"Everything & nothing, boring, but sometimes entertaining
one should linger, & the unexpected serendiptitous moment may occur."

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~ ~ ~

Escriba me Aqui
a cold & rainy day in late december
it is a mere few dayz before the major holiday that the majority of the western world (particularly we amurrykins) makes much hubbub about, and in general the world remains a pretty fucked up place, we are hoping that the few of you that we know, to one degree or another, are managing to find something to engender holiday cheer and all that up close & personal kind of yummy chumminess to add some real feelink to this time of year for you. yahhhh, our j-o-b still currently yucky, altho for the next week we doing duty at the Front Counter of Fishwrap Central which at the very least allows a glimpse of the sky outdoors, but has us working with one of the most unpleasant folk we have ever met, must be my karma, all that lousy stuff i did ages ago catching up w/me...
something really got under my skin not so long ago, and still rankles me if i pause long enough to give it some thought. It came up again last night on the bus ride home talking to friend from Chile during discussion of the current situation. One thing in particular tossed out by the "well read & informed" fellow whose method of discourse i found so upsetting was his reference to "America-hating Noam Chomsky". well, you know, as soon as i saw that, i just, well, i just gave up, i mean, what was the point, right? i won't get into some of the other reasons this kind of pushed me over the edge, (btw: this fellow's "America-hating" appellation also included Robert Fisk of whom I am very happy to say writes on) i will just include the following small item culled from Class Warfare, a collection of interviews
w/N. Chomsky by David Barsamian:

I'm going to pickup the thread from the other day. We talked about history and memory. I just want to get a little closure to that. In general, who are the gatekeepers of history.

Historians, of course. The educated classes in general. Part of their task is to shape our picture of the past in a way which is supportive of power interests in the present. If they don't do that, they probably will get marginalized in one way or another

How about some suggestions for people in terms of decoding and deciphering the propaganda? Are there any kinds of practical techniques? It's a tough question.

I actually think it's a simple question. Use your common sense. You can point to examples. When you read a headline in the Wall Streeet Journal that says "American Oil Companies Fear Loss of Jobs in the Middle East," it doesn't take a genius to figure out that "jobs" is being used to mean "profits." When you read the account of the New York tax system which says they're cutting down subsidies to mass transit, you can quickly understand that subsidies means gifts from people to themselves. What they're doing is increasing taxes. You can go on and on, case by case. But there's no trick other than just using your sense.

Can you recommend some basic books for people?

There are things that are helpful, like Howard Zinn's People's History, for example. It's a good start to give you a picture of the world that's different from the one you learned at school. It's very accurate. And then it's on from there. I hate to give suggestions. You just have to do what's called "triangulating." you try to look at the world from different perspectives. You're getting one perspective drilled into your head all the time, so you don't need any more of that one. But look at other ones. There are others. There are independent journals, dissident scholarly literature, all sorts of things. One of the reasons I give rich footnootes is to answer that question, because a lot of people want to know. There are things I think are instructive, but you have to decide for youself what's interesting for you.

like the magnolias locally we were fooled into a little early spring by some nice weather we'd experienced not so long ago (& that dancing vision we mentioned last time we visited here really got our sap flowing...) but today, oh man, itza wetannacold around heah, and we got to get a nice fire going, enjoy the comfort of the d'monkey hearth. Sending a shout of 'Howdy!' out to the various & sundry souls that have sent greetings and salutations our way of late, you know who you are, it makes some difference in our day to day here to know a few of you are concerned and give a damn, and the feeling is likewise, stay warm, safe and cozy, whatever & wherever it is you are up to between now the arrival of the new year, and if all goes well, ourowndamnself intends a foray into the hither & yon, perhaps to make aquaintence, up close & personal, with a good many of you. Amigos in G.B. & on the Continent may have to wait a leeetle longer, but that will also give you plenty of time to come up with excuses to avoid making said aquaintence. In particular, thanks to S. at riley dog (post of 12.21 in particular) for improving our grasp of Latin w/his notice of Dies Natalis Invicti Solis alongside the critique of lovely swanson turkey tv dinner which is NOT what we are intending to enjoy come the holiday, we going out for some heathen chinee cuisine...
okayokayokay, time's a wastin' and we got to attend to some things out in the world before we can actually return to chez d'monquis & set a blazing fire in the hearth; a wee heads up here, am putting together a little page re some music we listening to of late, something really lovely we want to share, not very well known, and with some luck and discipline (that, my friends, is the really tough part around here these days) we'll have that up and on line for you before the weekend is out, but for now Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, again Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, and again now, one more time, Dies Natalis Invicti Solis

