autre blog
el lobo loco

almost daily requirements
APOD le mot juste
Jon Carroll Leah Garchick
diversions spizzerinctum
steely D
encarta quiz
java poetry
straight dope
ethel's assist
previous monkey-biz
y2k monkey
~ '01 ~
may ~
apr ~
for current monkey biz go HERE
lessee, today's... ahhhh, Saturday? and????
oh my, we really needed this weekend to show up...
took us a bit of time to realize we were livin' thru the 28th
two daze innarow, but it now possible we catchin' up w/
current date & time (altho we'd really prefer oppty to live otherwise...)
back tomorrow w/some sunday smorgasbord to share...
some sad gorillas in S.F.
Carol Martinez retires from S.F. Zoo
~ ~ ~
at a loss for much else to say...
ourowndamnlazyself gonna rely on two fine minds,
first, a great big howdy & welcome back to S. Baum,
we going to point to this recent post of his, &
then hie thyselves over to J. Carroll's Friday column as many
of of us here in the Bay Area have seen those ads
in the local fishwrap (Duke Energy's comes immediately to mind)
whew...., y'all lucky, we felt big bad rant coming on...
anyway, we end our activity here today (we can hear that sigh
of relief you wiseasses!) w/this, also from J.C.;
we gonna spend part of our weekend working on our list...
& in this glimmer of hope, perhaps something to make you smile...
teach your children well
~ ~ ~
holy boy! JKidd gets some ink in the NYT
~ ~ ~
the heart isn't exactly in it...
but for the sake of some of the faithful few,
some friday follyish material:
silly essays (funny is anyone's guess)
from SteveMartin.com, some essays, largely from The New Yorker;
(our disappointment mirrors yours, once we discovered only two links here...)
sorry, didn't check alla the links, but more allegedly funny stuff here
apologies for pop-ups on some of those sites, folks,
yourstruly uses a nice little destruct-all-ads proggie at home
when putting together his post of the day, so we often unaware
of the goddam things till we getz to work & see 'em for ourself....
~ ~ ~
whilst aimlessly perusing & visiting awolog,
we noticed high industrial is back, w/a nice looking page...
~ ~ ~
can't recall ever hearing about PBS program,
The Mississippi, River of Song,
but caught episode last nite which featured Greg Brown,
and we cannot tell you how long it has been since we heard G. Brown,
or even thought about listening to him, but it was enough of a taste
that we be seeking some of his work out sometime this weekend...
we also caught Panic on DVD, and while not a great film, definitely worth seeing,
those of you (like ourselves) who enjoy a particular kind of filmaking may have
seen a lot of William H. Macy recently, what with Fargo, Magnolia, State & Main, just
to name a few, & you may be surprised to see who else is in this film alongside him,
and again, recently available on tape and DVD, You Can Count On Me,
again, your pal el chango tonto recommends it highly...
late news flash! You Can Count On Me awarded the
2001 Humanitas Award

oncet upon a time...
when yourstruly was a mere stripling of a monkey-lad
he wished mightily for the opportunity to get into
Mrs. Peel's pants
many thanks to Mark @ wood s lot for the heads-up
~ ~ ~
Adair Lara can take the heat...
damn-o-lay! she's married too, goshdarnitall...
~ ~ ~
Imagine seeing you here...
The days of my living
are summer days
The nights of my glory
outshine the blazing wavecaps of the heavens
at their floodtide
Mine is the confident hand shaping this world
Kenneth Patchen
Patchen & Mingus
(inspired by today's Daily Bleed)
and tonite,
we gonna raise a few glasses in a goodbye toast to Jack Lemmon,
one of the finest ever to grace our lives w/his presence...
~ ~ ~
cloudy yesss, but kinda ugly muggy too...
we feelin' the need for a road trip coming on, maybe take a few extra days around a weekend
head out to the Eastern Sierra for a breather outta the madness that is life in the city...
bro K and I were out at electronics (read: TOY) store the other day and we scored
ourselves a couple of these, which, as far as gadgets go, are pretty cool & work just fine,
so we're burning some MP3 laden CDs and will just plug the sucker into the aux jack
on the car stereo so's d'monkey will have music whereever the hell he goes...
what we be listening to ye may be asking? here some samples of our eclectic tastes:
Amandrai, Ali Farka Toure & Ry Cooder, from Talking Timbuktu;
from The Pizza Tapes, Jerry Garcia, David Grisman, and Tony Rice,
Shady Grove and Little Sadie,
from the 1-ova-kine Inevitable Xmas CD
(produced by P. Tomek):
Mascara Tears by Richard Thompson
now some of yaz already discovered that hoppin' onto
dumbmonkey or loboloco will get ya access to some music
been posted there of late, have at it if you inclined,
the tunes posted and available there will change w/the seasons...

