finest kind of early Am locally... 10.13.05
rainstorm crept into local environs early hours of the morn, awoke to sight of occasional light flashes thru the drawn curtains of far-off lightning strikes followed moments later by lengthy seconds of tympanic thunder rumbling across the heavens, the sound of raindrops splashing upon the skylights, the roof, the ground outside, nice to fall back asleep, lulled by the rumbling thunder.
Going to try something here & include a mere handful or so of photos; t'was largely a very fine experience, this road trip, mebbe we spent too much time in Albany environs, hard to say, anyway, learned a lot about our limitations, serious consideration of future trips will require some acquistion of camping gear, not a lot, just more than we're carrying about presently. A decent pair of hiking boots/shoes would be a good thing too, those lug soled rockports we wearing are pretty good for working in, but don't provide enough ankle support and overall comfort for long term hiking about in (occasionally) dicey terrain. Scariest moment? Exiting freeway in Needles, Ca. and as we on the offramp, behind semi-trailer, oh, a good 5-6 feet or so as we both wait at stop sign before venturing across intersection, that damn semi starts backing down towards front end of the monkeemobile, and yourstruly into reverse prontoquickly but checking behind us before moving, damn thing hits us just as we begin moving backwards, our own goddess blessed self honking horn like a madapefellah (like that fucker in front of us could actually hear anything anyway, right, Binky?) into R and backing off/away. Damn trucker finally locates his low gear and moves across the interesection and we are following, kind of hot under the collar, as he heads over to Taco Bell parking lot (somehow, this figures...) and we wheel around and park right in front of the
cab as the truck stops, parks. There is a woman behind the wheel, we notice, likely the driver's girlfriend/partner (whatever!?) getting some hands-on experience, likely she never noticed us in rear views as we followed truck off fwy onto exit ramp and towards that stop, and Mind Ye, this dumbmonkey knows better than to tailgate anybuddy, let along fucking semi-trailer. Well, l'Marquis gets out and gives the driver a few minutes of "What the fuck, didn't you see me!!!" Etc, Etc, the guy apologizes profusely (but didn't get out of his truck") --- "didn't see ya man..." Oooooh, we was hot, Hot HOT, imagining having front end of the ol' blue subaru all completely fucked up, lights & radiator shot, the goddess was with us though, only scrapes on the bumper and some additional grey hair in our dark locks.
One place visited that has us wanting to get back and spend more time in was Gallup, NM, and it wasn't just because of that Indian Princess we met, Binky, honestly, 'tho she was a vision with her long dark hair, slim, shapely and lovely to look at. Ah, we digress, anyway, odd thing was that we were unable to take photos in/around Gallup 'cause we'd forgotten to charge the battery up whilst in motel the night before - Duh-uhhhh! Maybe just that ol' goddess having fun w/us and making sure we get back there sometime soon. Lots to see nearby (again, maybe a better thing to do with a bit of gear aboard). Had a memorable visit to the Northern New Mexico Visitor Center (additonal bit
of linky goodness re local environs: El Malpais Nat'l Monument) where the kindness of staff members allowed us to recharge camera battery (oh yah, re that material acquistition business before any future road trip stuff? New camera, several batteries and inverter so we can charge damned batts in the car...) and memorable because we'd oppt'y to view short NPS film shown in theatre there -- truly, katz und kitteez, if you ever find yourselves traveling I-40 through New Mexico, stop in here at the No.N.M. Visitor Center, a very fine facility and something yourstruly would much rather have his tax dollars paying for than the exercise in idiocy, futility and ego-aggrandizement that is the War Against Terrorism/Occupation of Iraq -- goshdarnitall, hope you'll forgive us as we unable to find some notes we took while there, but it was N. Scott Momaday's contribution to the film that made this visit so notable for us, his language in describing how some terrain, some landscape we've lived in, spent significant time in, how that experience & connection manifests itself in our character, our psyche, and how deeply nourishing, spiritually and psychologically, it is when we've occasion to revisit those places, something that most of this recent trip of ours was about, altho' it wasn't until we came face to face with that reality whilst watching this wonderful 29 minute (or so) film out in this visitor center out in the middle of nowhere, l'Marquis might even have had a tear in his eye, Binky, iz true...