1.31: closing out January w/a number of items:
Invasion of The Body Snatchers:
this story led yours truly to this,
& then we went here, so now not only do we need a subscription,
but we also need to go to grad school to translate...

next up, 2 items from the Village Voice:
James Ridgeway weighs in on Gale Norton
Sharon Lerner on Ashcroft & Abortion
& for good measure, this Molly Ivins piece,
w/thanks to the fine folks at Backup Brain for the heads up...

from The Atlantic On-Line, published in current issue:
two love poems

alright then, this one last thing, & that'll be it for now,
but we provide you fair warning re upcoming rant/hissyfit in Feb.

~ ~ ~
1.30: 'he's a miserable, sorry bastard & deserves what he gets..'
enuf said about that, loboloco was certainly a dumbassmonkey on fri,
& likely lost a good friend...

dreamt last nite of doing google searches, got to stay away from this for awhile
(although the results were kind of astounding...)
in the meantime, some linkage for thee, faithful 12 readers....
proparanoid.com, via the esteemed Bifurcated Rivets
& this, in the spirit of our ongoing anti-el presidente diatribe: the smirking chimp

& a great big Thank You Bruddah K, for providing nice proggie called SuperEdit,
allowing us to update on the fly, from the j-o-b, thru the firewall, w/o any difficulty

now excuse me while i go & continue kicking myself in the ass...

~ ~ ~
1.29: 'some folks say he's lost his sensayuma...'
oh yah, that's a distinct possibility,
but we strivin' to maintain our equilibrium...

keepin' an eye on el presidente,
and sharing these w/you, so you can keep an eye on him too...
The Federal Register; and this section of the FedReg in particular
(we are still seeking that copy of Memorandum mentioned last week)
and now, for the government executive in your life, GovExec.com
yeah, okayokayokay, yours truly agrees, that's enough of that shit for now...
oh, but one last thing, re losing my sensayuma

had all the best intentions this weekend of making new addition to the movielover,
but got sidetracked in several ways, did manage to see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon again,
in the company of Brother Ken, Liz-Beth, and kinder, and methinks we enjoyed it more
the second time around, & nice to see the youngsters enjoy it so much (altho li'l Becky-monster
did have a little difficulty keeping up w/the subtitles sometimes). Me, ooooh, I let it get under my
skin, allowed myself the pleasure of immersion in a beautifully told pair of love stories,
& got choked up where I hadn't allowed myself to do so before....
just getting to be an old softie, I suppose....

here's some more minutes of pure pleaure, & if you got the means & time to do so
please download 'em, serve yourself up a cuppa your favorite beverage and enjoy:
the late, absolutely great, Bill Evans; Never Let Me Go
relative newcomer to the scene, Jane Monheit; Never Let Me Go
& one day, yours truly will share his tales
of hangin' out w/crazy Russian jazz pianist Andrei K.

~ ~ ~
1.27: "I'll take one Julianne Moore, a Juliette Binoche, & a Lena Olin..."
"renegade doctor" announces intent to clone human
& in conjunction w/our post of 1.23, more on global warming
and y'all are beginning to realize what's in store here @ loboloco,
so now, as to NOT disappoint, go here
and then visit The Washington Pissed...
one last thing,
in the spirit of F U C K the stupor bowl,

we send you here
~ ~ ~
1.26: "that lonesome lobo loco gettin' tiresome now..."
yours truly is giving the drudge fellow a run for his money; ridin' home on bus w/amigo
employed by U.S. Govt agency, who tells me about memorandum recently signed by el presidente
re: Standards of Official Conduct. Nameless Friend provided me w/copy of email rec'd in his office
which I'll print excerpt of below, excising any names to prevent anyone coming to grief over this:
item is dated Mon. 1.22.01
subject: Memorandum on Standards of Official Conduct
The White House Memorandum to the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, signed by President Bush on January 20, which is not limited to White House staff, states in paragraph 13:

Employees shall adhere to all laws and regulations that provide equal opportunity for all Americans regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or handicap.