when the child was a child
by happy accident, Bravo was broadcasting Wings of Desire yesterday evening. It was like running into an old friend one hadn't seen for years and being pleasantly suprised at how good they looked, how well they had aged. It is definitely not a film for everybody, but we'd certainly recommend it to anyone we considered a friend. Marvelous, meditative and
unusual, requires attentive viewing.
You'll find some links provided here, but with a caveat: If you are at all interested in seeing the film, seek it out and do that first, then perhaps come back and visit and read some of the items provided for you here, as they may contain something that could affect your viewing experience, and we know it highly unlikely you'll catch it in a theatre, but if you do watch it at home, turn off the phone, make some popcorn, and settle in for an enjoyable couple of hours.
In addition to the links hidden above, here are a good many related links from a Danish film site, POV; a review from Deep Focus; another review, this from Savoy Mag; this last item, Roger Ebert's review from his
The Great Movies page
~ ~ ~
came across this earlier today...
"el residente not a cretin..."
ahhhhh, well, the proof's in the pudding, eh?
More on not-terribly-curious Jorge
both these items from AlterNet

an invitation we are certain not to receive...
but we hope Ms. Lara makes the resident choke on his dessert...
~ ~ ~
g r a c e
blessed with a beautiful morning on our way into the city,
this a day we should've opted for the bus ride into town
instead of dealing w/bart: incredible sky, scattered high clouds
w/the rising sun tinting them varied shades of rose & pink,
in the distance one spies the city illuminated, appearing
so clean, so bright, like those Greek hillside towns,
glistening white on the rocky slopes above the sea...
been listening a lot to Lucinda's new album, and we highly
recommend you add it to your collection, definitely a work
worth waiting for, you can sample some of it here,
the title track another of those songs inspired by desire and passion,
nailing that overwhelming need we've often felt with precision, and far as we're concerned, worth the price of the CD...
~ ~ ~
btw, nice new look at apathy, & not just updating weekly...
~ ~ ~
oh yesss, amen! how trees changed the world;
they can change your life too,
take a walk through a redwood forest sometime...
~ ~ ~
fresh from the pages of the local fishwrap
Orrin Keepnews produces boxed set of Thelonius Monk
more on T. Monk here
~ ~ ~
uh oh, not the penguins...
penguinos in trouble, all round the world
& in a more appropriate sense,
a conversation w/ Frans de Waal
from Slate, an apology for the monkeyfishing tale
and, oh yea, there be some righting of cosmik scales,
el residente de la casa blanca finds the going gets tough
watch the man w/spine of jelly hem & haw his way thru the next 40-odd months
oh, by the way, the blueberry muffins were magnificent!

a lovely surprise awaited us as we left the j-o-b...
initially just a few sprinkles, but as the evening progessed, a lovely steady rain...
yours truly would like to point out this essay from The Nation,
alongside this opinion piece dated 3.15, here's another from TomPaine.com;
from Reason Online, another opinion piece critical of the Supreme Court decision.
yahhhh, we know, it's over, the moron has taken up residency, and we must face
the next 42 months or so making an occasional nuisance of ourself, as a reminder to
keep paying attention, coaxing others to do the same, every day, we get closer to ridding
ourselves of the empty suit masquerading as head of state, & his cronies along w/him...
last thing left here for you, we going to go take a nice long walk in the rain,
a few words from Paul Krassner
~ ~ ~
huh? where did that weekend go?
kinda yucky early am around chez d'monkey, & the less said about it, the better...
the most positive thing about the day so far:
she's baa-aa-aaack...
elle est tres formidable!
& ignore any claim she makes of some friend who sends her linkage,
the woman's obviously delusional...

