for current monkey biz go HERE l'alliance archives les autres "oh shite, it's that elitist prick again..." c'est vrai! c'est moi! presenting the aberration that was January '02 wha' da fugg?
![]() I miss Frank Zappa... this link and this other, courtesy the Band of F***ing Monkies asterisks theirs... oh yahh, almos' forgot; thanks, Frank extra yummy bonus linkage: FZ lyrics 1988 Was A Million Years Ago ![]() no no no, to be sure, it is just pureed avocado and has nothing to do with the real deal, which should be lovingly created by hand, and yeah, we will allow some degree of variation, depending on what's available, but a pretty good recipe for the real deal can be found here, altho we prefer the Haas variety of aguacate ourowndamnself (lucky uncle of mine in LA has avocados growing in his yard and boy, are they yummy!), and the basic ingredients should include GARLIC, onions (very finely diced), tomato (ripe, PLEASE, and Romas are fine), a lime to include some acidity & zingy-ness, but lemon will do the trick, recipe mentioned above includes a chile, prepped and diced, and we figure an easy way to deal w/that is just add some of your favorite salsa (& in our estimation the spicier the better because it sure makes you appreciate the cold beer you oughta be drinking alongside). Your recipe can be as simple as this one, and some other variations we have utilized might also include some chopped black olives (or whatever your fave olive may be) and (our really really favorite addition) bay shrimp. This is provided as a public service to the many amongst you who might be considering spending a good part of your day tomorrow in front of a TV screen someplace watching that popular annual event known far and wide as the stupor bowl, and man, DON'T DO IT, unless the weather is SO bad and it only makes sense to stay home, and in that case you are not going to want to make guacamole anyway (a good guacamole is an excellent accompaniment to a fine champagne!) but instead, maybe some chicken soup (another dish w/any number of possible variations, but just don't screw it up, keep it simple and it usually be yummy!) ohoh, we in danger of digressing. DON'T do the stupor bowl thing, go to a good movie, take a long hike, maybe a drive out in the country somewhere, get up early, hit the road, stop someplace for yummy late brekkie, just stay away from that idiot box and Wing It, 'cause you'll be glad you did, and that stupid game's always a major waste of time and rarely does a real contest manifest itself... (oy! got off the subject AGAIN!, Just don't make or buy crummy quac, Okay???) yesssss, yourstruly KNOWS it is now February, and we will get around to making some manner of adjustments and focusing of energies towards the revitalization of our little roadhouse on the info autobahn here, nothing too fancy, to be sure, and certainly Low Tech, to match our low brow tastes... holy crap... this is some weak ass shit... c'mon, nothing personal, but call it, oh, maybe another Laker fan, or another white guy who can't jump, anything but Laker Basketball, and if ya keep that name, write about the GAME, the fellas playing, give us some insight Please.... else just change the name... and while we at it, in the spirit of What The Fuck!? this is the stupidest shoe thing I have ever seen (now, i have to say, we talkin' sneakers here & NOT Women's Shoes, as that is an entirely other story when it comes to silly/stupid) TWO HUNDRED MUTHAFUKKIN' DOLLARS? I wish you were kiddin' me, some poor ass schlup in a fourth world nation might have taken home $1.75 after a long day of making these goddam things... Michael J didn't wear 'em, nor did he sign the muthafukkas, and he ought to be ashamed of hisowndamnself for allowing his name to be used in the marketing and sale of these WAY overpriced sneakers and NOT standing up and doing the right thing. Mike, Hey You Listening? YOU GOTZ ENUF MONEY MIKE!!! I know, there is no accounting for the stupidity of the American public, they will buy just about any goddam thing, hell, they seem to be swallowing everything ejaculated by that dumbass tejano in the white house... ![]() MEEEee-ooOOOWWWmore marvelous linkage from Boing Boing, Stinking Badges & a very fine collection of goodies at, ahhhhh... the nutlog? fruitlog? fruit & nutlog? plep? ah, just go there now! Sports Question of the Day: What wasn't part of Arizona State's game plan Thursday