Guess what's missing.
now this made us very curious, as we have copy of the email, and we know who it is from
& who it is addressed to, so we went on brief search for some documentation, particularly the
memorandum the email refers to (no luck yet Binkie, but we'll get it up here when we find it).
IF YOU CAN HELP, please drop me a line
so here is some of what we found, first couple of items directly related:
from the OPM: Addressing Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Federal Civilian Employment
then yours truly went seeking some record of Executive Orders & found this
then went to egovlinks to see what I could find there, ahhhhh, NADA...
& Why?, some of you may be asking, is the loco lobo concerned w/this?
well, you could check out this from today's Chron
and this related story from the L.A. Times.
oh, okay, you knew it, you smartypants you; here's the obligatory NYT reference
this old Salon item mentions several "holds" on the nomination by several senators,
none by name, but may be that a certain A.G. candidate possibly one of those?
why should we all be concerned and paying attention? here's a little reminder:

First they came for the Jews
      And I did not speak out –
      Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the communists
     And I did not speak out –
     Because I was not a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
     And I did not speak out –
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

     Then they came for me –
And there was no-one left
     To speak out for me.

Pastor Niemöller, 1938

~ ~ ~
1.25: for our S.F. Bay Area comrades
(oh, we not meaning to exclude any visitors)
Some news re opening of the new Ansel Adams Center
along w/something on the exhibit opening this weekend
& because yours truly always gives good measure:
The Friends of Photography/Ansel Adams Center

if we must have these sorts of contests:
the anti-bloggies,
& if I could get the ol'red fez to fit over my pointy ears,
I'd be tippin' it in the direction of Lukelog

si, yo soy un astuto lingüista
and because we think the world would be a much better place if
there was a lot more of this kind of hankypanky goin' on...
Cunnilingus 101
okay, now go out make someone Happy!
despite the formidable nature of the task...

~ ~ ~
1.24: "is he going to keep on and on about this damn thing?"
from the Village Voice, something that brightened my morning,
and it's going to be a long four years, but let's NONE of US slack off...

oh, oh, oh, feeling small degrees of hope in the face of despair,
so we bring to you interview w/Walker Percy from Double Take
~ ~ ~
1.23:  l  a  t  e  r,   t h a t   s a m e   e v e n i n g...
from NASA, Earth Songs
now, that was the sugar that is supposed to make the medicine go down;
so now, here is this item from the Washington Post,
then this news from Jan. 14, from our farsighted & compassionate presidente,
& then this cheery bit of news, again from the Post,
to which we'll happily provide a subscription, if Senor Bush cannot afford one for himself,
(but he probably only reads the comics...)
for more on the latter item re the IPCC announcement, go here

we submit for your consideration the following:
a timely reminder of the situation we find ourselves in from Meg in S.F.;
& if yesterdays post was not clear enough, here are two addresses to utilize,
start sending your cards, letters AND E-mail to:
President George Bush
The Whitehouse
Washington, DC 20500
tel 1-202-456-1414 fax 1-202-456-2461

and for good measure include CC to:
Vice-President Dick Cheney
The Whitehouse
Washington, DC 20500
tel 1-202-456-1414 fax 1-202-456-2461

and include messages to your elected representatives,
whose addresses you will find here:
Senate, House of Representatives, State Governors

if the enormity of the difficulties that face us begins to get to you,
perhaps the advice Mr. Blue gives to Leftover Sixties Idealist will help...
Okay now Katz & Kitteez, as a reward for reading this far:
two minutes of pure pleasure

hmmmm, damn, that really wasn't enough, was it?
okay, now crank it up, shimmy those shoulders, shake those hips,
& get down with Los Lobos
~ ~ ~
we are watching you...
1.22: alright, GWB's now on the hot seat, and it's up to us to pay attention
this ain't the time to get complacent, instead be attentive and use whatever
means are at hand to make your voice heard. You can even try this;
so tell your friends & family, & let them know that we are watching...
~ ~ ~
1.21: perhaps we'll call it The Movielover...