late sunday afternoon & eve...
mighty nice now that things have cooled off a bit, and yes, altho the sun was still shining, whatever it is one chose to do, inside or outside, was much more enjoyably accomplished in the cooler temps following the return of our friend the fog bank...
encouraged by the cool kitchen, we cooked up a batch of corn muffins on Saturday morning;
we'd been invited to indulge in brekkie w/some co-workers from fishwrap classifieds that Am,
but Bro K & yours truly had already made plans to visit the computer show in Vallejo, on the
lookout for some parts to upgrade & repair pal Janey's NEC, and although we'd have certainly enjoyed the comradery & yummy foodstuffs, we couldn't follow thru w/our acceptance of the invite so, yahhh, we mooched out as a no-show, yet at least we delivered some homemade muffins as apology along with our hope we'll get invited next time somebody makes similiar plans...
We intending to be back in the kitchen in a bit, got a bunch of leftover blueberries that we're gonna make another batch of muffins from, with this next batch completely from scratch, as we did use a cornbread mix for the corn muffins. We do like to amend the recipe, this morning's contained diced red pepper and corn, at other times little bits of cheese (we like to use a spicy pepper jack), also occasionally little chunks of ham or bacon, olives, nopalitos, little chunks of jalapeno, depending on your tastes; so yummy w/a fresh cuppa your fave Am beverage.
~ ~ ~
some miscellaneous linkage we'd like to share...
on videocassette & DVD, if you didn't catch these titles in the theatres, do try and view
State and Main and especially You Can Count On Me, a film woefully overlooked last year, but in our humble opinion one you ought not miss. We repeat again advice posted here Friday re
Girl on the Bridge, and also append this heads-up for great little indy film, Panic;
here's Christopher Hitchens reviewing the memoirs of Anthony Powell; from the Sunday fishwrap: take the train out of town for a day at the ballpark, watching the Mudcats;
C.W. Nevius weighs in w/a meditation upon summertime; this little article brought back many memories of our early years learning to sail here in S.F. Bay, the joy of messing about in boats and becoming so infatuated with the idea of building & repairing wooden boats that yourstruly hied himself off to Seattle to investigate the 2 year program in marine carpentry in the community college system there. Oh, yahhh, & for any of you out there jonesing for some hoop action in the city, head on out to Kezar Pavilion and check out the S.F. Pro-Am league, that is, if you not out already out there on the blacktop hoopin' it up ...

could never say it better ourowndamnself...
& he does it five days a week. Who?
Jon Carroll, datz who...
have a great weekend!
~ ~ ~
first friday of summer...
and we've very little to say other than extending to you all a wish for an
enjoyble weekend, & should you be inclined to visit your local video emporium,
we suggest you seek out Girl on the Bridge; lonesome ol' yourstruly watched it last night
& although not as much fun as seeing it on a big screen, it is a
letterboxed version distributed by Paramount, most of your video stores
ought to have it stock, and it's a fine little film, so try not to miss it...
in the meantime, we've got a homework assignment to complete...
~ ~ ~
quick heads-up to snail-mailers
new stamp available: Frida Kahlo
oh yesss, we luvz to get mail, got a nice card from pal L. yesterday,
and rec'd fine CD compilation from Krazy KC Pat this week,
if you send something, ya gonna get something so
be sure to include your address. Ours?
JP D'Monkey, POB 752, Berkeley, CA 94701