night? answer found below the next four entries ![]() sometimes it doesn't take a lot to make an old silverback happy, & part of the effort at maintaining our sanity whilst on the j-o-b involves a change of scene, from previously the smallest work area in the department, to something twice the size and in another part of the killing floor at fishwrap classifieds... again, a visit to dle is time well spent, & checking out the fine minds of the alliance, whether conscripts or volunteers, s'also worthwhile, and the usual suspects are all in action these days... & who might they be, you ask? a good many of them are also allies, so if you happen to be new in these parts, stop a while and check 'em out... meet Humpy, the dog who humpy humps by terribly happy, one of the Damn Hell Ass Kings whoa babee... credit the fishwrap for some o'this linky goodness: Mark Morford weighing in on why tits&nips give Ashcroft the heebiejeebies a Chronicle Exclusive? Well, lordy lordy, imagine that! holy boy! we are ALL in trouble, aren't we? SF Gate gets a new look ? ? ? we knew it was in need of something fresh, but did it have to be UGLY too? the following bunch of linky goodness inspired by this item: info link from BAM+PFA from NYT Specials, Terra: Brazil's Landless Movement Salgado from PDN/KodakPro, Legends On-line: Sebastiao Salgado Time Magazine: Outcast: Displaced People of the World Masters of Photography: Sebastiao Salgado Postcard/Calendar damn! at least we in the Top 10 on this list better get my tired old ass in gear! Sports Quiz Answer: DEFENSE the return of the esteemed & respected S. Baum back in the saddle indeed, but just pokin' along these days... the case of the murderous mammaries... OhOh! Late arriving update... falsies? two words: American Samizdat brief note to a few concerned amongst the regular visitors- some pitas server related technical difficulties will occasionally make it seem as though we have ceased activity no, not yet anyway, occasionally just a simple "reload" will do the trick, but you can always come back later... The dogs had gone feral. They roamed the countryside in packs, their claws grown long, their fur thick and unbrushed and tangled with thistles. When the soldiers began marching at dawn, Leksi counted each dog he spotted, a game to help the time pass. He quit after forty. They were everywhere: crouched and watchful in the snow; racing through the shadows of the towering pines; following the soldiers, sniffing their boot prints, hoping for scraps. The dogs unnerved Leksi. From time to time he would turn, point at the closest ones, and whisper, "Stay." They would stare up at him unblinking. There was something strangely undomestic about their eyes. These dogs lacked the wheedling complicity of their tamed brothers; they were free of the household commandments: Do not shit in the kitchen. Do not bite people. A silver-haired bitch still wore a purple collar, and Leksi imagined that the other dogs mocked her for this badge of servility. that excerpt from "The Affairs of Each Beast" by David Benioff from the current issue of Zoetrope All Story we wuz readin' the print edition on the ride into the City this morning nice pic outta the fishwrap also out of the same pages, J.Carroll introduces us to the Arcata Eye and as usual, Craig keeps kickin' ass No! Please No! Not my hands, Please! Snow? no way, really, no, not here... No Balls? Hey, No Problem The Universe is full of magical things waiting patiently for our wits to grow sharper enjoyed this evening's viewing of Me and Isaac Newton found on the shelves of our local video emporium. A pair of reviews, one here, another here, and yes, it is science light, but worth seeking out & viewing, sort of wonderfully inspirational and motivational. An old Apted interview here, a bit more with him here. quote above (which opens the film) from Eden Philpotts Gerda was never afraid... adios, Ms. G. Hi There... what a weekend. details, 'tho only a few, and a rumination upon things steelydannish here & as they weren't actually related to our rumination, the following links that showed up whilst at work in the mining of linky nuggets of goodness have been left for you hereabouts, related to music in one way or another; a lot of someone's time has been invested here; never know when this kind of knowledge may win you a bar bet these S.D. guitar tabs will make more sense in light of what you'll