okay, one down, two more to go...
and it happens to be that third one on the horizon that yourstruly looks forward to, the others, bah... humbug...
and for those of you kind enough to have asked, Two Movies seen, Bad Santa (oh, FUNNNEEEEEE and subversively so...) and 21 Grams, which is decidedly not for everyone (older pair of folks getting up and walking out after the first 20 mins or so muttering "can't understand what's going on in this thing...") but worth seeing. Any of you who might've seen Iñárritu's Amores Perros might have some idea of what to expect in terms of style, composition, etc, and the performances, in particular those of Naomi Watts & Benicio Del Toro, are uniformly stellar. and the chinese take out from Tsing Tao on Solano?
pretty damn yummy stuff...
blowin' like stink outside this morning... 11.27
likely gusting into the 30s, whew, and C H I L L Y winds too...
we made previous mention of our spending this day a little differently than we have in the
recent past, some idea of the last few years provided via a visit to the d'monquis achives, here is T-Day '00, followed by '01 and '02, and it seems right that things have
gotten a little bit quieter in one sense, after the two turkey and house nearly in flames of the 2001 holiday. Momz & Popz in EPT right now, heading over the mountain to Brother Daniel's casa, bound to be surprised by some of the remodeling done there recently. Hereabouts a nice quiet day, we heading out to the movies shortly, then home for some yummy chinese take out from neighborhood restaurant, catch some hoops on the tube in the Pm, then back to the j-o-b mañana for what is likely to be a very slow friday. We gonna leave you with a bit of something we wrote on our '00
entry, if you happen to be with someone you love and care for, get up and go give em a big embrace, maybe a kiss or two (depending on the propriety of it, don't wanna cause any holiday disasters) and let 'em know (1) that you care, (2) that you damn thankful they in your life, (3) & that you gotzum planz fer sumtink tonite when the charade's all over and itz time to really show 'em how much ya care, cuz dat's da best kinda givin'...
peace to all you katz & kitteez
from the sick & twisted... 11.26
(no, not that sick not that twisted) Mark Morford, more juicy reasons to offer up profound gratitude this T-day altho our awareness of that braying jackass' karmic burden does little in affecting our ability to maintain our emotional equilibrium these days...
ourowndamnself's not really a gadget lover...
we enjoy a sort of mid-level technology life-style,
we espied this very interesting item whilst thumbing
thru the pages of the December Esquire magazine.
more about the Canesta keyboard here
by the time I get to Phoenix... I'll be handcuffed... oooooooh, glen, you bad bad country boy, you... nifty weather thingie, your tax dollars at work (in a good way);
gesture of appreciation to generous person who has
provided cross-linky goodness sending folks our way
(and of all the folks residing there at aortal she picked us!)
thank you, evil eye emporium person.
oh & while we are at it, not only can you order nice gift
(it is that time of year again, isn't it?) from the evil eye emporium,
you can also visit Lisa D's 16th Street Designs, maybe send her a note badgering her about the lack of updates on her weblog...
shite, Shite, SHITE! 11.24
a counter-cultural icon in our own backyard and ourowndamnself unaware & inattentive, damn us...
yourstruly was reading the goodness that is Leah Garchik,
and wondered where Further would be appearing next,
only to discover, damn-o-lay, they were around yesterday...
Mr. Soros put his...
money where his mouth is, so to speak, couple of weeks ago;
from this month's Atlantic, The Bubble of American Supremacy, for your consideration...
approaching the home stretch... yeesssssss, it's that time of the year once again, and hereabouts at chez d'Monquis,
things are a little different than we have become accustomed to over the last decade or so. This is the first time in many moons that yourstruly will be at loose ends, so to speak, over the upcoming holiday as the pater&materfamilias
are unable to make the trip west this year, something that had become as usual hereabouts as the return of the mockingbirds in the spring, ol' Vinny & Esther are going to explore the joy that is thanxgivin' day in the comfortable surroundings of brother Daniel's abode. As l'Marquis has only the single day away for holiday respite, it isn't anything too discomfiting, but he does miss the companionship and good humour of his guests and looks forward to
the possibility of their visit sometime in the spring. As far as that other holiday is concerned, oh, l'Marquis is
accustomed to folks considering him something of a Scrooge, but believe the minions when they tell you that he is grandly capable of holiday cheer, but allow him his emphasis on the passing of the old year and the arrival of the new, rather than centered about that virgin birth claptrap which has long since become the most commercial of holidays.
