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a fine day, for a tuesday...
trick or treat merci beaucoup, mon cher Natazcha, merci!
 ~ ~ ~ all hallow's eve
all hallow's eve

 and be sure to read this from the esteemed C. Hitchens also, immerse thyself in the quote binge provided by the excellent Photodude

looking for the heart of Saturday night rainy saturday here, got a nice little blaze going in the fireplace, little whiskey in our glass, & wishin' y'all a fine weekend...
touch the moon to get the tune pic courtesy APOD & jess fer da halibut, T.Waits

thank the goddess, it is FRIDAY
trying to face those strange changes... ~ ~ ~ presenting, the Reverend Al Green Queen of the Southland requested tune by Rev. Green the other day, and we likely to always provide what Queenie needs, but also thought it nice to share w/all the other hardworking folk out there, a little something to make you GET OUTTA THAT CHAIR AND DANCE!!!
I Can't Get Next to You
Here I Am, Come & Take Me
Love & Happiness
now come on out & join Boris & Natasha on the dance floor... ~ ~ ~
weekend wackiness
howzabout some grated cheese various variant amusements house of lists somebody's silly extras Pooh goes apeshit whole buncha wacky stuff & now, a few words from the Reverend Chaos Gerbil ~ ~ ~ MS Hacked

just 1 more bloody day 'til Fri.
new moons, you saw me standing alone... announcement from Cornell University here ~ ~ ~ autumnal winds & winds of change, today's J. Carroll ~ ~ ~ crash course on the electoral college courtesy Washington Post add'l Civics lesson here from the FEC site & here: EC, The Electoral College Web Zine

Wetnessday, Oct 25
hie thyselves to S. Baum's Ethel, for this sure, go ahead on & vote "your conscience"... but read this first, from Salon and then this, from the Village Voice ~ ~ ~ baseball, prez politics, estrogen, testosterone, it's all here ~ ~ ~
QUILLS the news re impending release of Les Freres Coen O Brother, Where Art Thou inspires the dumbmonkey to provide reminder of another film we anticipating (mentioned earlier on 7.18 post), viewed trailer last week when we saw The Contender and pass along link to official site here.

tues. 10.24
Golden Gophers get spanked!!!
the legacy of Clem Haskins ~ ~ ~ for fans of gonzo sportwriting
this announcement re ESPN Page 2 & HST but cannot find anything at yet... asst'd HST links here, here, & here & a tip o'the ol'red fez in direction of K.M.s GitM for providing linkage to Coen Bros' latest: Official O Brother, Where Art Thou site here more Ethan & Joel here & here ~ ~ ~
 Whoa, itz time to KICK IT AGAIN ! Episode 5 makes it's appearance AND NOW, THIS LATE ARRIVING UPDATE EPISODE 6 NOW ALSO AVAILABLE ~ ~ ~ okayokayokay, we know You know... but tell a friend, & mention this too, preferably someone who may not be paying attention...

 somewhere in a storage shed located in El Paso, Texas, the dumbmonkey has a box stored away w/a copy of Equire magazine from the late 70's, where Jim Harrison's novella "Legends of the Fall" was initially published. It made a great impression on us at the time, in our opinion the story a minor masterpiece, a memorable tale of great scope compressed into the novella form & we've remained great fans of Mr. Harrison's work ever since. The line you read below the date above comes from this brief interview, & a we include a couple print interviews here & here. There is a web site dedicated to Mr Harrison (site seeking a new custodian) here; here some news re some recent recognition of his life work alongside some mention of his most recently published book. We'll complete this Am's post w/this '97 piece on a public reading in Oregon; part of this essay addresses Harrison's poetry; another older item, this one from '98; and to seal the deal, we close with a quote from one of our favorite works of his, the collection of non-fiction pieces entitled "Just Before Dark", but a brief digression first. We were inspired to put this post together by an inquiry by dear friend of ours just before the weekend, asking us to recommend something to look for in a bookstore, & I thought of Harrison after I thought of a couple of other names, & then remembered Dalva, and how much other friends whom we had recommended that book to had enjoyed reading it. We would like to recommend "Legends", altho our opinion is that many people have seen the movie, and the magnificent power in the novella is now diminished by the
"hollywoodization" of it. We have never seen the film adaptation, preferring to stubbornly cling to the characters who exist in our mind still, even after all the years since we first read it, but if you haven't seen the film, and have not read the story yet either, we recommend it wholeheartedly to you. Now, some closing words from Jim Harrison: "Who shall revoke jubilance?" Rilke asked, rather innocently, to which we could answer, "Everyone and everything." Joseph Campbell pointed out that in mythological terms the "rejection of the call" walls the Hero up in boredom and dread. A poet is supposed to be a hero of consciousness, and the most destructive force in him or her life is liable to be the unwritten poem. There is a touch of the schizoid to the practice of any art, and the poet becomes an outsider to maintain the integrity of what he writes. During not infrequent depressions (an occupational hazard) I wonder how black and native American poets survive at all, for they are enveloped in a double schizoid bind, the Indians perhaps more than the blacks because they are our most thoroughly ignored minority. ~ ~ ~ & here a special treat for those w/a fat pipe,
Kevin Spacey as Brando, Walken, Pacino & Lemmon from the Actor's Studio on Bravo.

