food porn and hootchie mamas... 4.17.07
if that doesn't get some additonal visitors hereabouts, might subject you to naked d'monkey pics...
No... No... the horror, the horror!
some daytime TV fun for the testosterone-laden crowd, check out las chicas over at Escandalo TV on Telefutura (one of the Univision Spanish language television brands), oh babee, there's Marisa for one, Lilia, for another, and inspiration to CDs & TVs everywhere, the scary (& long in the tooth) Charytin, there are also the Escandalo TV Hootchie Mama Dancers (sorry, not set up like I used to be here so no pics to provide); certainly a bountiful source of eye candy for the fellas but what are they offering up for the ladies? Sorry, a pair of not so hot second (more likely third) raters, I mean, come on, there has to be unos vatos mas guapo than the two included in the cast. And, what's with the hootchie mama opening to the NBA on ABC these days. The Pussycat Dolls? The NBA?
hijo de la puta madre, ese, que pasa aqui? Talk about inspiring CDs & TVs...
mmmmm-mmmmmm! enchiladas rojas!
okay, maybe too up close and personal a view in that shot there, perhaps we just got carried away with how deliciously they turned out. Ourowndamnedself was jonesing bigtime for some enchiladas rojas and not at all interested in heading out to mexi-restaurant to dine on some, so, lucky us,
we had tortillas and a couple of different cheeses, some onion and garlic and ground beef and luckiest thing of all, a can of red enchilada sauce stashed away in the larder. So, even tho' the stovetop resembled the set of a slasher film when all was done and ready to put in the oven, yourstruly was rewarded with some pretty damn fine red enchies, baby, had enough sauce left over to add a little more atop the baked enchies along with a tiny, tiny bit of extra cheese. Missed the rice and beans alongside, which would have provided more of the genuine comida mexicana feel, but didn't miss them that much, a really nice salad alongside was just the ticket.
The enchilada sauce, by the way, a bargain brand you'll often see in dollar stores & discount grocers, "Los Mochis", rich and flavorful. Was a nice dinner with enough left over for a couple of future meals. My momz likes to keep her red enchies simple, just tortillas, sauce and cheese, and that would've worked fine, sure, but unrepentent carnivore that I am, that ground beef fried up with some diced tomatos, onions, garlic, salt, pepper & cumin made a hearty and flavorful filling to wrap the sauced-up & softened tortillas around.
And Then, later on that week, scored ourselves a nice looking pork roast on sale, which we originally thought of roasting out on the Weber, but decided to keep it simple and just use the trusty old (from the fifties) Kenmore oven, and as you can see, came out looking pretty damn good, that is if you're not a vegetarian. Nearly four pounds of porkiness there, and very little done to it in prep other than giving it a good rubdown with some olive oil, then generously sprinking a no-salt seasoning blend (no, not Mrs Dash but something generic and similiar) alongside a garlic powder/pepper combination and that was about it. Served it up with some previously boiled red potatoes which also got a little bit of olive oil rubbed onto them once they were cut into wedges, gave 'em a generous dose of ground pepper & kosher salt and put in the over to reheat, added some steamed broccoli to the mix and Man, Oh Man, was there another good meal had at chez d'Monquis or what? What can I tell you, and again, as with the red enchies, substantial amount of leftover yummy-stuff to be portioned out and carefully packaged, some of which went into the freezer for future dinner fare. Not including pictures of the yummy salads also prepared and enjoyed of late, nor the borderline decadent strawberries, vanilla ice cream and un-iced cupcakes that accompanied many of the meals enjoyed in the last week or so, strawberries at that time going for 98 cents a basket at Monterey Market but scored there this morning for FIFTY NINE cents/basket. Yessiree, katz und kitteez, and they be as sweet and lovely a strawberry as you are likely to want to devour.
I am not going to say much about the events of late. Yourstruly was out early yesterday for job-hunt related activities, then spent mine afternoon out in previously never visited Delta country in and around the town of Antioch, and as it happened, didn't hear about the Virginia Tech tragedy until very late in the day. Long esteemed blogger K.M. addresses the event and other (to my mind) related issues in his latest post over at el espanto en la machina. Kevin always making it look easy and effortless there at GITM, but we know better. Been wanting to write something about the Tarantino/Rodriguez film that K.M. makes some recent mention of as well. Caught Q.T. and R.R. on the Charlie Rose show a week, hell, maybe two weeks ago by now (and I know if you want to find the damned thing you can seek it out at C.R.'s website or Google Video). First, allow me to posit that if these guys wanted us to really (and I mean REALLY!) enjoy the grindhouse experience, they ought to have made special arrangements to discount the price of admission at the theatres that booked the film, because as any real grindhouse devotee would know, them was some cheap movie fares, oncet upon a time. Second, when myself was a younger ape fella and managing one of the
finest independent video emporiums ever, Q.T's "Reservoir Dogs" made its debut, I was mightily impressed by the talent that the young Tarantino displayed. I also enjoyed watching "Pulp Fiction" even with good ol' Johnny Revolta making his big comeback move thanks to Q.T. Yet I must admit, I am not going to spend any of my hard earned (and all too easily spent -- gasoline prices in California? Can you say "OUCH, mother fucker!"???) simoleans in sitting thru the puerile and adolescent shite these two guys are foisting off on us now, even if Rose McGowan is in both of the Grindhouse films. I expected a lot more from Q.T. and from some of the reviews I've happened across lately, it appears I am not the only one. Mr. Rodriguez? Nah, nothing special, nothing memorable, sorry. I often think that many of these cats would be making much more interesting and challenging films if they were out there having to work a lot harder to get them made; something in the struggle and strife involved when fortune doesn't provide early success that can be personally enriching and inspirational, despite one's desire for all the fruits of Hollywood success. Ah, that's somewhat badly said, isn't it? Damn, and I've got to motivate now too. Y'all maintain an even strain and remember to try and be nice to one another
every chance possible, might make a difference in somebody's day...