find at the ruminations mention earlier, & seems like it could be handy; some album reviews by the cigarette smoking man carrying over leftover energy from C's guitar extravaganza, for that urge to go electric, clark amps oh yah, by the way, if you have a habit of stopping by, be advised that you will now also find some nuggets of linky goodness provided you at amerikan samizdat soon as we can think up something we won't embaress ourself with damn... almos' forgot- The Nixie Clock Gallery tippin' the ol'red fez to Tony P at last, a subject of worthy study, & beats an MBA anyday: more homework, please... ![]() our hero arrives at work yesterday and picks up a copy of that day's edition on his way up to Classified Central and there is a story on front page of the sports section about a Superbowl game between the 49'ers & Bengals, and presto, he's in the wayback machine: recalling sailing to Mexico in company of friends George, Patti & excellent gal shipmate from France. The four of them had come into town that day (at that time anchored in Puerto Vallarta) mainly because Patti & George wanted to find some place with a satellite feed to watch the big game. Picture there alongside is a bit faded, but is of a fine little seafood restaurant where they got lucky & found themselves seated comfortably upstairs, just a few other gringos around, and enjoyed extremely yummy meal & excellent Mexican beer while watching the game. There was one blowhard fellow loudly proclaiming the superiority of the Bengals and broadcasting his wish he could find someone to take him up on his hundred dollar bet that the 49'ers would lose. George and our hero looked at one another and said "OKAY", pooled their meagre wages as "boat niggers" and tried to take the schmuck up on it, only to have Mrs. Schmuck protest and talk her lesser half out of wagering her shopping money. Too bad, 'cause the local boys won that game, and we could've used that extra hundred bucks. ahhhh, the memories... a few things to pass along to the regulars here: yesss, it has been a year now, so this list likely to be even scarier, GWB's first 6 months, from Snappy the Clam; visiting kate cohen we found this meditation upon blogging. our hero is not really sure that a weekday off in midweek such a good idea after all, it's like two weekends in a week, that can be tough on a fella', gearing up to return to the j-o-b twice inna week...
![]() our hero was striding manfully down Market Street yesterday morn, on his way to the killing floor at Fishwrap Central, enjoying the sight of Tres Belle women-folk on their way to work, school, a morning rendevous... he passed by stand of flower vendor on street and overhears: Who stole the kishka? Who stole the kishka? Who stole the kishka? Someone bring it back and somehow or another, it made his morning complete. a brief (way brief) snippet of this tune here some of these made our list too... from Film Comment on-line Editors' picks here Fear & Loathing in the 21st Century courtesy the fine minds at Magellan's Log alright darlink, come on over here & take a deep whiff, we not be stinky at all, just tres masculin our hero worked Monday, perhaps many of you enjoyed the holiday, he comes home, it is nearly 7pm and whilst indulging in a nice warming glass of whiskey, switches on the tube. c-span & Ralph Nader, discussing the Enron shenanigans something in the backround catches his eye, a banner for and sends it out on the urbanjungle telegraph... link on the c-span televised press conference (Ralph also clued us in on & public citizen leaving our hero shaking his shaggy visage in recognition of his limitless ignorance) later, that same evening, inside Castle D'Monquis, after our educational moments spent w/Mr. Nader, we are doing a little channel surfing & come across that PBS chestnut Antiques Road Show, who happen to be visiting Tucson AZ, and some lovely things, as usual, are discovered, but yourstruly felt priviledged to watch as some dear old fellow had his life changed right before our eyes. He had come with a blanket given his grandmother's foster father by Kit Carson. Now that alone, if the provenance could be established, could make said blanket a very valuable item, but as you can see from this episode detail, this turns out to be an actual treasure, and we are watching the dear fellow remove his glasses to wipe his eyes as he chokes back tears, while the