a mid december sunday...
well hello...
got a d'monkey jones? No? damn...     oh well, here we are anyway, just saying Hi, in particular to a couple of you who've been encouraging & supportive, may you be showered with many blessings. i hadn't ceased continuing to peruse my bloggos favoritos and then, well, last night i had a minor religious experience, which i'll tell you more about later, initially tho, want to make mention of a couple of other things. gracias a K @ espanto en la maquina for the Handmade Films/G. Harrison link , and while on this subject mention that there are some wonderful films in this collection, many of them little known, rarely seen, some of my favorites include Withnail & I, Mona Lisa, alongside The Long Good Friday, an English actor named Bob Hoskins appearing in the latter two mentioned, and if you have not seen Withnail, oh, damn you know the line, Hie theyself directly to thy local video emporium...; recent abada abada makes mention of "a good hippie-ish school filled with principled, if a bit strident, well-meaning young people" and this from the très jeune jessamyn, which kinda cracked us up...
would also like to make mention how much we've enjoyed visiting Riley Dog and this one 'cause poetry stirs our blood powerfully...
this next from ALAMUT, recently,


Escorts and Accompanists

Explain to me please why anyone, other than for love (for neither faith nor curiosity provides the escort or the accompanist with enough reason to see the project through to its end...), would be motivated to escort or accompany anyone else? Especially if you disregard the obvious niche-occupying benefits such as the financial or the biological (think of the albatross or the remora ).

(Though if one has faith in virgins versions, one can imagine an alive version of oneself has good reason to accompany a version of oneself which is not...)

Augustus Leopold Egg: The Travelling Companions (1862).

Why is This Man Smiling? experiences, religious and otherwise...
more about this particular moment later, now, to the subject at hand. Been reading a few things by Christopher Hitchens lately, and wanted to share this brief excerpt with you:

I don't at all mean to sound Utopian about this, because America is still gravely disfigured by many awful cuts and slashes and abcesses. But, as the millions of Ulster Presbyterian and Celtic Catholic emigrants can tell you, a larger sky can yet work marvels as a solvent of parochial or ghetto-like differences. Because of the great roof of the Constitution, which stubbornly refuses to make any mention of any god of any kind whatsoever, and which was rightly denounced as 'godless' by its enemies and critics at the time of its promulgation, America is the most religious country in the world and the one that is furthest from any offical denomination of national faith. There have been, in one estimate that is put about by jovial Hibernian sources in the Irish-American Cultural Institute, fourteen presidents of Scots-Irish Ulster Presbyterian provenance, the greater number originatiing in Antrim though I've no intention of appealing to any local enthusiasm, and the most famous surviving political dynasty is a Catholic Irish one, and you know the rest of the story. 'No religious test' for any form of public office, pronounced the Founders. This will one day mean, not just a Catholic but even a Jewish or 'Mohammedan' president, said the detractors. As a result, quite literally any stripe of faith in the Oval Office can be visualised or imagined except, to my sorrow, a secular or agnostic one of the sort who wrote the Constitutional safeguards in the first place. Still if one has to have ironies of history, this is by no means the cruellest one. The secular State is the guarantee of religious pluralism. This apparent paradox, again, is the simplest and most elegant of political truths.

excerpt above from item originally published as 'Ireland, "We Ourselves": Suffering, Faith and Redemption,'
Critcal Quarterly, Spring '98, now in a collection entititled Unacknowledged Legislation.

i hear you saying, what does that have to do with my religious experience (well, quasi-religious, depending on whose temple you worship) and why is that guy up there smiling? okayokayokay, first re this particular moment mentioned earlier, you see we are utilizing the previous entry/page as template for this mid-december drone, and simply by coincidence that this line occasionally, there happens to be something both enjoyable and worth watching on television, usually yourstruly comes from our last post & re G. O'Keefe appears As If By Magick in something that is (again) related to the wonder that is television. Missing from that sentence fragment are the words across it by accident and that again is basically how we happened to come upon a glimpse of the eternal. Yourstruly was minding his own goddam business and performing batchelor house-keeping chores, had the telly on to catch some college hoops in between laundry, dishes, vaccuming and the like and now & again taking small breather for the pause that always refresheth then changed the television channel and got a facefull of, of...         well, why Is this man smiling?
i am not really sure how to put this but i think i had a glimpse of nirvana, i had some other music on with the sound of the tv down, and there was this vision dancing, and, oh my, my goodness, well, it was all i could do, i mean once i picked my jaw up from off the floor to get over here to the mongoose and run a video capture, i mean, just in the name of science, to reassure myself that i wasn't simply hallucinating from the stress caused by too much housework, and well, i think i have managed to save this for posterity, this glimpse of some angelic visitor gracing my life with her presence, however momentary. No, not some shabby Vegas lounge act, or footage from Carnival in Rio, but what seems to be something as ho hum and ordinary as a Mexican variety show called Al Fin de Semana, Hokey Smokes Bullwinkle, i mean, being a fairly emphatically heterosexual male who may be silverbacked but can maintain an even strain, well, myself and others like me can certainly appreciate the pulchritudinous diety dancing away here, but how in the world does mama-sita in Juarez explain this vocational choice to her little eight year old muchachita? may the goddess bless
you and keep you...
so you want to see this little miracle for yourself, don't you? Better have a nice fat pipe kinda broadband thing happening, or maybe make sure you hook up late at night, and plug in & d/l, have it waiting for you when you wake up in the morning. Didn't get the audio to the number, but as far as the fellows watching are concerned, who gives a shit, eh?, but since we really appreciate ANY of you who might have stopped by to see what's up w/le marquis, we including extra special bonus audio link which will go along just fine with the video.
VIDEO : oh my goodness gracious
y Los Chicharrons tocando Chicharron y Booga-Loo