mid-week day off yesterday...
and enjoyable as that was, would have preferred a cooler day, as it appears
we are in the midst of a heat-wave, & those of you who know us know that we
not that fond of sultry summer sunshine, much prefer the usual summer foggish
ebb & flow, but we not complaining, really, just stating our case...
some interesting things we came across the last few days, again we pointing you
to some of our fave rest stops on the info-autobahn; some really interesting stuff
up at Medley of late, with this item in particular striking a chord;
the usual fine stuff at Book Notes, many links re books, future of books,
that kind of thing we find intriguing,
& whilst watching the McNeil-Lehrer news hour last nite, there was this book related news item
and while it not happening any time soon, we can see
one day in the future these lovely books we so fond of
becoming the equivalent of stone or clay tablets...
during our early Am perusal of the news, we came across
this NYT item re some hipster elders still boppin' about...
gives ourowndamnself hope as we approach our silverback years...
& on this day, courtesy the Daily Bleed;
salutations to all of you on the Summer Solstice
~ ~ ~
more on the Solstice, from the Guardian UK

no, NOT Shady Grove, Bohemian Grove
the truth about the Bohemian Grove, from Counterpunch
ya wan' mo'? okeydokey, heah's mo',
mo', mo'...
~ ~ ~
this? possibly one of those moments
we are not alone in this...
saying nothing
safely saying nothing
~ ~ ~
revisiting Richard Yates
Salon review of The Collected Stories
several reviews of Yates' works from the NYT
~ ~ ~
must make mention of this...
always worth a visit: GMT plus 9,
now a part of Design Culture Network

the weekend cometh & the weekend goeth...
estoy escribiendo, pero ninguna palabra aqui...

some related linkage for the Carina Nebula:
the keyhole nebula
more from Hubble on NGC 3372
light & shadow in Carina
large image of NGC 3372

tryin' to maintain an even strain...
thanks for the calls & the notes, y'all give a damn,
& it's appreciated, so today, we'll lighten up a bit and
offer up to you something vaguely friday-follyish...
the odd duck;
Hyena On-line;
Duck Soup Productions;
why a duck?;
Ask Dr. Science;
somebuddy's funny stuff;
disgruntled housewife
quack quack quack
as for ourowndamnself,
we plan on indulging ourselves over the weekend,
altho we'd really like to watch movies w/ Julianne
~ ~ ~
craig asks: who's your daddy?
we ask: can you say dada
yah babeee, we knew ya could..
more dada
dada? again?
~ ~ ~
will wonders never cease?
the latest in watermelon tech
oh babee, we luz dem wattahmellens

no surprise, any of this...
big oil documents re decreasing refinery capacity
(links to documents retrieve PDF files)
from Senator Wyden's web site, includes link to report
we know not everybody can car pool, or utilize mass transit,
& ourowndamnself often guilty of using the car when we could be
riding our bike, maybe even enjoying a stroll to the store
but as long as we refuse to pay attention, wise up &
do whatever we can, whenever & however possible, we remain their patsy,
and they have us by the short hairs...

for some reason, a feeling of sadness
permeates the atmosphere here at chez d'monkey, & we not sure why...
attempts at examining the life for any cause/reason provide many
possibilities: the human penchant to be led about by the nose, to be
one accepted among the common herd; the proliferation of dangerous lies;
the constancy of baseness, stupidity & greed in the face of an overwhelming
desire for something finer, something better, something perhaps unattainable...
all life is suffering
all life is suffering
pursuing happiness, experiencing suffering
the four noble truths
the eightfold path
the big view
so... we'll manage, sort of like all of the rest of us do,
usually w/a little help from our friends and loved ones...
~ ~ ~
avoiding being a total downer today...
Light; Light; Light;
these photos, courtesy GMT plus 9
Illumination; Illumination; Illumination
today's poem

credit where credit due...
one of the marvelous things about weblogs & the people who write 'em
is the spirit of sharing via cross-linking & posting in general
lots of great stuff out there in the last couple of days,
particularly in examining the death penalty,
amongst other things, but we'd be amiss not to point out to
you these two links
Democracy's Shame
excerpt from When the State Kills
both of which we ran across at wood s lot, but check in on
Book Notes, Medley, & Dr. Menlo
amongst many others...
we'd also like to share Tenzin Gyatso's POV
~ ~ ~
keeping it brief
Lucinda W. & new album, from Slate
~ ~ ~
yahhh, & monkeys might fly out of my butt...
"TIME.com's Tony Karon argues that George Bush will encounter his limitations in Europe — and may emerge a better president for it"
W Goes to Finishing School
~ ~ ~
more on the resident's cram course