yesssss, finally, friday
ahhhh, yesssss, the weekend approacheth... a few words of advice, re image below, "seek & ye shall find";
also this funny thing, w/a tip o'the ol'red fez to bifurcated rivets; & dumbmonkey like to point out the 2nd item on this list of events, & pass along our personal invitation to Natasha, the Queen of the Southland (she know who she be...), to come out and have a few oysters, our kingly treat.... ~ ~ ~

only effing-thursday!
j. ridgeway weighs in courtesy Village Voice ~ ~ ~ cry me a river tonight, the dumbmonkey will raise a glass to toast the memories of Gwen Verdon & Julie London ~ ~ ~ for der auslanders & more provincial types fun in one of the world's finest urban parks ~ ~ ~ info on some damn fine local musical performances Add'l info S.F. Jazz Fest here, from Chron/SF Gate

damn long week... & we be thanking the goddess for our homemade latte thingie providing that little bit extra this Am, & for anyone interested, here are a coup'la miscellaneous coffee/espresso related links: the fundamentals of espresso the espresso index a little coffee history lesson a coffee FAQ okay okay okay, enuf o'dis fer now... ~ ~ ~
 another postcard from a friend... & the dumbmonkey likez gettin' em, so send one to D. Monkey, POB 752 Berkeley CA 94701 & include address & we send ya certified one-of-a-kine p-card of your very own...

midweek, 10.18

toozedey, 10/17
fuggedaboudit! yah, this gonna be a loooooong week for dis dumb ape, so posts be an occasional thing.... here's the world's smallest political quiz visiting S.F.? seeking cheap eats?, this from Sunday Datebook, and this from nearly a year ago got some cash to play with? Deadhead on your holiday shopping list? maybe a commemorative Grateful Dead gold coin?

we don't like mondays!!!
& now we gotzta hear about this?
but this bit of news re Bill Evans helps make up for it... ~ ~ ~ bernie don't like mondays either

Sunday, October 15, 2000
music of the spheres courtesy yesterdays APOD

viernes, gracias a dios!
 ~ ~ ~ questioning the authorities

you mean it's NOT Friday?
 why dumbmonkey reads weblogs...
found this link to Mr. Blue's 90-Day Drill for the brokenhearted, courtesy GeeGaw;
at la belle Caterina's we were happy to find this G. Vidal related item & also this
re primate physiology (dumbmonkey gotta say 'damn, we lookin' lot more like gorilla than human...')
Dan at Apathy for the Phillip K. Dick link; John's Footprints for the lovely shirtz link;
dumbmonkey always very fond of the efforts over at Cabinet;
we thank fellow hoopster & roundball fan K.M. & his GitM for this Feed link, altho the last thing we need right now is anything that will further depress us...
& one last thing, this particularly important to us...
Hang in there, Natasha!

humpday, late PM
 attack of the Giant Sushi
& dat's another fishy kinda thing dumbmonkey likez ta eat...
