate gesture. First, this link, which we offer to provide some glimpse of personal history, & should let you know the dumbmonkey's personal backround includes Slavic/Eastern European bloodlines alongside of his S.W. U.S. border roots. During the week ahead, there will be a number of links with a good deal of material contained, and then some like this outline of relevant history. This link referring to Indigenous Sovereignty an example of the former. We will pause, for this day, w/the inclusion of this link, & remind you somewhere in the world right now, there are people who believe that very thing, & others dying because of it.
9.10.00 two things, both WAY overdue...
first, a particular government agency extends an apology: Mr. Gover's speech here,
and then, from some folks in Indiana, this bit of news...
both excellent illustrations of the concept of too little, too late.
9.8.00 vacuous vendredi ~ ~ ~ "we get high in a cocaine submarine..." a variation upon a theme, #47 ooooh, an early start today for the dumbmonkey, in to the j-o-b by 7:30, so we leave here for the trans-bay bus shortly, but first: this came in yesterdays mail, a timely reminder in a couple of ways. Here's a review of Cowboy Wally, courtesy BugPowder, who, by the way, also has a nice little blog going. Artist Kyle Baker has a web presence here, and for additional good measure (& you know the dumbmonkey always likes to share) an interview from, alongside another courtesy Trackwire; here's something special that Mr. Baker had a hand in. Here's a double shot of Monkey-biz (HOORAH!), first a review of another of Mr. Bakers fine efforts, courtesy your friend & mine at Spank-The-Monkey. Lastly, altho it has been a short work week, we still believe you deserve a bit of Friday Folly, so we include this site, & jeeez, while we at it, we might as well include Geek Culture, too. That should provide you will plenty of ways to avoid work-related responsibilities, & we are counting on y'all to have a fine weekend, oh my, is that the scent of fall we perceive...
9.7.00 back on dumbmonkey radar, Medley & we wonderin' how long it been since we last visited... ~ ~ ~ without further ado... dumbmonkey on bus home, reading New Yorker of Sept. 4, come across marvelous story from which we include brief excerpt here: (by the way, earlier in story, author has already explained "I first declared my love at six, writing 'I Love John Cleary' on the back of my T-shirt"... There's a TV commercial for some thick green shampoo that they drop a pearl in to show how rich it is, the pearl falling through this heavy green goop. All the cut grass in the world gets mashed into a bottle of this stuff. And that's what John Cleary smelled like. We moved into that slow-falling, underwater shampoo time. John did not hold my elbows like he was scared to get too close. He made a cage of his arms that I stepped right into, tilted his head, and said, with a breath like Juicy Fruit, "Is this O.K.?" Before I could say yes, he was breathing the Juicy Fruit right into my mouth, and his lips came closer until their softness matched up with mine. I pressed my hands flat against his chest, for half of me was afraid I'd fall entirely into him. Through the shirt cotton, I felt John's own strong heart. His hands trembled on my back, and I tried to draw him out of that trembling with my own tongue, till it was like we were drinking from each other. The story is The Hot Dark, the author, Mary Karr. More on Ms. Karr from Texas Monthly; Here, 3 poems by Ms. Karr, courtesy Ploughshares; another poem here, & several more by Ms. Karr here (tho you'll require Acrobat Reader to peruse) uh oh, we thinks we is smitten... blues & blahs? mebbe a nice cuppa sometink herbal OR play w/ones doggies OR exercise (WATCHOO TALKIN' BOUT WILLIS???) OR just go & take a poke at the monkey
in case you avoid the margins today... we want to share this poem
and perhaps a little adventure in earth orbit we figure using the bathroom has to be complicated, eh?
9.6.00 Holy Boy! it was thirty-six years ago today More here Want more? Go here an alternate view of the Millennium Summit from the Village Voice Tech news of note:
floppy screens to read? more from Phillips here & here FYI, today in history & one more quick one 'fore we out da door for the bus, history, w/a local emphasis
& just a bit about California
9.5.00 musicians get the shaft again... this is a crying shame ~ ~ ~ fond memories of reading Nichols' New Mexico trilogy came flooding back when we caught this story on John Nichols little fun to be had at chez dumbmonkey
faithful poochster & ourowndamnself must have played in Friday Am's rain far too long, woke Saturday w/that nasty little tickle in throat which portends visit of nasty head cold, so our weekend (which we had looked forward to w/gleeful anticipation on Thursday) was spent largely horizontal, reading & watching vids, w/an occasional foray out into the local neighborhood to supplement our supply of antihistimines, tea & fresh fruit. Hope you had a much bettah time than we did, all in all, suppose it could'a been worse...
While amblin' & shufflin' our way to work this Am from the
trans-bay bus terminal, we passed window containing notice of some positions available for this company, & as we hadn't had recent opportunity to stroll down Mission to 5th Street in a while, we were a little taken aback at the amount of progress being made on new high-rise near MOMA, plus notice posted closer to 1st Street of another couple of buildings slated for demolition for another (guess-what) high rise. Then, whilst checking, we discover realmunky, which we cannot access yet, dunno where the problem lies, but we keep checking, cause we curious about any monkey claiming to be the "gansta blogger". we on the j-o-b now, altho our heart not really in it today, still a little bit on the fritz healthwise, but we intending to be positive & maintain an even strain, but we sure be happy when 5Pm comes along... Oh oh oh Yah, we wanted to post this article by the always politically astute Larry Bensky.
