Our Daily Bleed...
"No man is an island entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind; & therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; .it tolls for thee"..
.Compassionate photographer, champion of the poor.
. .FEAST OF VOODOO ECONOMICS.. FLITTING DAY in Scotland. Celebrate Mandrin's memory in style: it is traditional for residents to move house (particularly recommended if rent arrears appear to be mounting)..
735 -- The Venerable Bede dies at Jarrow. His Historia Ecclesiastica Centis Anglorum.
946 -- Edmund I, King of the English, murdered by the outlaw Leofa at Puckleborough, Glos, in his palace. The Queen is elected to his seat on an "anti-crime" plank.
1232 -- The Pope sends the first Inquisition team to Aragon, Spain."Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition".
1608 -- Good Injun-Bad Injun?: King Phillip III of Spain decrees non-Roman Catholic Indians can be legally enslaved.
1637 -- Captains John Mason & John Underhill attack & burn Pequot forts at Mystic, Connecticut, massacring 600 Indians & starting Pequot War. http://glwarner.narrowgate.net/genealogy/Pequot.War.html
1703 -- Samuel Pepys, naval administrator/diarist, dies.
1755 -- Louis Mandrin — France's 'Robin Hood' — unfortunately caught & executed. .
Source: 'Calendar Riots'
1770 -- Oliver Goldsmith publishes The Deserted Village.http://www.arvincasas.com/prisoner.html
1788 -- A No-Brainer?: Mary Clark of England gives birth to a baby without a brain:..
1799 -- Black Russian poet Alexander S. Pushkin lives, Moscow. http://members.aol.com/KatharenaE/private/Pweek/Pushkin/pushkin.html
1822 -- France: Edmond Goncourt lives, Nancy. Collaborator with brother Jules on historical works, novels, & Le Journal des Concourt.
1836 -- Gag Me?: US House of Representatives adopts what is called the Gag Rule.
1851 -- US: San Francisco Stevedores & Longshoreman's strike. One page in Frisco claims the first labor strike was June 6, 1852, but is no longer online.
1868 -- Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Andy Johnson avoids impeachment by one vote. Eat yer heart out Dick M Nixon Bill Clinton....
1871 -- France: Paris Commune (Bloody Week). Battles at the Bastille & Villette, the Communards are defeated this evening at Belleville & Père Lachaise. The Versailles forces assassinate casualties in their ambulances; a crowd seeks revenge by executing 50 hostages on rue Haxo, despite the protests of Eugene Varlin...
. .I know too the last heavy maggot;
.& know the trapped vertigo of impotence.
.I have traveled prone & unwilling
.In the dense processions through the shaken streets . . .. — Kenneth Rexroth, excerpt, "From the Paris Commune to the Kronstadt Rebellion" (1936) .
1876 -- HMS Challenger returns from 128,000-km oceanographic exploration.
1878 -- American modern dance pioneer Isadora Duncan lives, San Francisco. Daily Bleed Saint, September 14..
1894 -- Western Federation of Miners (WFM) strike for eight-hour day in Cripple Creek, Colorado.labor
1895 -- Socially-aware photographer Dorothea Lange lives, Hoboken, New Jersey. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG97/fsa/lang.html
1895 -- Dorothy Gretchen Steeves lives. Founding member of Canadian CCF & NDP.labor
1907 -- Marion Morrison, Academy Award-winning actor, lives. As in John Wayne.
1914 -- US: In Los Angeles, Emma Goldman continues delivering propaganda & modern drama lectures (May 15-June 11), which.includes discussion of Irish playwright Seamus O'Kelly.anarchist .Her propaganda lectures include "Revolution & Reform — Which?" & "The Place of the Church in the Labor Struggle.".Goldman reports to birth-control advocate Margaret Sanger that "Not one of my lectures brings out such a crowd as the one on the birth strike & it is the same with the W[oman] R[ebel]." (May 26, 1914).
1917 -- W. Somerset Maugham, marries Syrie Wellcome, mother of his 18-month-old daughter, Liza.
1918 -- May (late): The Czechoslovak legion mutinies against the Bolshevik government. Using the railways they are able to sweep away Bolshevik control from vast areas of Russia. The Socialist Revolutionaries support the rising.
. http://www.barnsdle.demon.co.uk/russ/rusrev.html
1920 -- US: Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Marine Transport Workers strike, Philadelphia.labor The IWW Marine Transport Workers strike also mentioned at:..