friday, 12.7
oh damn-oh-lay...   fully intended to attend the affair, but wednesday was such a horror, i mean, to seriously (!!!)consider walking off the j-o-b in frustration, & other reasons, then contemplated going home, resting a bit, maybe a change of clothes & attitude, head back into the city to attend, but it was raining & cold, and ourowndamnself just too effin' weary, so home we stayed. This is what we missed, and i am sorry i wasn't there to hear the words and share in the experience...
pos, asi es la vida, no?
oh yes, happy birthday to Tom Waits
thanks for the heads-up to Mark/wood s lot,
& a great big thank you to M.G. for the heads-up on the dead link this Am...
la bella Georgia occasionally, there happens to be something both enjoyable and worth watching on television, usually yourstruly comes across it by accident, like last night, doing some channel surfing after having watched 'da Bucks dispatch Toronto & coming across sweet Sister Wendy traipsing through Boston's Museum of Fine Art, evidently a part of a recent PBS series, Sister Wendy's American Collection, and then even better, a second episode followed the one we caught halfway through, so a pleasant evening of low-key art education was had by the dumbmonkey. Those of you unfamiliar with Sister Wendy Beckett, well, you are in for a treat should you be able to see this series or anything else she has done before. The part of the show yourstruly enjoyed the most, was the dear Sister's introduction to a few pieces by
Georgia O'Keefe, which we'll not even attempt to relate here 'cause we know we'd screw it all up, but it had to do with viewers perceptions/interpretations of her paintings of flowers as purely sexual. Then, for some delicious icing on the cake, we were presented with some photographs of Georgia, taken by her husband
Alfred Stieglitz, one of our favorites was this one (you'll find a few others here too) and as we have previously made mention of Ms. O'Keefe, it may be fitting here to include some links on Mr. Stieglitz, just a few, mind you, 'cause we know you know how to google; perhaps the ones we'll include will focus on the O'Keefe/Stieglitz collaboration. Two portraits of Georgia here, taken some years apart; here, a beautiful portrait of her hands (we wrote something about hands a long time ago it seems) alongside some other examples of Stieglitz's work here & here; that photo you see leading into today's post came from this collection; this next item a brief essay on Stieglitz, from a book entitled The Model Wife, & some info on that book here. Going to wrap this thing up now, got to hie myowndamnself off to the city, but we leave you with these items, also inspired by Georgia,
& lastly, something a little more frivolous in spirit, as it's Friday, right?
Some postcards to purchase & post, perhaps to a some new friend,
photos by Alfred Stieglitz.

thursday, 12.6
Yipes! Bad news, real pirates
in case there are some of you who consider the efforts of the current administration somewhat inadequate in terms of providing actual humanitarian relief to the peoples of Afghanistan, visit this site & grace the planet with your generousity...
no, we not taking any goddam tests, thank you very much...
but if yourstruly was a work of art (we are, you know, quite a work of art):
Pollack's Lavender Mist
naught but chaos, beautiful chaos...

wednesday, 12.5
yourstruly also thankful for the bright mind of Jon Carroll
very likely ourowndamnself be walkin' off this j-o-b soon,
or else we may end up in BEEEEEEEG trouble...
we are indebted to the bright minds at environy & wood's lot,
for the following items: Tougher Than Teflon; GWB;
and this timely Gore Vidal item from the Washington Post
the horror...     the horror...
we won't even begin to attempt to describe how fucked up the day to day
operations of a once thriving classified advertising department has become.
somewhere between the horrible new s/w proggie & the inept training program lies the problem; the question many of us ask is Is it ever going to get better? Hah! not bloody likely and not bloody soon, yourstruly is having an easier time than many of my counterparts yet have accomodated ourself to the idea that although all things must pass, this one is going to take a bloody long while. In the meantime, howzabout a threesome of blasts from the past...

