![]() ![]() ![]() Harnessing The Power Of Entropy For Productive Use |
for current monkey biz go HERE on the eve of the election of 2004... it was nearly four years ago yourstruly was going to bed thinking that he'd awaken to the news a fellow named Albert Gore was elected president, at the time so confident that there was no possible way the electorate could be so ignorant as to allow a perfectly good waste of space by the name of g.w. bush to take office as head of state. oh, binky, we felt bad, we did, so very, very bad, and truly had no idea of how awful it was going to get, but we knew that something terrible had happened that election day of '00. the sitting president is an embarrassment to us all. Any thoughtful individual possessing the will to undertake the simplest research would undoubtedly discover for themselves reams of information in re the malfeascence and impropriety that are the hallmarks of the current administration. It will be interesting to see how mssrs bush, cheney, rumsfeld, rove, et al & this period of time in our history will be recorded historically. When this boy puts himself to bed on Tuesday night he will remain hopeful that on Wednesday he'll wake to some of the best news he's heard in years, it'll certainly provide him with something to celebrate with so many friends he hopes to see very soon. from the current issue of the New Yorker, No More Years ![]() briefly now, as the weekend approacheth... 10.22.04 indebted to M. Woods at wood s lot for providing reminder to visit democracy now more often (especially now that we out of radio range of KPFA): Noam Chomsky on the State of the Nation, Iraq and the Election; by the way, there be PLENTY of the finest kind of chewy linky goodness regularly available at wood s lot, tell a friend, eh? Ourowndamnedself'd be remiss if we didn't mention the fine work being carried on of late at C.J.'s BookNotes, again, pass along the good word, particularly to anyone you know who is still stuck on that fence of indecision, can you imagine how shitty you are going to feel when you realize you have to live with the moron in chief and his cad-ministration for another four years? okay then, out of recent new yorker, by N. Lemann, Remember the Alamo, and additional chunky linky goodness, interview w/Mr. Lemann from PBS Frontline program "The Choice 2004"; and dear goddess, forgive us for being such a slovenly, lazy nogoodnik; yourstruly had every intention of mentioning the next item here when we first ran across it, thanking the wizard behind the curtain at Ethel the Blog (and looking forward to day when we can talk him into exceeding his carbo count by drinking a few beers with us sometime over dinner and conversation...): Gore Vidal's State of the Union. personal note to Stumpy Delko: "hey dude, where's the rest of that travelogue?" Later that Same Morning or Something like a Postscript from the not so beloved local fishwrap: a matter of great concern locally: shucks!; and on an altogether different note, a little about the woman whose cruel fate brought Manny Vera into her life, RIP, Robin Gillespie ![]() some unusual strands've been woven into the tapestry... 10.19.04 of da life of l'Marquis lately; cannot adequately express the shock and surprise when reading the local fishwrap Sunday morning and discovering news item re alleged homicide of young woman and the arrest of an acquaintence of yourstruly as the primary suspect. oh dear, he said to hisowndamnedself, the fucker's gone and done it now... ![]() Okay, so our spending so much time here of late, in what has been a very leisurely and unhurried kind of visit, has occasionally provided us with reason to be in some of the old neighborhoods of our youth, those far from halcyon days of junior-high, high school and our intial abortive attempts at collegiate endeavor. Mixed emotions about many of the memories brought back by revisiting some of that turf making sure ourowndarnself's not dwelling on unpleasant recollections, instead considering where and when some of the stones mortared & joined together in the building of the foundation of our character may have been quarried. l'Marquis hasn't been the most gregarious kinda bigapefellah, not looking up any of his own high schools pals, not hanging out in local taverns, nudie bars (they are plentiful hereabouts) nor even making much attempt in seeking romantic companionship, perhaps recognizing that he may not necessarily be a good prosect in that regard, not lately anyway. Manny V., the troubled and in deep shit character arrested in the course of the homicide mentioned above, truthfully, really don't know the guy well at all. He and l'Marquis attended the same high school, he graduating two years ahead of yourstruly, and we definitely didn't run in the same circles socially, remembering him as one of a larger group of young men generally given over to pursuits best described under the broad heading of juvenile delinquency. Many of my peers developed an affinity for alcohol early in their lives, always seemed that with Juarez right across town, getting high was not a problem at all, and certainly whilst this may be the broadest of generalizations, our Dad grew up here, yourstruly spent much of his young life here, with eyes wide open much of the time. Well, however it happened, in that same