Enough, basta, no more dwelling upon our little disappointment...
some of you have no doubt seen it, others perhaps live in an area where films of this caliber and nature have
a difficult time finding a venue, but as this lovely work is now available on tape and disc, hie theyselves off
to your local video emporium and find it, take it home and share it with those family members who have descended upon you & your generous nature. What are we goin' on about? Whale Rider, my pretteezz, it's a marvelous tale, and you ought not pass it up. and another musical treat for our regular visitors hereabouts,
also from D. Grisman's Acoustic Disc label, Volume V, Martin Taylor & David Grisman, Autumn Leaves;
hmmmmm... tasty, so very very tasty...
starting the weekend on the right foot... 11.21
two of l'Marquis' cosas favoritas, we wish ye was here, Binky...
a misty sprinkle early... 11.20
sunshine by mid morning and it has become one of those wonderful late fall days we're allowed
to enjoy before the more typical rains of winter arrive. Time for minor rant regarding our local
fishwrap, involving two items primarily, items joined at the hip, so to speak. What you see alongside
these words is certainly the ugliest page in newspaperdom currently, and we're not sure who is responsible for it,
but it is UGLY, damn, get rid of the lizsmithbullshit altogether okay, please, and then change that font & design
whoever decided upon for the Columnists, Too Damn Big & Unsightly. And what about J. Carroll? Perhaps indicative of his own good taste, possibly he requested "PLEASE don't use that ugly crap on my column". OH, and re that bullshit excuse given us as to why J.C. is only permitted three days a week currently, check out the mealy mouthed explanation given here. Okay, so some cheapskate higher up in Hearst Communications is saying, "Damn! that pinko Carroll's got one hella lot vacation time stashed away. We be damned if we gonna pay him for that time, better instruct him to use it up Pronto Quickly now. Matter of fact, we PUT HIS ASS ON VACATION TWO DAYS A WEEK until we get this down to something manageable, AND we won't publish any archived columns like we did when he was on vacation for nearly 3 weeks recently, we'll just CHEAT OUR READERS out of something they have enjoyed for the last dozen years or so, and then we'll raise the price of the paper while we're at it. Yeah!, now we're onto something."
da bastids... bureaucratic exigencies my big brown behind...
l'Marquis had to get that off his chest, sorry boyz und gurlz,
we are sure you understand. Before we leave you now though, suggest you hie thyself off and visit Ethel, 'cause our esteemed amigo S. Baum is kicking some serious ass...
and please Chronicle Editorial Folk- NO Britney Spears stories PLEASE! Everybody with a brain knows she is a no talent braindead bimbette, her latest album stinks like roadkill been on the highway in the hot sun four days, Don't Waste the Ink and Newsprint, damn, there HAS to be more interesting stuff to write about, NO?
overcast skies, the gentle threat of rain...
in the offing today, perhaps a good day to get a fire started early, feed and stoke it thru-out the day, and
sit some long while, guitar in hand, and practice, practice, practice...
for you, from D. Grisman's Acoustic Disc label, Volume 1,
Garcia & Grisman, Walking Boss (trad.)
not one of the usual sources... 11.19
yourstruly provides linkage from, although we do stop in to see what the more conservative folks there are discussing these days; from The Spectator, Hail to the Thief, (ooops) Chief (moron) sorry, that is an unfortunate and uncontrollable impulse...
from the Utne Reader, some manner of counerpoint to that Spectator item, The British Hate Bush. Or Do They?;
and lo & behold, the latest Ralph is now amongst us...
yourstruly owes a great debt...
to the writers & artists of the comic books we read in our youth and somewhat related to that sentiment, a fine item from the Village Voice, American Gods.
oh, please visit Poetry Daily and read the two poems by Robert Cording
lovely, just lovely...
the blonde woman in the black leather boots espied on the opposite platform when exiting the train this Am...