whooooeeee, there be some polarities in discussin' the events
of the day, & we first to proclaim ourselves findin' it tough
to wrap our grey matter around the debate here on a monday Am
(life's hard enough in my personal neighborhood right now, thankyewvurrymuch...)
so perhaps in the course of the week's endeavors we'll write up
something timely at el lobo loco, but until then,
some food for thought
~ ~ ~
something positive...
for those of us still reeling from the events of November.
from the Wash Post: Media Criticism of Bush Abounds
~ ~ ~
ourowndamnself makin' concerted effort...
to avoid the headlines of the day...
maybe of little use or little help in that regard,
but what the hell...
tryin' to lighten up
~ ~ ~
apres le weekend...
if we all love our children so much, why is it then the
poor bastards still suffer so, all over the damn world...
UNICEF Special Session on Children;
it's light & intermittent time 'round here again,
stop by wwyw & el lobo loco for a few new things...

sometime during the weekend:
Hiya !
re Game 3, NBA Finals
& here's this piece from 2 months ago
more here on A.I. & the finals...
& hey! wotdafuggupwit 'dis
yaaaahh, okey, come & fish for 'dis monkey & see what kind of fight ya gotz on yer hands...
oh, & can you say Halitosis
ohh honneeee, would like nuttin' more than to smootch,
but 'dat stink-mouth of yours puttin' 'da hurt on my nose
~ ~ ~
from the NYT, Rear Windows "01"
~ ~ ~
holy crap, monkeydude!
the subscription offer from hell showed up
in 'da ol' silverback's mail this weekend...
no, thank you, do not hasten us off into that good night...
~ ~ ~
& yessss,'tis true,
we've not paid proper attention to matters @ wwyw of late,
so, this from the Wash Post: "Last Minute Spin"
~ ~ ~
some goings-on about town, over the next few weeks:
fun w/Paul & Brian at Shoreline;
more great music at Yoshi's, particularly for guitar fans,
check this out:
Bill Bruford's Earthworks, June 12 & 13;
Bill Frisell's New Quartet, June 14 - 17;
Gateway Trio (J.Abercrombie, J.DeJohnette, D.Holland), June 19 - 24;
local review of John Abercrombie in action locally on Thurs night...
extra added value link: disciplineglobalmobile.com
idea of being in the audience at this show gives us the heebies jeebies Big Time !
bye for now, mebbe back later, gotta go out & liv' up to our reputation

weary, but frivolously so, we bring you
some selected friday follyish material from the last year or so:
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
apologies for any deadlinks, we try & fix 'em later...
along w/a little big band swing from Benny Goodman,
sing, sing, sing
~ ~ ~
marvelous stuff in the night's sky...
this head's up re planet Saturn
alongside Hubble Heritage site

always appreciative of visitors here...
yessss we are, and hope some of you happening upon us accidentally
will return for more in the future. Here in the next few days 'tho,
we be busy on the j-o-b & with our wretched semblence of a personal life
& while we can recommend many other worthwhile places to visit in blog-ville
you certainly should make a stop at Riley Dog
because there is always quality linkage afoot there;
today R.D. mentions Preston Sturges & Sullivan's Travels
& alongside that we want to point you to the 6.14.00 post
on our own contribution to blog-dom re the genius of P. Sturges.
yeessss, we can see the value of a permalink now & again, but it usually more fun
& rewarding to scroll thru the d'monkey archives & see
what other linky goodness you'll discover... older monkey biz is at lower end of the left-column
OOOH! & for a plethora of primate punditry,
visit the very, very dangerous monkey
~ ~ ~
Game 1, NBA Finals...
"this is unexpected, but kind of neat..."
Sixers' coach Larry Brown, interviewed after the game;
speaking as a serious hoops fan, that was one of the best Game Ones
we have ever watched and we've watched A LOT!!!
now, it's a series, and the laker dudes have to win Game 2
as games 3, 4, and 5 are in Philadelphia, & right now,
hmmmmmmmmm, just about anything could happen...
~ ~ ~
Razors pain you; Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give;
Gas smells awful; You might as well live.
Dorothy Parker, Résumé
in memorium, Dorothy Parker