Beatles tune #1
Beatles tune #2
Beatles tune #3

tuesday, 12.4
The most dangerous thing in the world is to think you understand something.
yesterday's saying, unattributed, from the little zen calendar
something the resident & his administration excel in: Lies
& yesssss, we know untruths are not unique to his administration,
but we intend to be as critical as possible of this one
ourowndamnself busy reading fine little book entitled Class Warfare, and we intending to post some selections from it soon, would do so now, but the frustrating constraints of the workplace don't allow the opportunity we once enjoyed, so for now, we point you in the direction of this page chock fulla Noam Chomsky linkage.
whoa! dead linkage galore there, eh?
better stick w/the Chomsky archive at Znet/Zmag
xtra value bonus link as an apology for the mess o'dead linkage

& it leaves us wondering,
who'll step up to fill the vacuum once Chomsky is gone?

OH Oh oh- this too, briefly:
Hendrik Hertzberg; "The Wrong Man", from The New Yorker
courtesy the SF Chron, a guide to the East Bay
personally guided tours available, recreational substances optional

monday, 12.3
oh yessss, just this one other thing:
Wednesday, 12.5, S.F. Main Public Library, 100 Larkin St.
a celebration for the late Ken Kesey
wherefore art thou David Chess?
ahhh, he hath hied hisowndarnself to ceoln.pitas.com a decision he may regret;
yourstruly is contemplating leaving the pita environs for a more stable blog-host,
our compatriot & counterpart at Ghost Rocket is experiencing some technical difficulties there as well.
crapcrapcrap, it's always something, isn't it?
sumbuddy stop me please, quickly, before I kill someone...

sunday, 12.2
it's winter, the rain fell long and hard last night, today it has cleared a bit, altho more rain in the forecast, & it remains cold and windy. We've decided to modify things hereabouts in order to accomodate ourselves emotionally to shorter and colder days, some long nights spent in front of the fireplace here at chez d'monkey. Personally, yourstruly is much fonder of springtime and for many years now has not found much cheer or joy in the months of winter, if it wasn't for loving friends & family assisting in shepherding us thru this time of year, ooooooh, it could get grim. It is entirely possible the number of times we attend to business here may drop off a bit over the next couple of months, yourstruly hopes that won't make many of you less curious about stopping by to see what we might have to say about this & that, what kind of mischief & misdemeanor we may be getting up to. It is always worthwhile visiting the others you'll find linked above via the alliance and autreblog portals, we have managed recently to add a good couple of dozen new sites in the star field and would triple that number if we weren't so goddam lazy.
Had an enjoyable Saturday, our brother K drove down on Friday nite to spend the evening & night in our company, and the minor disappointments of two of our favorite restaurants being closed early that night didn't altogether wreck our dinner plans (altho le marquis was jonesing for bar-b-que in a major way & the news that Bobby's Cajun BBQ was now closing at 7pm did not make us happy at all) and even tho it appears we "settled" for chinese take-out, the fact it came from Tsing Tao just a block away from la casa del chango tonto made up for the earlier disappointments. Hmmmmmm-hmmmmmmm good...   Next day Bro K departed for home and we occupied ourself with a visit to the SPD sale that we had linked to in the latter days of Nov. The event was very well attended and we are sure a LOT more of that free beer would have been finished off if the day hadn't been as cold and rainy as it was, oh but to spend hours perusiing the warehouse aisles of SPD, munch on yummy snack stuff, sit & listen to some poets reading their work, well, cannot think of many more enjoyable ways to spend a rainy afternoon, and even managed to get away w/spending less than a hundred dollars, whew...
okay, so don't go and get too attached to anything you see in the present layout, it is all just temporary, you know, all things must pass, right? the ol' silverback will still be paying attention to those administration shenanigans, and we're not ashamed to admit we're worried about just how far these cretins will go and just how much they'll get away with. Am thankful for the efforts of many of the folks on the a.a.w.w.w.s.h.i.t. page, kind of wish ourowndamself had attended the recent summit between Mssrs Baum & Jensen, but we'll try & catch up with those
pinko agitators sometime next year, maybe y'all should make similiar plans.
oh, yah, here's another classic Fleetwood Mac tune,
from those pre CD & MP3 days of A O R-ocking radio,
alongside some must reads from michaelmoore.com

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