W H O O P S !
we actually (yah, right...) mean the lovely images at floraphilia; credit where credit is due, thanks to Heiste for that fine chunk of linky goodness...
dos cosas...
holy boy! thou wouldst be hard put to find a better way to spend thy Tuesday evening: Tribute to Art Blakey at Yoshi's in Oaktown;
and this little bit of something, perhaps you'll find it humourous: Mister Boffo, If God is a Woman
shouting out a "Welcome Home"... 11.17
to esteemed amigo & one time housesitter of chez d'monquis, S.J. Green, purveyor of fine things Plep-ish, recently returned from his journey into Nepal,
much of which he shared with us at NePlep;
bloody shame you've returned home after 36 hours on the road only to discover that great braying jackass invading the sanctity of thy environs...
well... Duh-Uhhh! Racial Prejudice Makes You Stupider something we've long (!!!) suspected, having dealt with it in one form or another during our many moons of experience...
and from our "Science Marches On" file,
this news from hard working researchers has convinced us,
so we're just gonna get really really drunk and not worry about it...
better than midway thru the month...
and it's come to our attention that several folks are celebrating anniversaries hereabouts in the kingdom of blog:
Happy Fourth Anniversary to Lilly at GirlHacker, Kevin at Ghost in the Machine and Eliot at Follow Me Here;
may you all live long, prosper, and manage to tell us about it...
another relaxing weekend at chez d'Monquis... 11.16
hisowndamnself & the minions jes' be chillin, in a big way, one of 'em sez to me, "Yo, jaypea, check dis out..."
and we notice minion checking out the official list of visitors, points out this one in particular, and, well, all we gotz to say, Binky, it probably better you don't know what goes on in the Big Fella's bedroom, even we don't want to imagine...
okay, so during very quiet and restful evening hereabouts, expecting more rain, which never really materialized by the way, we watching some videos on DVD, picked up a film we saw a little over a year ago, liked it enough then that we thought of revisiting it and seeing how the damn thing held up, well, it held up very nicely and so we recommend same to thee by passing along our initial mention of Sur Mes Levres in the d'monkey of 8.18.02.
yourstruly made several mentions of the return of the pink pages in last weeks monkeybiz, and for those of you
not familiar with local fishwrap history, well, the pink pages are essentially the Chronicle Sunday Datebook (entertainment listings & related stuff) that for many years were printed on pink newsprint, and, well, the pink newsprint is back...
it's the time of the season... 11.15
when yourstruly is occasionally seized by impulse to modify our surroundings, for example our platillo volador phase, or our months as the unindicted co-conspirator, those of you been visiting for some while might even remember our dressing up as el lobo loco (Hey! no wonder we be using that imperial we alla time...) SO...
we considering a couple of new logo/brandnames, let's see what you think: either buddha killer or sex addict in rehab; all opinions, solicited & unsolicited, will be equally ignored.
from our fine simian brethren in the UK,
the band of fucking monkees,
something challenging for you on your next rainy/snowy afternoon: nude messenger hmmmmmm... maybe buddha killing sex addict in rehab?
when it comes to that blithering idiot... 11.14
residing in la casa blanca these days, yourstruly doesn't need to put his krankypantz on to feel violated, lied to, pissed & shat upon:
from the NYRB, The Vanishing Case for War;
from Slate, The *resident's Empty Eloquence. oh, and to see that herd mentality in action in a MAJOR way, you ought to visit the halls of the fishwrap when it happens to be free coffee and donuts day, in this instance, celebrating the return of the pink pages...
consider this fair warning...
