"Everything & nothing, boring, but sometimes entertaining
one should linger, & the unexpected serendiptitous moment may occur."

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needs a tune-up and some TLC

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~ ~ ~

Escriba me Aqui



a man and his dog Jon Stewert's been around for a while...
so it's nice to see him receiving the kind of attention he has of late, a 60 Minutes piece, and what, 4 or 5 pages in the New Yorker (where that photo's from, & we'll have more to say about later, by the way...), the Daily Show wins a Peabody, & as it's on cable I know not everybody gets to see it, but there is likely still a larger audience in the future of the show. I have always found the guy likeable, low key, rather self-effacing (I can imagine a sort of grimace/ shudder that accompanies the news that the car is downstairs waiting, Big Star Jon Stewart...).

  the 2.11 issue of the New Yorker is very fine, some excellent (they are pretty damn clever on a regular basis, granted...) cartoons, and some very good things await the reader, like 'Tough Guy', on Dashiell Hammett. portrait of rescue dogs who worked in NYC recently
nice bunch of photos of them in a promo 
inserted in the mag re Westminster Kennel Club show
I know with certainty that not enough people in this country read Hendrik Hertzberg. I can imagine people having any number of reasons for not reading the New Yorker, but damn, they are missing some mighty fine writing, oh my yess, like last weeks issue and Jay McInerney's story, 'White Man at the Door'. Might still find that issue out there waiting for you, boyz & gurlz...

  appears that we've a storm front moving into No. CA this day, and likely some showers awaiting us as we depart from our duties at the fishwrap this Pm. Perfectly fine with me, the rainy day sort of suits our mood of late, cranky & irritable, pissed off at a lot of things in general, I mean, how can you not be, reading about crap like this, the incredible brass of this shitheel's testimony, oh crap, better stop before putting a dent in an otherwise pleasant morning around chez d'monquis, homemade latte thingie in hand, perusing the various & sundry efforts of our fave blogsters. What's on the horizon to look forward to, let's see, well, here's another reason to more carefully investigate finding employment on this side of the Bay, the CAL Lunch Poetry series; one can get up close & personal re the birds & bees; arrrgggghhhhh....    who am I kidding. Diversions, certainly, some mindless ones to be found out there no doubt, but one always returns to the discomfiting reality that some damn fools are running this country, and there isn't a whole helluva lot we can do about it, and believe me, I'm trying to remain optimistic, trying to believe that what appears as a minority of thoughtful and concerned folk increases in size every day, and that they are as weary of this bullshit as I am. So what you gonna do about it, Binky? Not sure yet, but I better get crackin', mebbe you too, eh?

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