9.3.00  once upon a time in the desert southwest
a young monkey-lad listened to pop radio which during that time played much surf music, developing an affinity for the harmonies of the Beach Boys, before evolving into a Beatles fan, but over all the years since then, still touched in many ways by Mike, Al, Carl, Dennis, & Brian's evocation of sand, surf & sun. There undoubtedly would have been no Beach Boys had it not been for the talents of Brian Wilson. Oh sure, there may have been a band that experienced some measure of fame at that time like so many others of the period, but nothing to compare w/the body of work that Brian composed & created. Ok, so maybe he didn't really surf, but the man can write a melody like nobodys business. We put "Surf's Up" on the dumbmonkey yesterday, largely 'cause we'd been listening to this boxed set of Beach Boys material (a gift from Brother K, Gracias, hermanito!), & said to ourselves, hey, we gotzta say sumtink about this. Some time ago we posted this link and we'll add this recently discovered link, well, simply because there's something so appealing to me about the idea of these two musicians working w/each other (& there's a very zen thing happening at the core of the dumbmonkey). Van Dyke Parks deserves a major post all of his own, which we may get around to sometime, as long as the dumbmonkey energy holds out. There are any number of variations upon the story of the "tragic genius" of Brian Wilson which inspired others, like this example, interpreted in any number of ways. There are also a few documentaries available, like one mentioned here or "I Just Wasn't Made for These Times" (the latter a little easier to find in a well stocked video outlet). A little bit of the story behind the scenes can be had here, certainly, in some respects, a cautionary tale. Here we'll include an interview from (thanks to Rockzo for the heads up), alongside this very brief one. Certainly a large amount of material available over the web on Brian as well as the Beach Boys & related topics, but we'll include a couple of items, under the general heading of Labors of Love: "Wouldn't it be Nice", courtesy Lewis Shiner; Brian Wilson Webpage, by devoted fan Mike Wheeler, part of the Brian Wilson Webring; Brian Wilson & the Beach Boys, by Daniel Halliday. Brian's been touring a bit recently, this Salon piece on the Pet Sounds tour describes a recent performance while asking "WHY?" would Brian want to. We don't know, but we definitely glad he's out there, giving some fans a glimpse of the man whose music provided much of the soundtrack material to their personal lives. We're going to close this by adding a handful of our all-time fave Brian Wilson/Beach Boys tunes, & remind y'all to be true to your school... Be True to Your School ~ Help Me Rhonda The Warmth of the Sun ~ Don't Worry Baby God Only Knows ~ Darlin' Wouldn't It Be Nice ~ Caroline, No
9.2.00 Surf's Up... an addition to yesterdays monkeybiz: Project Monkey
9.1.00 hi! thought yourselves rid of the big ape in the red fez, eh? (ya should be so lucky...) just checking in briefly for all of those (yah, mebbe 12 or 13 of ya) checking in & lookin' for Friday Follies. This day you'll have to settle for the Monkey Biznezz post below, but we will include this link to some time-wasting activities that'll get you thru the reeeeaaaaaaaallllllly ssssslllllllooooooooowwwww parts of the day. Now go out & find someone to hug, will ya? ~ ~ ~ thanx to Betsey C. for the linkage, & who'da thought it rain this Am, perhaps a portent for a wet winter, jeeez it only September 1 & it pretty darn wet out there too much monkey biznezz?
tippin' the ol' red fez this AM in the direction of John at Footprints for sending along index of famous monkeez, which inspires (yah, dat's da ticket...) us to resurrect a number of monkey related links from previous posts:
it is well known factoid we monkeys love bagels, so no wonder you can visit, of course we wait 45 minutes after eating bagel before we go swimming. It always good to know what other monkeys be thinkin', so we suggest you consult the Blind Monkey Review, then check in w/the gang at Monkeypaw, be sure not to piss off the Angry Monkey. The Surfing Monkey gets a handle on things w/Monkey Grip, which will come in handy when you contemplate the 100th Monkey theory & here's more about The 100th Monkey. This beginning to be too much like work (& it's early too, dammit) so we include copy of 2.9.00 post below: Danger Will Robinson, dead links ahead
as promised, More Monkey Business!
involve yourself in "a colloquy of strange apes" at
MonkeyFist, & then our fellow primates will engage & entertain you at You can go ape over at, then immediately begin assisting the search for other intelligent monkeys at, and if you still haven't experienced enough monkee-dom, go to monkeypunch or brassmonkey
and last, but not least (& certainly still mo' monkey biz to come), go seeking knowledge at
monkey search.
and we follow that up w/an all time fave, Space Monkey, also posted earlier in Feb '00. From March, we posted this item from Slate (referring to answer to #401). OH Yah!, we cannot forget to remind you to never f*** w/a thirsty monkey. Here is quicklike, rapid-fire hodge-podge of MRM (monkey related miscellanea):
Sex: Apes & Humans; Monkey Mind; Gorillas On Line; Pink Monkey; Monkey Play Games; Film Monkeys; CineMonkey a barrel of Monkey Business whew!, dat'a a lot of monkey-biznezz, & we ain't even mentioned relative newcomers like Packetmonkeys (hey, Dat's a nice red fez you got there!), spunky munky, monkeyface, value ape (value ape? whazzdat?)
WHOA! hold it now, you want more monkey business? we tired, so just start by going here, 'cause we weary enough now we outlasted the insomnia we wuz suffrin' so back to bed for this dumbmonkey, we wish you all a fine Friday and a Wonderful Weekend, do us a favor, go out and hug somebody special to you, jess fer da halibut, Okay?