we feelink grumpy as all get out, mebbe our krankypantz
are on too tight, ("mebbe 'cause you gettin' TOO FAT!" scream the minions!) arrrrrggggghhhhhhhh...
and seeing this in the pages of today's fishwrap isn't helping...
yea, verily...
too little, too late, nonetheless, interesting to happen upon the local ABC affiliate during the broadcast of their
national news program and to see them spend some substantial broadcast minutes on the story of the Tiger Force Atrocities that took place nearly three decades ago. On Monday we mentioned our initial introduction to this tale via a S. Hersh piece in the New Yorker magazine; we'll again provide a link for the Toledo Blade's Tiger Force series here.
ok, messy melange o'monkeymind comink your way... 11.13
ourowndamnself usually free from the killing floor at fishwrap classifieds one day a week, and lately that day has been Thursday, decided to attend to mentioning a few things here whilst still within the cozy confines of chez d'Monquis (tho' we have been out already a couple of times this Am, dealing wit dis und dat...). First, welcome back the esteemed Jon Carroll, and the reason we pointing to yesterday's column rather than this day is because of his mention of bureaucratic exigencies prevailing strongly enough to limit his appearance in the fishwrap to three days a week from here on out. Yeeeeeessssssssh... we suppose the less said the better, but if this is a move by the minds at Hearst Communications to fortify the almighty bottom line, well, we are certain they will be hearing from
the many devoted readers of J.C. as our cubicle is adjacent the switchboard where the phone receptionists attend to all manner of queries & nonsense, and on one particular day that Mr. Carroll was absent, and unaccountably so, as there was no mention (as there usually is) of any reason for the column's absence, whooooo-eeeeee, maybe 4 out of every 10 calls were readers trying to find out what happened to their daily fix of J.C. goodness. If you visit one of the other fine minds penning a column in the Chronicle, Ms. Garchik makes mention of very interesting exhibit called Anti-War Medals in local gallery; you can get a look at some yourowndarnself if you visit www.velvetdavinci.com. Okay, you already get the idea that yourstruly was motivated to sit down and do this cause he'd just finished a nice brekkie omelet while reading the fishwrap. This next item, well, it just makes our krankypants start feeling all tight and chaf-eey! Damn those dumbmonkeys in the U.S. Senate, and can anyone tell me why the three big apes in this picture are all happy and smiling? Maybe it's they be sucking mighty hard on that teat of EZ Government Money. Okay now, maybe one last mention of a newspaper related item, and now we heading towards the sports page,
locally known as the Sporting Green (tho' it hasn't been green for years, but the PINK is coming back!) where this morning's perusal of Tom FitzGerald's column included the following: Indiana Pacers coach Rick Carlisle says if the NBA wants to increase scoring, it should widen the 18-inch rims by two inches. He compares such a move to baseball's decision to lower the pitcher's mound in 1968 to increase scoring. "The sound you hear,'' says Jim Brandyberry of Indianapolis, "is laughter from Yugoslavia, Argentina and the three other countries that finished ahead of Team USA at the 2002 World Basketball Championships." YO Coach! you gotta be kiddink me! It's F U N D A M E N T A L S Coach, that's what your players lack...
oh... the horror, the horror... 11.11
from the pages of todays fishwrap,
an ad featuring a local politician... ahhhnoldt der gropenfuhrer, back in the day...
there are times when one is thankful...
for an opportunity to smile, perhaps laugh aloud,
relieve some of the stress that can build up in the course of a workday, so, for thee, dear readers, hie thyselves here for the best headline of the day...
we might have to re-evaluate our fondness for fish tacos...
some folks have the day off today...
as, per the calendar, we supposed to be honoring our Veterans today;
yourstruly is a Viet Nam era vet, & no, wasn't in 'Nam, but we've some friends who were, some who never came back. The cad-ministration offers up a lot of lip service re Supporting our Troops, but it's all bullshit, and if that isn't clear to you by now Binky, well, goddamn, you better start paying attention because it may already be too fuckin' late...
from the local fishwrap, a series of interviews with Vets living on the streets. Just think, what if that was your sister or brother, maybe an old high school pal?
it's a larger picture in the paper...
nevertheless, worth sharing. Photo by Chris Hardy, the Left Coast
something a little lighter for the latter... 11.10
part of monday & in the spirit of last weeks request to wizard behind the scenes at Ethel the Blog re more dog tales/related doggy linky goodness, we'll offer up to you this lovely bit o'doggy madness, Brooklyn style... ahem... look for that link labelled "Launch the photos..."