HEY! don't stop here,
check out what's "below the waist"...

~ ~ ~
1.19: s n a t c h
the next big hit coming your way...
guy ritchie interview
something 'bout Snatch from the NYT
official Snatch
Snatch on Sony
el lobo wishes you all a Great Weekend!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1.17: a few nuggets of goodness to pass along...

cheeky little bugger, ain't he?
can the lad really be all of thirteen?

ooooh, Rhonda K,
looks like this gal could be a handful...


and if McSweeney's isn't on your list of daily reads,
"Make it so..."

this gives "moving at the speed of light"
an entirely different meaning
apology offered here,
it appears the "partners" trick on NYT url may no longer function
so "registration req'd"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1.16: ahhhh, yah, it is some kind of nightmare...

illustration by Art Spiegelman alright, there may be a time when you weary of all of yours truly's lamentations & wailing re the state of the nation, but let me try to assure you that I will temper my disgust & dismay, as faithful readers are hard to come by and we don't want to run the risk of scaring off the timid & timorous amongst you, particularly those who've arrrived here via some little inaccurate miracle of search engine results hoping to locate the motherlode of information you seek, only to find my rambles & rants, so unsatisfying in comparison to naked Britney, naked Jennifer Lopez, naked naked naked naked naked naked naked naked nak....

ooooh, that was painful, something got stuck there, no doubt some glitch deep in the grey matter caused by the fever & ague I've suffered through of late, speaking of which I became reaquainted with the vast & desolate territory of daytime television; oh, the horror, the horror. Unspeakable as it may be, I began to see just how it might be possible that a fellow of G. Bush Jr's character could acutally convince enough of the hordes of unwashed & ignorant that he'd
"ma-ayke a gu-uud pressidunt".

ahhhhh, again I ramble uncontrollably, let me post here
what I intended & then be off & leave you with my fervent hopes you visit each of these links,
read carefully what you find there, ingest & contemplate whatever wisdom you may discover,
reaching your own conclusions after, I hope, seeking out others who'll provide you with
additional sources of data to mine, opinions to weigh, truth to ferret out & prize.
Bush's Black Faces, by Michael Eric Dyson
Powell's Secret Coup, by Christopher Hitchens
Passing the Buck in Florida, by John Lantigua
Democratic Vistas, by Gore Vidal
oh hell, just click on the big pic above and visit The Nation, revel in the refreshing splash of reality
and the kind of reporting you won't find on the networks, N.Y. Times, Washington Post, et al.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1.15: crazy wolf howling in agreement...
once upon a time, yours truly tipped his old red fez in acknowledgement of fine linkage,
in this case we simply raise our fuzzy muzzle & H O W L, in honor of Squidfactory's 1.14,
pointing out this choice Neal Pollack item, & as some of ya's so damn busy ya cannot stop & read,
just savor this delicious quote:

This man is a dunderhead. He is a smirking scalawag. He is an incompetent and a boob.
I have no fear in saying this. Also, he became president in the most suspicious of ways,
and has comported himself badly since the Supreme Court elevated him to his current status.
His cabinet appointments are mostly insulting, his public statements moronic.
His presidency is dangerous, illegitimate, and wrong.