lost in the starry skies...
this heads-up from the LA Times;
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey
more on the SDSS; SDSS techie stuff
looking deep into her eyes, i am lost in a field of stars....
~ ~ ~
forecast: light & intermittent activity
from the Village Voice, Looking back at Satchmo
& yaaaahh, NBA finals game 1 tonite. Beat Kobe?;
personally speaking, series can go seven & be OK w/us,
we always hate to see the season draw to a close...
~ ~ ~
some light diversion
a quiz re your pop culture IQ
howzabout a chili dog & some legal advice?
nuttin' wrong w/discussing technique, mebbe pick up on sumptin' new...
ahhhhh dreamin' of territories south of a particular equator...
c ya...

what is this malaise, this ennui,
this helplessness
that has us so firmly in it's tireless grip...
qu'est-ce que c'est?
waaaal, 'could be this, for one thing...
~ ~ ~
Feliz Cumpleanos a Panchito!
this link courtesy of The Daily Bleed for 6.5
more Pancho; J.Reed on Pancho; Mas!
Pancho's home page; In Pursuit of Pancho
~ ~ ~
y tambien, Feliz Cumpleanos a Federico!
Federico Garcia Lorca
y tambien, mas aqui; NYT links on Lorca
~ ~ ~
two cows...
thanks to counterpart/co-worker Ron L. for
cheering us up w/this link...
oh yahhh, we found that this cheered us up Too!

what's that? 20 years???
damn, that's a good long time, maybe we not be around
to become a hockey fan & miss alla 'da fun, ehhh...
~ ~ ~
ya gotta few hours 'ta spare, binky?
900 Links, from Webstream
~ ~ ~
the less said about this being monday...
the better...
J.C. says it better than we ever could
and we can do it when we try
yet, why is it hard to shake this feeling of hopelessness...
from the LA Times, Odds & Ends on the Energy Front
oh man, we just wanna go back to bed...
~ ~ ~
okayokayokay, so we won't go back 'ta bed...
we go riding our bike instead, shoot some hoops maybe...

a slow & sedate sunday stroll..
thru the ether of the cybervillage; 2 items right off the bat,
the inept amongst the cyber-limey (not so different as anywhere else, of this we are certain); this next's an NYT link, the cost of cyberdemocracy;
then there's that McCain fella' in the news again, more on this from Observer UK;
but the coy old dog's saying "no sirree, got my butt whipped oncet...";
also from the Observer, this interesting item, followed by something somewhat related from the Washington Post; Yeeehaaaah, more Lucinda Williams news courtesy the L.A. Times.
uuuhhhhh, well if that's what you think, s'ok wit us, opinions are like bellybuttons...
yours truly been keepin' our prediliction for things hoopish to a min hereabouts... from local fishwrap, sumptin' 'bout Merle alongside this Merle-inspired image,
then we'll point you to mo' ryetcheear, w/extra added value musical link here
gotz to attend to some chores, perhaps we be back here later, but for now...
what is this thing called love
~ ~ ~
and then, later that same day...
yeeesh... dishes, laundry, vacuuming---
and then we gotzta go to work tomorrow?
what happened to the bloody weekend?
waaaal, in between performing our chores & miscellaneous duties, we did
peruse our latest edition of the New Yorker, & lo and behold, two items
that we came across in the print edition are also available on-line.
First, the always excellent Hendrick Hertzberg on Taxing Friendships;
next a lovely piece written by Leon Wieseltier, but before we send you there,
read this one by Jon Carroll.
Okay?, now Wieseltier's tribute to Susannah McCorkle
& we also note the passing of Imogene Coca, who was more than just a funny gal
and, oh shit, we just heard 'da news... Vaya con Dios Antonio
keep your friends & loved ones, close, mes ami, never let them go...