"Uncovered" documentary update, w/FYI to locals...
a closer perusal of the web site provided by the folks behind the film/DVD provides some info re Screenings. Lo & Behold, one's scheduled a week from Wednesday in San Francisco; Details:
Wednesday November 19th
Rainbow Room
San Francisco LGBT Center
1800 Market St.
San Francisco
6:00pm - 8:00pm
$25 General seating
$100 Reserved seating includes copy of book and DVD of film
(contributions are tax-deductible and go towards AlterNet's
Election 2004: Media Coverage Fund*)
RSVP and information: darci@alternet.org a good cause, and worthy of our support, tell your friends...
a little later that same morning...
now l'Marquis be stuck in his cubicle at fishwrap classifieds, maintaining an even early morning strain, checking out some bloggos favoritos and whilst visiting the fabulous C.J.'s BookNotes, we learn about interesting documentary out there in the world, some mystery re where to find it/where to see it. Well, Binky-poo, you come to the right place. Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraqi War and we not be kidding when we tell you to BUY SOME COPIES AND SHARE THEM WITH YOUR FRIENDS!
oh Oh OH- almos' forgot, Don Asmussen's Bad Reporter from Sunday is worth sharing...
yourstruly studiously avoided the news...
over the course of the weekend, plenty to do around chez d'Monquis, that's for sure, and nice to have a substantial rainfall Saturday, great massive broken up groups of cumulous on Sunday interspersed with sunshine & occasionally clear skies, a lovely day, a fine weekend, why would we want to go and muck it up by reading the paper or watching the news, life's painful enough as it is, no?
SO-- on the way into the city this Am, reading the Nov 10 issue of New Yorker, Seymour Hersh's Uncovered in the Talk of the Town section re investigative report published in the Toledo Blade. Holy Crap! We know that this is a tough thing to face on any day, let alone on a Monday, but you ought to check out the story: Buried Secrets, Brutal Truths. Shameful, despicable actions & behavior; what do you think our government did about it? You'd be right, Binky, you know, you smarter than you look...
something from the way way back machine... 7.8
undoubtedly cadged from some newsgroup years ago,
John, Paul, George & Richard in the studio, circa 1.31.69, the long & winding road (8 min 26 sec);
a more polished, yet relatively unadorned, version here,
alright... finally, the weekend ... 11.7
a great picture here from brownglasses.com...
we'll have to offer up our own version of this... Thirty-Six Hours in Berkeley, California... please, spare us... SCADS of Birkenstocks?
geddafuggouddaheah ya tourist!
either the eighteenth or nineteenth...
but definitely not before the 17th, unless you happen to be in Japan. Whachoo talkin' bout Willis? well, youstruly still be an excitable boy, and obviously not paying attention to the fine print, as Let It Be...Naked is not yet in the record stores, goshdarnitall & crapola, but that trip into the way back machine yesterday did provide some good memories, and here
we gonna share some of the linky goodness we discovered whilst tootling around the web seeking out related Let It Be items. Got note from pal on the other coast mentioning his recollection of seeing the film Let It Be when initially released and remembering "thinking completely differently about the boys - thinking about them as real people..."; a couple of fansites next, passing the audition and J.T. Marck's I am the Beatles; this odd & interesting tablature site, Magic-Tab; Oh yah, in re to record stores, remember vinyl? Keep your eyes open for one of these jewels; ourowndamnself only glanced at this next item briefly (our attention was often diverted by the Lakers-Spurs game), some notes on Let It Be, musically speaking; we wrap up this exercise with these two final items, the single Let It Be, once upon a time, and then (don't hate us for this one, okay Binky?) MIDI versions of some Beatles tunes, including Let It Be. Okay, so that's it for this Friday Am, maybe the day will allow us another visit hereabouts later, but one thing l'Marquis wants to make perfectly clear, the Beatle we felt the closest to and desired emulating the most? John, dear sweetly acerbic John, and by the way, when visiting the Capitol Records website (we not linking to it because of ugly popup misery inflicted upon one there) we discovered news of recent release of new DVD, Lennon Legend; you know we be hunting for that one.