period of time encompassed by the Popz retirement, spending some of his free time afterwards in a number of pursuits, one of which became raising birds, he became acquainted with Manny V., introduced via les freres Lewis, both classmates of M.V. at Irvin, now in the auto body repair business, each of them in competition with the other by way of their shops, by their individual careers in auto racing & sponsorship. Manny was recommended to Vincenzo as a capable mechanic, of the shade tree variety. Oncet upon a time, during a visit that was probably 3 to 4 years ago, we ran into Manny and two of his pals, at Victoria's restaurant on Dyer, meeting up with another of the Popz recent friendships, and when introduced all around, Manny and ourself able to nod at one another, that goes-way-back familiarity from high school, his recent acquaintence with Popz and (through that) introductions to brothers Dan and Dave. Next time Manny & l'Marquis met up, the memorial service for our Popz in early january, he made no small point of suggesting that a haircut for l'Marquis would have been in order. Wethinks he was a little drunk at that time, but then, l'Marquis was himself a wee bit tipsy thruout much of that ordeal. Okay, so we barely know the guy but what we do know of Manny is that he is a capable and trustworthy mechanic, got to know the Popz well enough to be invited into chez Ester y Vinny on occasion, even enjoyed some homemade enchiladas. That little mechanical emergency we experienced in august was our reason for looking up Manny again; called him once we got back to the house the same afternoon of the breakdown & tow, arrangements to have car towed to his shop and to meet the next day. Car was fixed pronto quickly at reasonable price, come and get it, so we did. ![]() Spent four or five hours there that afternoon, conversing, some discussion of this country's involvement in Iraq and the middle east in general, my opinions of the administration and most of what has transpired during the last three years plus not entirely in agreement with those in immediate proximity, but discussion remains civil and gentlemanly. There's a lot of talk about fishing, outdoorsy stuff in particular, the retired motorcycle cop is a very decent fellow, good humoured, mexican-american, and l'marquis is not at a loss when the ol'guy lapses into spanish. Somewhere in the course of conversation Manny (at least l'marquis remembers it this way) is asking after some advice from the old gentleman, some helpful commiseration regarding situation regarding woman he loves. Manny is pretty up front about it, using the word love several times, how much he misses her, much of this an issue of some immediacy as he is currently living in small trailer next door to the garage, he and she had been living together, with some success it seems, but now some unpleasantness re dogs that belonged to her mother, now staying with them as Mother was relegated to nursing home. Manny pauses to dig up photograph of girlfriend and himself, shows it to me, yah, nice looking couple. Chat with the old fellow has its moments, his recitation of likely oft told romantic adventures & assignations of his own, the telling of which is fortified by his inclusion of sworn oath that once he got married he never dallied again, no matter how greatly he may have been tempted. Anyway, it's evident Manny is jonesing big time & is a bit mopey over this, l'marquis has his escape already planned, folks are preparing to leave and he acts upon it, even though it seems like Manny would sure like to keep the conversation going, not wanting to be alone, hey, let's get together soon, okay? In the interim, staying busy and out of trouble, made a couple of journeys out of town, found some occasions for amusement and edification, spoke with Manny briefly on phone when the Momz took her car in for some trouble with the fan belt, that just before our recent trip to Flagstaff. l'Marquis was actually considering calling Manny and offering to meet up, maybe bring over some beer and pizza, follow through with his own suggestion for something like this when we last spoke via telephone. ![]() his anger and disappointment, his drinking and his obsession... ![]() hmmmm... someone doth protesteth too much... 10.9.04 ![]() initially caught this small news item in the local fishwrap, likely you might have seen/heard of the story, too... briefly, ma cher ami, via the marvel that is S.J. Green's Plep, (he credits discovery at MeFi) the moron in chief's resume; by the way, amigo C.J.'s in fine fettle over at BookNotes; please invest a little of your time in a perusal thereof... ![]() another 1400 miles under our belt... 10.5.04 yes, Binky, t'was another road trip, a brief one to be sure, but an excellent & enjoyable holiday nevertheless. Friday morning the Momz and l'Marquis headed north towards Albuquerque, N.M., skirting the city itself when adjusting our route in a westerly direction, heading for Flagstaff, AZ. Before we fill you in on a few more details re this trip, allow us first to mention a number of things that have occupied our attention of late. Caught a bit of the PBS Newshour last evening, in particular story re military families speaking out against our involvement in Iraq, Huzzah to those courageous souls. In some sort of serendipitous little