fellow offering the initial appraisal informs him that his blanket could be worth as much as $500,000. Ourowndamnself is not a regular viewer of the Roadshow (nor many other TV shows) but was wonderful to see this little miracle happen. Some assorted links re Navajo blankets offered here & here; google results of our search here Ionian oh my yess, good golly goshallmighty, that callipygian marvel of a woman does make me salivate so... personal note to the committee that is not S.D., et al; that Z-man is some elitist wanker, No? & yesssss... it does take one to know one, so we'll happily ignore his proselytizing... & jessferdahalibut, fun w/monkies: link here; link cadged from that fun loving Band oF Monkies again, Mr. Z-man, let us be careful about our references to our hairy brethren... some fuel for the cogitation machine: a brief NYT item; Dr. Nie, et al @ Stanford; plus some assorted related linkage here whilst yourstruly wouldn't describe himself as a "Capitalist" (dear gosh-o-whilikers, no...) there is much in this brief piece by Joan Ryan that we are entirely in agreement with, so, how can we effect change on this incredible nonsense that goes on, or are we without hope... timely headlines, as interpreted by Don Asmussen, and more of/about D. Asmussen can be found here, here, & here. and here's some additional linky goodness, discovered whilst perusing some bloggos favoritos as well as the miscellaneous & sundry the Sole Proprietor's Journal y una otra cosa, para todo mis amigas y amigos, hie thyselves to the latest Ralph, & leisurely peruse same...
little things mean a whole lot get some Zippy here lots more of Zippy the P aiii yi yi! reasons why fatherhood & yourstruly are not meant to be, revealed by the astute j.c. uhh oh... we know you want one of your very own. maybe Two? 3? More??? what's the tired ol' fool going on about now? blogstickers, courtesy LinkMachineGo Yo! PretzelBreath! cut this shit out will ya! & jessferdahalibut, from esquire on-line: test your pop culture IQ 42 reasons to be optimistic about 2002 also from esquire, The Rules: Love does not mean never having to say you're sorry. It means having to say you're sorry over and over again, in new and different ways, every day, every week, every month, even when you don't want to, every year, until God grants you his mercy and you finally, blissfully die. endured a sleepless night, & to fritter away the hours, we revisited some of our earlier efforts, & found this, again, the thirteen scariest white guys in america Mon Dieu! it's Le Marquis d'Monquis S.F. Independent Film Festival hooooohaaahh! looky here, it's Dan, who really knows how to manage a hiatus... yo, tony p, you are da man... an excerpt from recent tony p blog: so fellas, let me talk to you. jealousy is not your friend. it doesnt make you seem cooler, or make you look like you love the girl more. it makes you look like a wuss. you look weak. you are weak. jealousy is an emotion that should be saved for fictional tales of the past - especially if you left the girl who you are now green because of. if your ex expects you at 10am for your emotional journey of change, be there at 9:30 with donuts and daisies. reputation goes a long way and when you're barely out of highschool you have no clue how much tail there is out there waiting for you, but let me tell you, there's more than you can ever imagine, so move on and drive your ex safely to where she wants to be and get on with your so-called life. and if she wants to call someone, let her, and dont pout like a bitch and if you want to practice being a man, hand her your crappy cell phone so that people know that she and her shit are not strewn across I-15 hundreds of feet from a flipped-over rusty pick-up truck. holy boy, cracked the DayPoP ToP 40 w/ a little help from our friends... good advice from jessamyn ![]() w h e w ! Balls! do not go gentle into that good night... oh, Yah! looking forward to our dotage... hohohoheeheeehee... thanking the fine mind behind gmt +9 for: monkey painting round-up ![]() Monkeys & Shakespeare? (muchas gracias a mi amigo SJG of the fruit & nutlog for that literary monkey business link) an opinion on Google & Usenet old world, old school Coming Soon! to a life near yours let's think lunar now... The Year of the Horse alongside a look at last year, (which for many of us was p.d.f.u.) The Year of the Snake hey baaaybeeee, what's your sign?