a long, long time ago... 11.6
leastways, it feels that way sometimes, you know, I cannot remember exactly when it was or where it was, but I heard She Loves You by you know who, and being awfully young and impressionable, and without any immediate role model (outside of the obvious) handy, we desired to be a Beatle, or as much like one as possible, you know, smart, witty, cute, loveable and able to sing and play guitar. It really had nothing to do with getting girls all wrought up and screaming, we
just wanted to be like J, P, G & R, sorta like some folks felt about being like Mike. On an easter sunday, our Momz (rather than the usual basket fulla candy) gave us a 45RPM record of I Want to Hold Your Hand, that kind of sealed it, in a way, we watched the boys on Ed Sullivan, bought up more than our fair share of Beatle magazines and even collected Beatle cards (5 to a package with a little stick of gum). Another year later we got our first guitar, a Harmony Stella, our Popz provided us lessons, which we tried to stick with for a few weeks, not sure how that part of the deal petered out but it did. In school, they didn't offer guitar in Band Class, so yourstruly took up drums (and you can imagine how the parental units cringed at that-- "John, why don't you try the saxophone?" was a query we heard more than a few times). It got really bad a few years later when we invested in a nice big but relatively inexpensive (CHEAP!) double bass drum set (was all the rage at the time, Ginger Baker, Carmine Appice, so many fellows out there in power trios with double bass, double mounted toms, double floor toms, too bad we couldn't splice on a couple extra sets of arms) moved into the family garage and really began to raise the roof (JOHN! WE CAN'T WATCH TV!!!). oh, those are some fond memories. We kept up on the guitar playing too, never developing a great mastery of the damned thing, but we could carry a tune and became an adept enough player who could keep time (amazing how many guitarists can't do that...) and we enjoyed our garage band experiments, the few gigs we played here and there, the minor notoriety that came along with that. Okay then, before this ramble goes on much longer, l'Marquis is likely to head out later and pick up the Let It Be... Naked disc and have an extended listen, and see for
ourowndamnself which we likely to prefer. There's something about the original work that will always maintain its precedence, so concretely defining the time and place you might have first heard something (or seen something; recently we
enjoyed viewing the Director's Cut of Alien in current release, and while the gulf between then and now is pretty damn substantial, it was good to see how well that work held up, even with the tweaks and mods that are part of the new film) and
some manner of fond attachement will no doubt be manifest in our memory of that primary experience. Yet we likes the idea of simplicity, honesty and straightforwardness, so there be some appeal in the opportunity to listen and appreciate the pared down and less complicated musical arrangements. If you know the song While My Guitar Gently Weeps you might recall the version most of us are familiar with. As an example of pared down to the bone, only George hisowndaamnself and his guitar, give this version a listen, and tell me that it isn't equally as tasty (altho' I do miss that moaning electric we hear at the tail end of the more familiar version). Okay, got things to do before the rain arrives this evening, so, maybe we be back here later, Ciao, amici mio...
to all our guitar playing pals out there... 11.5
one of our fave Lucinda W.'s songs for you, Passionate Kisses, w/a suggestion:
we all learn & memorize, then when, One Fine Day Down the Line,
we are enjoying one another's company firsthand, geetarrz alongside,
we can all start by playing this fine Lucinda tune together... and we're open to suggestions of other tunes to add to the repertoire...