Bravo, Neal Pollack, Bravo...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1.14: a sunday smorgasbord
been an ugly week around the wolf-den, tomorrow makes it a week under the weather,
and 'tho feeling somewhat better, still dealin' w/it. I have been spending a little time putting together the film journal, but much more work to go there, so in light of a few things in the news, here's a sundry assortment
of linkage to visit. Some interesting material in the NYT Sunday Magazine, including this Bush item,
along with this heads-up re a particular minority viewpoint. The next selection from this morning's buffet is
The Focus Thing, from the Washington Post Sunday mag, which resonates pretty damn loudly for me,
as Mr. Garfield & I seem to have a good deal in common, altho I haven't yet made the decision he makes.
Those of us here in CA are living through a pretty fucked-up series of events that began w/the deregulation of utilities in the state and has now become almost hourly reports of rotating blackouts, higher prices for electricity & natural gas, and all matter of related shenanigans. This L.A. Times article provides a little additional material toward speculating who is really profiting from the situation. (Speaking personally here, my bill for Nov
was 3x what I usually pay, and Dec came in at 2x- OUCHIES!!!!! and I CONSERVE!)
Damn!, if it wasn't for the news that Kim Basinger is finally divorcing that lummox Baldwin
I'd really be depressed. ahhhhh, Kim, we could have such a good life together...
What's in a Name????, well, here's something I was pondering recently: Amazon- that word,
some years ago, would usually conjure up one of three images, a big jungle, a big river, or a big Woman,
and these days, it seems that Amazon now gets this kind of reaction: "Oh, I did so much of my xmas
shopping there, it was great." Now, I don't know about you, but when I hear the word virgin,
I do not think of an airline, record company or record stores, I think of, well, you know,
a V I R G I N (& not necessarily one from Guadalupe).
So what is this thing that has happened with AMAZON? well, it bugs me enough that I am finishing off this morn's smorgasbord with a bunch of links that I hope will assist you in recalling the majesty & fecundity of a certain place, instead of a loathsome corporate entity whose misappropriation of name should be rectified,
hey, how about K.I.B., Inc. (Killer of Independent Bookstores)?
We introduce you to The Greatest Places, & point you in particular to The Amazon;
okay now, grab your favorite beverage, sit down & take a Journey to the Amazon;
and if that whetted your appetite, here's the story of another trip on the Amazon;
y'know, there's no way yr puny monitor's going to do justice to the size & breadth of Amazonia;
okayokayokay, now here's a mere handful of some related natural-science linkage:
a '97 NYT story on fish & diversity in the Amazon
Ethnobotany of the Peruvian Amazon
the Amazonian Rainforest as pharmacy to the world
this indirectly related link in reference to biodiversity in general
& I'll close out the Sunday smoga-fest w/a travel link: the La Selva Jungle Lodge
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1.13: more guaranteed goodness, from the wolf who loves you...
hie thyselves to Znet & spend some time aquainting thyself w/ Z Magazine,
the N. Chomsky archive, the Northland Poster Collective, & more brain stimulating stuff...
& remember, just because we got ourselves a moron for president
doesn't mean the rest of us have to follow his example...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1.12: okay, cut me some slack here, mind you, am still sicksicksick, ughhh....
but for some reason, finding this made me feel a little better.
oh, & as the weekend's arrived, visit the John Doe Neighborhood
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1.10.01: happy fuckin' bd to yours truly...
ahhhh, pity the poor hinterlander, livin' in some piney backwoods, whose opportunities to see some of the wonderful films in release currently is limited by the distribution apparatus of major theatre chains & their absolute unwillingness to take a chance on any film not under the aegis of a major studio or cast w/a bankable star. I will take some opportunity to acknowledge some of the fine films I have seen of late later this week, my excuse for not doing so now is that yours truly is sick sick sick w/some unholy variant of flu strain which has put an indescribeable damper on anything that requires enough thought to bind a few sentences together.
I will instead point you in a couple of entertaining directions, first this Comedy Central link where you'll have opportunity to ENTER A CONTEST & learn a little about what (in my humble opinion) is the funniest (truly funny) movie that I have come across in a LONG time, State and Main.
This extra added bonus value link for those who of you who believe, like myself,
that we all need a good bitchslap once in awhile...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

no memes, all of the time...
e n j o y :

Best Picture of the Year?
an old school, east coast guy...
"I think the world is run by C students."
so long, Coach...
from dumbmonkey of Sept 00
Lupica & Reilly on Al McGuire
Toy of the Year
okayokayokay, so it's only january...

last year's monkey-biz

okayokayokay, if you feel you gotzta say sometink to me, write to me here