miracle, upon our return from most recent road trip we discoved brief note from pal Euphorbita sent our way just before her own departure upon lovely long holiday of her own in Spain and Italy, You'll discover some material related to that earlier link when you visit Real Voices. One of the frustrations we have dealt with since our departing l'Marquis' familiar S.F. Bay Area environs is the incredible delay and incompetence of the u.s. postal service in attending to the forwarding of mail from our post office box in Berkeley, only last week did we receive formal notice from the usps folks re recognition of our initial request (delivered to Berkeley Main on Aug. 2nd, in person at the same time we paid for another six months rental of the P.O. box); t'was w/a mixture of joy and consternation we received delivery of large amount of "old" mail from Berkeley main, including a package also mailed way back in August to pal of ours on the other coast (oh, let's not get into all that right now, okay?) but several back issues of the New Yorker (we'd already placed a change of address request with the N.Y.'er customer service folks a few weeks back), and some assorted correspondence and goshdarnitall, before we get altogether sidetracked, there has been some awfully good stuff in the New Yorker of late, maybe we make mention of some articles in more detail a bit later on, but for now, back to that road trip... firstly, they don't call us dumbmonkey for nuttin' folks. Yourstruly at the helm of the Momz station wagon on our road trips, occasionally grabbing camera and catching some lovely scene as we speeding by it on the highway, this trip no exception, on our way thru the Albuquerque & loveliness of No. New Mexico and northeastern Arizona, well, you can imagine how often we had occasion to grab the damn thing and take a picture. Oh, now let's not laugh too cruelly dear Binky, when we admit to thee that upon our arrival in Flagstaff, after having settled in our comfy motel room, ourowndamnedself decides to check out some of those images we'd taken on the road, only to discover NO CF CARD in the camera. You can imagine our embarrassment & disappointment with ourowndamnedself. More re that later... ![]() Big Shot's Funeral, enjoying this wonderful oddity, character played by D. Sutherland has a line in film (he attributes quote to Confucius) that resonated deeply with JP after meeting up with S & L over the weekend, "Aren't friends from far away a joyful thing?" and Yea Verily, Binky, it doth be so! Wethinks we caught 'em by surprise, and it was grand to see our pals that evening, the Momz and ourowndamnedworthlessself were their guests for lovely dinner at Josephine's, we enjoyed long stroll thru touristy (but nice touristy) old Flagstaff district. Experienced great happiness the next day when we learned their schedule would allow them to meet up with Momz and l'Marquis at the Grand Canyon the next morning (Saturday, with the time constraint of Lori's film scheduled to begin at 1:30 that afternoon) and now you can imagine the added consternation and psychological self-flagellation that l'Marquis experienced having acquired the knowledge that HE LEFT THE DAMN CF CARD BEHIND. oh man, that Marquis be getting so dreadfully forgetful as he approaching his dotage (cheap Too!)... okay, really and truly, yourstuly is going back there, and going back there often. As we've mentioned to several pals who will be receiving some postcards (yes, we send postcards on occasion, want one?; write and send your snailmail address...) and those of you who've made the pilgrimage to the G.C. can well attest, mere words are inadequate to the task of describing such a magnificent place. Oh, and our strategy of departing Flagstaff early in the AM, arriving at the park entrance around 7:45/8 Am or so, worked out very well for us. Weather was fantastic, certainly a bit cooler than we'd been accustomed to in the desert S.W., but no complaints. In the company of L & S and the Momz, well, l'Marquis was one happy bigapefellah. As you can imagine, Ms L and Esteban had to head back to Flagstaff in a more pronto quickly fashion than the Momz & l'Marquis, so ourowndarnedselves dawdled a bit and enjoyed the drive out to Desert View, checked out the tower there, and, oh yes, we did indeed almost dawdle too much and for too long a time as l'Marquis found hisowndamnedself hauling ass back to Flagstaff in order to return in time to catch Lori's film, making it just by the hairs on his chinnychinchin, literally walking into the theatre at 1:30 (parking in that historic district of Flagstaff is at a premium, to say the least) and thank the goddess of road trips they were having little Q & A & a goodie giveaway before the film started, giving the Momz and yourstruly opportunity to chill a bit, catching our respective breaths. we stoppin' for now, tho' let us forewarn ye, more later, katz und kitteez, likely that Esteban (he of the truly generous nature..) will pass along and share some of the photos he & ms L took on their trip to Indian Country, so we make sure you have opportunity to view and perhaps be inspired to make road trip of your own to those environs sometime in the not too distant future. ![]() last month's monkey-biz in two parts: el primero el segundo hasta lluego, amigos, y que te vaya bien... |