OH! almos' forgot...
next item in re to earlier mention of doggish-ness:
more quality doggy linkage here...
p s s s t . . .
not just eye candy... we've great admiration for your design skills, amigo...
d a m n . . .
we thinkin' some pot stickers be mighty fine later on today,
and if that idea don't get your saliva flowing,
howzabout some cupcakes, Binky?
later, that same morning...
oh dear... blow monkey? hey we don't like that jabbering fool at all,
(momentary aside to S.B.@Ethel the Blog, More dog items please,
& in re to doggies, we gotz to say this is one hella handsome doggy...)
but ya hurtink the feelinks o'monkeez everywhere...
and ourowndamnself loves to support a good cause, so if you see one of these items in your holiday gift package, you'll know why;
kudos to Joel of aufrecht.org. thanks to the dangerousmeta-man for the heads up...
a first thing in the Am heads up...
and the skinny is you're going to need cable connection, maybe you've got a pal who'll record the proggie for you, Unprecedented: The 2000 Election (one of four documentaries that make up their Night at the Races series) on Sundance Channel, scheduled for multiple broadcasts: Tuesday evening Nov 4th, 8 PM;
Saturday afternoon Nov 8th, 1:15 PM;
Sunday afternoon Nov 16th, 12 Noon;
Wednesday evening Nov 19th, 9 PM;
Saturday morning, Nov 22nd, 12:45 AM (whoooweeee, dat one be a tuff one to stay up for, eh?); Times may be eastern as we got the heads up from Steverino, Stumperino, Danterino & the gang over at environy (question we wuz askin' ourowndamnself the other day wuz would d'monquis still be d'monquis if he moved his ass to brooklyn?) and remember, Tell Your Friends!!! Ask them to Tell Their Friends!!! Make Copies and mail them to folks for excellent holiday gifts!!! Let's all try not to make the same goddamn mistake in 2004!!! mebbe we move to brooklyn only if we can play those nice guitars dude...
happy anniversary to the fine mind behind... blogwise,
we tippin' da ol'red fez in your direction!
ourowndamnself thought we could feel no greater...
disgust and disenchantment, but No, we are wrong...
one of the latest pronouncements has irked Tom Meyer as well...
the braying jackass and god: result #1; result #2; result #3; result #4; result #5; result #6; result #7; result #8; result #9;
okay, that's enough, just wanted some reassurance so
yourstruly doesn't go leaping off of that bridge nearby...
yourstruly is making major effort... 11.3
to pay attention, be aware of a great many things these days, as we feel it's important, No? so we wonderin' to ourowndamanself when we ran across this next item, how come we have not heard of Raphaela Le Gouvello?
the Raphaela Le Gouvello page; you know we be tippin da ol' red fez & bowing deeply in admiration...
How is one to remain...
Cranky Pants-less in the face of asinine behavior all around?
datzwunhelluvagoodquestion and we thanks Tim Goodman for jumpin' all over it...
well, it rained locally (HURRAH!) so ourowndamnself pretty happy 'bout that. Yesterday Pm, after some morning chores on the estate we turned on the idiot box and lo & behold, there was Earvin Johnson wearing a Harlem Globetrotters uniform, playiing some kind of exhibition game against his Alma Mater, Michigan State, part of a celebratory weekend for Magic as he was in town to take part in festivities involving statue built to commemorate his presence on the MSU campus and the NCAA championship, what, oh gosh, 1979? seems like too many years ago. In interview afterwards Magic says he's likely to hang it up, maybe play an occasional pick up game but says this game is very likely the last he'll play in that sense. Larry Bird was there too, which seems only fitting, considering how their destinies have meshed since that '79 title game.
okay, we've some items to mention and intention to get around to it, but being a wee bit circumspect about it, as here in the next few days d'monquis data in storage is moving to another server and while it won't affect much of what you see here, we could lose elements of the page: graphics, mp3 file links, other assorted items; so please excuse our caution, we'll be back with mo' later...
the ignominious act of self-flagellation that became October