- The I.W.W.--Its History, Structure & Methods By Vincent St. John, http://dizzy.library.arizona.edu/images/iww/iwwhist.htm
.- Police files:.http://www.phila.gov/phils/Docs/Inventor/graphics/archser/S079.htm
.- http://iww.org/obum-ip/1921/jun/thirteenth-convention.html
.- The IWW currently online at http://iww.org/
1926 -- US: A motion is filed for a new trial Sacco & Vanzetti case based upon Medeiros’ confession & information about .the Morelli gang, an Italian gang that robbed freight cars in Providence, R.I. & New Bedford, Mass..Also, late in this month, some anarchists issue a new call for bombings as a result of the Massachusetts’ Supreme Court decision. (In 1977 Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis proclaims "Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti Day" on the fiftieth anniversary of their executions).The prosecution left a trail of doctored eyewitness accounts, altered testimony and false ballistics reports. That trail appears to exonerate the victims while convicting the executioners. http://www.torremaggiore.com/saccoevanzetti/storia.html
1931 -- Sven Delblanc (1931-1992) lives. Swedish novelist, playwright, scholar. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/delblanc.htm
1933 -- Jimmie Rodgers (1897 - 1933) dies.."Tea for Texass, Tea for Thelma, Tea for Ice-Tea, gonna be the death of me...". — Jimmie Rodgers (1897 - 1933)
1937 -- US: Battle of the Overpass in Detroit Michigan, involving Walter Reuther & the United Auto Workers (UAW)..Henry Ford's opposition to collective bargaining is in evidence on this day in 1937, when company goons attack United Auto Workers (UAW) organizers at the "Battle of the Overpass" outside of the River Rouge plant. Though General Motors & Chrysler signed collective bargaining agreements with the UAW in 1937, Ford held out until 1942... http://www.hfmgv.org/histories/fmc/battle.html
1937 -- US: "Little Steel" strike.labor
1937 -- Spain: Issue No. 2 of El Amigo del Pueblo appears, having evaded the censor. Balius is jailed a few days later as the director of a clandestine publication, following a complaint from the PSUC. http://www.spunk.org/texts/places/spain/sp001780/chap1.html
Anarchist chronology, Friends of Durruti Group 1937-39, Agustin Guillamon
1938 -- Under the Bed Check?: House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) begins its (dirty) work. Over the next 30 years its "legislative" function & record will be the most dismal in US history. Kinda strange word that, "work".The HUAC hearings were degradation ceremonies. Their job was not to legislate or even to discover subversives (that had already been done by the intelligence agencies & their informants) so much as it was to stigmatize.. For a degradation ceremony to work it needs a denouncer. & the most credible denouncer, with the most impeccable credentials, is the one who has been there himself. The ex-Communists constituted a steady supply of denouncers.
..A successful status-degradation ceremony must be fueled by moral indignation. The anti-Communist hysteria of the cold war provided an ideal environment.
.http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/navasky-chap10.html http://www.moderntimes.com/palace/blacklist.htm
1946 -- Henri Philippe Pétain writes in Observer: "To write one's memoirs is to speak ill of everybody except oneself."
UNIONS AGAINST REVOLUTION..--- G. Munis http://geocities.com/cordobakaf/munis.html
1962 -- René Darsouze dies (1876-1962). French typographer. Co-founder, in 1908, of a community, "Le Phalanstère du Clos-des-Brunes," near Limoges. Member of the l'Association des Fédérations Anarchistes founded by Sebastien Faure & from 1929 to 1932 a writer for that organization's newspaper, "La Voix Libertaire". http://perso.club-internet.fr/ytak/mai4.html#26
1963 -- Voted Down With Tires?: Gregory Lambrakis, pacifist & member of Greek Parliament, is run down & killed by military police in Salonika.
1966 -- England: Bob Dylan & the Hawks rock the Royal Albert Hall in London. Attendees include the Stones, some Beatles, etc. The concert, heard on various bootleg albums, substantiate claims of this concert being one of the high-water marks of live rock & roll.
1966 -- US: Second day of International Days of Protest: 20,000 march on Fifth Ave, NY city; called by "National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam".
1967 -- US: The Charlatans, The Salvation Army Banned, & Blue Cheer at the Avalon Ballroom in Frisco, California.. http://www.sfmuseum.org/hist1/rock.html
1968 -- France '68: The May Days continue. A General Strike has essentially paralyzed the government which is on the verge of collapse.
"Every intelligent person now realizes that there is something radically wrong with the social system under which we are living. .
Everyone, excepting the beneficiaries of this system, agrees that something ought to be done about it. The trouble is that people at present seem unable to agree on any common program of action. Some accept their unhappy lot with a patience & fortitude worthy of a better cause, others theorize ineffectually & do little, while still others complain bitterly & strike out blindly. Nearly everyone rushes hither & tither seeking escape but without having any clear-cut objective in view . . . .
The argument for the General Strike is based on the persistent & very logical working class conviction that the ruling class will refuse to permit itself to be dispossessed by any power weaker than its own & that public opinion, political action & insurrection therefore will not be permitted to be developed or used to any appreciable extent.
. — Ralph Chaplin, The General Strike (1933, 1985)
.. http://flag.blackened.net/huelga/general.htm
.CIA/Keystone Kops operatives E. Howard Hunt & Virgilio Gonzales spend the night hiding in a staircase in the Watergate complex, unable to open a door leading to the offices of the Democratic National Committee. Dumb, but dedicated, tomorrow night another attempt to pick the lock fails. They finally succeed on their third try the following night, but the tap they put on Democratic Chairman Lawrence O'Brien's phone fails to operate.
Jim Page is acerbic, powerful, poignant, clever & very funny — & can improvise a song in a flash. He reveals the nuances, twists & turns of political & everyday life in songs that are crafted to be engaging, one interesting lyric at a time .Two songs can be heard online:
Whose World is This
.Stranger In Me.
Interview from "Real Change"
Of Seattle songwriter Jim Page, the Grateful Dead's Robert Hunter has said, "If Jim Page ain't the bastard son of Woody Guthrie, I'm T-Bone Walker!"http://www.speakeasy.org/wfp/22/Sponsors.html
http://sites.netscape.net/planetpatriot/butterfly_wings_lyrics.html.One of a number of Eco-warrior Minstrels listed at http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/9901/minstrels.html
."The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.". — Ralph Waldo Emerson
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