enjoy your weekend
first of june, & some stuff here 'bout the month to come
be mindful, make some smiles happen, the more genuine the bettah...
~ ~ ~
we 'canna resist a primate related post..
the heads-up from wood s lot,
book review for The Ape and the Sushi Master
~ ~ ~
damndamndamn, first day of June & do we need a vacation...
ohhhhhh, like maybe four months worth of one, at the very least...
been too damn hot here the last couple of days, but the marine layer
appears to be re-establishing itself (HOORAY!) w/ cooler temps, possibly the usual foggy eves & Am's, in store over the weekend...
here is just some linkage we've come across of late, perhaps a couple
of items we have posted before over the last year & a half, but worth
mentioning again, been looking into some energy related things of late,
so you may be seeing something more extensive re that subject at
el lobo loco next week sometime, but for now, check these places out...
visit Sisyphus Tracks, particularly their Playlists on Demand section
recommended for those w/pretty dependable wide pipe connections...
and these, in a more socially conscious realm of linkage:
Columbia University Earth Institute;
The Cato Institute;
Worldwide Watch Institute;
& as the weekend approacheth, we wishing you all well, some large measure
of joy, or at the very least, long enjoyable moments of restful happiness
adios, amigos, hasta las vista pues...

the 13 Scariest White Guys in America
linkage cadged from Bush Wacker
~ ~ ~
Happy B-Day, Walt Whitman
from Library of Congress' American Memory, Walt Whitman Collection
Walt Whitman & the Develoment of Leaves of Grass
from Bartleby.com, Leaves of Grass
~ ~ ~
Miss Lucinda Williams
L.W. from Salon; L.W. on Tour
this page from K.C. Pat
hey! we wanna copy of 'dat CD, Pat
find yourself some Lucinda tunes at
el lobo loco
Oooooo! great minds, thinking alike!
Craig @ Book Notes mentions his Lucinda post
any other Lucinda fans out 'dere???

nothing to be proud of...
2001 A.I. Report: USA, Jan-Dec '00
the 2001 Amnesty International Report
~ ~ ~
from the pages of the local fishwrap...
Making the best of evolution, from Leah Garchik's column:
"This species could have been so great, and now everybody just wants a new Salad Shooter or sneakers with lights in them. This is what we've settled for."
George Carlin, quoted in Maxim magazine. you can read the rest of her column via the link under the almost daily requirements, & be sure to visit J.C.'s column, too...
~ ~ ~
on this Am, a surfeit of thong inspired linkage...
danger will robinson danger
ahhhhhhhh, the beauty, the wonder, and the glory that is thong
more thong; thong theory; thong throngs; thong 911; revenge of the thong;
& no, we not talking 'bout dis kinda thong, ohhh nooooo,
or dis kinda thong, nooosirreeee; or dis kinda thong, no way no how...
more like dis kinda thong, oh yahhhh, babee, dat's troooooly callipygian....
we gotzta get a leeetle behind in our work, yess we do...
~ ~ ~
he gotz 'da soul patch, luvz 'da Dead, & coaches 'da lakerdudes...
maybe not a zen-master, but datz Ok
'cause it's the getting there that counts...
Phil Jackson

imagine, if you can, the shoe on the other foot...
could you be capable of the strength & determination required
to survive, to prosper, to live to tell the tale

hello there, monkey lovers everywhere...
those of you who've stuck w/yours truly for a while may recognize a similiar layout to
last year, oh, july or so, but a little more of a summer influenced living in the jungle theme
~ ~ ~
for the moment, we leave you w/mention that links to older entries are at the bottom of the
left column; we'll be moving things in & out of here, seeing how simple we can make it
& avoid the cross-browser/generation/platform heebie-jeebies...
~ ~ ~
our hopes are that most of you enjoyed a pleasant weekend & holiday, ours nothing special but
we did spend a lovely afternoon "en famille" w/Bro K & family. Not certain
at this time how much we'll be attending to daily entries here, but in the meantime,
we include the following links for your perusal, all a tribute in some small way to
Henri Rousseau...

image & it's link discovered at this lovely site
and this link takes you to one other Rousseau inspired site
& lastly, A Crow's Dream